In Memoriam: Loose Ball Bearings

The darker months bring out the macabre in each of us; for Gianni it was the extinction of his beloved Park Tool adjustable clamp. For me, I found myself mourning the fact that I recently purchased a headset press. Ignoring the fact that a Velominatus of my stature didn’t already own one, the mourn behind the mourn is where the interest lies.
What could possibly compel anyone to grieve over buying one of the most remarkable tools a person could own? I once installed a headset using only a wooden staircase, a two-by-four, and a hammer. My dad was surprised I managed to get the cups installed properly; my mother was surprised at the state of the steps. Using a press to install a headset is a beautiful process but it also doesn’t surprise anyone the way installing a headset with a hammer and a block of wood does.
In my life as a Cyclist, I have rarely required my own headset press; my dad owned a press when I was growing up and by the time I lived far enough from my dad’s workshop to merrit buying my own tool, headsets had evolved to the modern sealed cartridge bearing which only requires opposable thumbs to install. The headset press was running down the same trail upon which the whippoorwill was last seen right until some bright spark decided that screw-in bottom-bracket cups were too expensive to manufacture and that it would be a good idea to seat them directly into the frame. At which point the headset press made a surprising re-entry into the Velominatus’ toolbox on the same terms that my former headset installation technique impressed my mother.
I mourn this for two reasons. First, BB30 (and its relatives) are based on a sound principle where one increases the support to the fulcrum to keep it from flexing under load while simultaneously increasing the diameter of the crank’s axle to reduce flex there as well. The result is pretty obvious to anyone who has ridden a bike using this system; it’s like riding without a chain the first time you use one. The point missed is that the BB shell is made generically to a loose standard instead of specifically to a manufacturer’s requirements, and the tolerances aren’t nearly tight enough to keep the system from creaking without the application of Loctite or the like, which is an abomination in itself. A bicycle should not require Loctite, ever.
Second – and more concerningly – it brings into mind the point that we have strayed far from The Path.
There was a time when the adjustment of a bearing against its races was an art mastered by the great artisans of our sport. Bearings are designed to reduce the friction between two surfaces that need to rotate around one another and consist of a system of two races (a cup and a cone) and a set of metal or ceramic balls which sit between the races. Each of the races are attached to the rotating surfaces, and the chief business of the balls is to facilitate expedient movement between the two, mostly because balls are good at rolling, and not much else besides chasing if you ask my dog. How effective the bearing is (how much it reduces the friction) is a function of how smooth the surfaces of the races are, how round the balls are, and how little tension exists between the three.
Art is about expressing perfection in a world of flaws; within this definition, adjusting a set of bearings is perhaps the most perfect example of art. No surface is perfectly smooth and no ball is perfectly round, which means that all bearings are flawed. To combat this, we add lubrication which helps smooth out the imperfections but also increases resistance. The master artisan balances these flaws to achieve the state closest to perfection.
The first time I rebuilt a hub, I spent hours adjusting the system; first teh bearings would be so loose that the axle would rattle. Then I’d tighten it to where the bearings felt rough. Back and forth the pendulum swung until the bearings spun smoothly. My pride brimmed over at my own success. The Master takes that as a starting point and works from there until they find perfection. This is the sort of skill that, in the past century, not only demanded the highest pay among mechanics, but secured their reputation and fixed their place in the industry.
Today, we adjust bearings with an allen key. We press them in with a headset press if our opposable thumbs can’t do the trick, and then we use a hex key to tighten the sucker just enough that we can stand how it functions. Its no way to live, although I admit it is a practical way to live.
But we aren’t professionals; we are disciples. I don’t care about practical, I care about the experience. My Campa Record hubs still have loose bearings, but that’s the only bicycle I own which still holds this relic. And I don’t even own the tools to properly adjust them. So for 2015, I set for myself the following goal: I endeavor to rebuild at least one of my bikes with a full compliment of adjustable, loose ball-bearings – the headset, the wheels, the bottom bracket. That is my mission, that is my rite. I shall embrace the cartridge bearing as part of the modern bicycle, but I will journey down the path to maintain my skill in adjusting a true bearing.
Vive la Vie Velominatus.
I’m pretty sure all of Shimano’s hubs are cup and cone.
No sign of de-lamination yet, can’t understand why they even put it on the alu rim in the first place, still a great wheel set, and they did replace yours, my cassette was 1 year and 1 week old…. still waiting….
Yes, Ultegra are for sure:
I’ve recently had a dark night of the soul, bought about by this article – of the 8 wheel sets in the house, 4 are loose ball cup and cone, the rest are sealed bearings.
Mavic Ksyriums (Bleurgh revolting)
Ultegra hubs, Nemesis rims
DA hubs, open pros
Zipp 303s (super, duper light but not the best hubs)
Hed Stinger 6s sealed bearings
Campagnolo record track hub
Easton EC90 track wheels (like the zipps)
Shimano mtb wheels on the commuter.
The only redeeming feature, apart from the commuter wheels, is the relative quality of the cup and cone hubs I’ve got, which in my reckoning compensates for owning so much sealed bearing garbage.
Track is a whole other kettle of fish. Track racers have avoided external BBs because the cranks squirm in the bearings. DA BBs are octalink, which isa sealed unit, and a lot of the square taper BBs will use sealed cartridges.
I have 2 Sugino 75 cranksets with BBs, and with the bearing retainers they are fricken amazeballs. You can reduce the friction by ditching the bearing retainers, and use grease to hold them in place, and they’re even smoother