V-Announcements: Velominati Partner Coupons & Discounts

We interrupt our usual programming to announce a new and exciting program between Velominati and our Partners: Velominati Partner Coupons & Discounts.
DeFeet has been quietly supporting Velominati almost since our inception, using Rule #5 and Rule #9 to promote their line of products which fall squarely into the Flandrian Best range of cycling kit. As of last Summer, we officially partnered up to offer prizes to some VSP events and to provide the V-Socks.
We’re proud to announce that we’re opening the throttle a bit more and are now offering discounts at the DeFeet online store for the Velominati Community. For those Community Members who have risen above that of a Level 4 Velominatus, we are offering a coupon worth 10% off any order. Furthermore, anyone who has purchased a pair of V-Socks will earn a coupon for 20% off their orders. Rule #49 applies; don’t share your coupon with non-Velominati and please don’t abuse these promotions. I’d also like to point out that this is not a Rule #58 violation; DeFeet sells their product direct to consumers via their website.
Keep your eye on this space as we’ll be looking to expand this program with our other partners where it makes sense. In order to access your coupons, log in to your account (or register if you don’t already have an account); you can access your coupons from either the Dashboard or your Profile page.
Vive La Vie Velominatus.
How doth one rise about Level 4? (How is babby formed?)
ez – See Rule #5, that’s how!
Time, effort, and yes, even a bit of suffering.
Cool news, Frank! Already using a bunch of gear from DeFeet, would love to add a wool base layer.
Exactly, their shit is great I already use their arm warmers and gloves on nearly every fall, winter, and spring ride. I think I’ll pick up a un-d tank or two for spring/summer.
@Ron Right… perhaps it’s through illuminating responses or asinine retorts. Le sigh.
Very nice indeed. Thanks as oak ways for the hard work.
@frank Strong work. Absolutely love my defeet kit, wool arm and leg warmers, regular and wool shops.
Gutted that they don’t ship outside the US from their on-line store, though. Want one of their summer base layers.
Do any of your local shops sell their stuff? I’ve never actually bought anything from them online, always through a shop here in town. I know that means you wouldn’t get the discount then, though.
I wanted to like the wool kneekers so badly, but my legs just aren’t long enough for them.
@mcsqueak You can get some of their stuff but it’s a bit more than their listed price even when you take into account discounts at this end. Some off it goes out of stock very quickly like the knee warmers and some of it you never see like the wool base layer or the ice base layer.
The 20% discount would make it worthwhile having a bit of a stock up. I may have to get some shipped to a mate in New York who is comming over in a couple of months.
@mcsqueak My legs are a bit stubby for the knee warmers but they’re so good that I’ve been wearing them every time I go out on the bike despite only showing enough skin for 2 inch Belgian tan lines.
There’s no way I’m going back to bib tights unless it gets way down below freezing.
Join the conversation and your level will increase with time. Basically, it runs a highly complex (i.e. error-prone) algorithm that thinks about how many posts you’ve made in recent months and how active you’ve been and escalates you through the ranks.
Likewise, I don’t own any bib tights because bibs are expensive enough already without buying a pair you can’t wear for 6 months out of the year because it’s far too hot.
@ez participation is key!
@Chris maybe a fellow Velominati can help you out. ie have it shipped to them and they ship it to you. Might be worth it on a big enough order. I am more than willing to Help. Ask frank for my email addy If you want to give it a try.
Easy EZ, good things come to those who persevere…
is “highly complex algorithm” another way of saying it counts how many posts you make?
V-socks ordered, BOOM, 20%-off DeFeet coupon ready and waiting. Another base layer for me.
Tres slick.
The idea of wearing extra layers during the summer her has always seemed like a bad idea. That’s until I saw the UnD Lite. That looks very interesting. Does anyone know if they work?
Cheers, Keepers and DeFeet!
Great initiative, positive recognition of the combined group as a whole.
Well played sir, now do the ship to Oz ?
Well, thats a bit of a flaw, isn’t it? I’ll check with DeFeet and see what I can do, if anything.
Love my DeFeet Honey Badger socks… UnD Lite would be nice. I like a light layer under the bibs and its rarely that warm out here in NorCal
Sometimes it amazes me that this shit works. @McSqueak texted me a photo of his screen with the coupon within two minutes of me pushing the update out to the site. I hadn’t even written the announcement yet. And it worked. Very cool.
Then other times, my code works for shit. You just can’t count on idiocy like you used to.
You basically cracked it, except it looks at some trending activity as well. Which is where I’ve engineered most of the bugs.
Sorry about the pictures in advance. I’m too tired to write.
Love my Un-D-Lite. The thing is that the undershirts are much better at wicking than spandex. You’re wearing another layer, but its keeping you drier, rather than soaking up sweat like a swath of wet lycra. Yuck.
DeFeet stuff is great. I wear Woolie Boolie or Wooleator socks every day, on or off the bike. Knee and arm warmers too (but just on the bike). I second the disappointment that they don’t ship to Canada.
@Chris MEC carries some DeFeet (socks, warmers, base layers) and the Cdn prices are in line with or better than MSRP.
Awww heck yeah De Feet are the mutts nuts; they make some of their products from recycled materials, and are happy to do a bit of advocacy as well.
If they do end up shipping to Aus, let me know straight away. With winter coming here I’ve a strong hankering for base layers and wool socks. And knee socks. Yeah you all can suck it I like their tall socks.
Perfect! I am in the market for some oversocks, so timely this is…
Great hook up. I’ve been wearing de feet woolie boolie 2 socks all winter and they are amazing, I would recommend any northern hemisphere types picking up a pair.
I’ve also got keekers knee warmers and slipstream overshoes. As others have mentioned, the knee warmers are long (I’m 184cm tall) but I find they sit further up the leg than normal knee warmers so don’t be put off when you first try them.
The overshoes are great and look PRO in white. However a limited run in V-orange would be fantastic…
@Deakus Wiggle have a great deal on the overshoes at the moment in the UK.
Thanks for the offer, it’s things like this that make this site so fucking awesome, but I will go through my friend in NY.
It’s not a trust thing but Her Majesties Customs and Excise has a nasty habit of demanding money from me whenever I get a package of goodies from overseas. Tends to write off any savings that I might have otherwise made. Bastards.
Defeet make some kick ass socks. Can’t wait to get some V-socks. Bad thing is I’ll have to start posting more or actually start posting and not just lurking. I apologize to all those I will annoy.
DeFeet makes the best Belgian Booties, there needs to be some V-booties
Awesome! This allows me to keep with my tradition of “never pay retail” for cool cycling kit.
Hey, Where’s my gravatar?
Second the UnD Lite. I was a bit skeptical, too (a synthetic layer is a synthetic layer, right?), but started wearing it on the warmest days. Love it. The theory is that it wicks the sweat off the skin to an outer layer where it evaporates. And it actually feels like it works. I’m going to try an UnD Shurt this time, to replace the wicking running top with the sleeves cut off that I’ve been wearing under my Gabba jersey on cool damp days.
I just showed this to my VMH, who is cursing about some coding problem she’s banging away at across the breakfast table. She gave me one of those weak squinty smiles that say, “Why don’t you lube your chamois and get the fuck out of here?”
I don’t know, dude. You’ve still got your cog, so I’m guessing you deleted your picture from http://gravatar.com?
How else are they supposed to afford that new royal baby? God save the Queen’s great-grandbaby!
I stole it.
Sadly, just like with riding, it appears you can backslide in ranking if not participating enough.
Au contraire, Billy and Kate stole it for the new royal sprog. They’re going to call it Bonnie Prince Scaler.
Chapeau to the Keepers!
This is a really great deal Thanks.
I’ve been looking at their products and I really might have to get some soon.
I’m trying to figure out wether that’s a compliment or a diss. I’m going with the latter. I’m Irish, so fuck the Pom’s.
Tell me about it!
@Frank Umm, for the last few days my status on the V has gone from Black to level 4 and back, depending which device I am using or if I am logging in from home or work. Just mentioning it, but is there something that can be done to fix it?
You keep switching what email address you’re logged into the site with; stick with one and you should stay constant.
LOL or a brush with greatness?
the other day,i made a comment on velo news,the day cav was whining about his teamamtes not giving him an armchair ride to the finish,anyway i said cavendouche strikes again ! thinking in part of the smiths song big mouth strikes again,and in part i’d read it on here and though it a fitting title.anyway i login to fb today and i see it has 7 or 8 likes so i mouse over it,to see in anyone i know liked it,here’s the result 1.j.paige 2,v.klit 3.edvald boasson hagen 4.r.delfoss etc, lol. just thought i’d share,as i had a good laugh when i first saw it,cheers.
ps sorry i didn’t know where to post this,so feel free to delete if its in the wrong spot.
DeFeet coupon deployed. Nice that it is for the entire order. I had been on the fence about trying the ICE base layer and this was just enough of a push to knock me off. I’ll write a review once the 35C days roll around.
Great job, Keepers.
How long are the coupons good for and does it cause a rift in the space time continuum if you use a velominati coupon to order the YJA safety kit?
Nice work Brian. Funny his ex-teammates enjoyed it too. We have been tough on the manx man here but then again, we are tough on nearly everyone at some point.
Hmm, I am testing from home now. My Gravatar wasn’t showing up either so logged in and changed the photo…
wow. It seems that ever since there was this socks deal, I have been demoted. c’est desolie
Hey Frank, it took me a bit, but I figured out that my gravatar email and y profile email were not matching up. I guess I hadn’t realized that I changed my profile to a work email. All good now, thanks.
I think this partner coupon with DeFeet is spectacular. I’m a resident of Asheville, NC, USA and DeFeet is just down the mountain from us. DeFeet regularly sponsors local rides, races and clubs here in Asheville. They are a great company that fully supports the sports they create socks for. I have run numerous marathons and participate in the regions cycling events in this area and I can state unequivocally that I DeFeet socks are by far the best I have ever worn. If you are considering buying V socks from them, I do not think you would be disappointed.
I finally got around to using the sweet 20% off discount on a UnD lite base layer. The first base layer I have owned. I just got it in the mail and I am getting ready to test it out on this Rule #9 day that is 41.11 degrees out side at the moment. While I was at it I ordered a “grab bag” of sock, 6 for $17, boy did I get some strange ones.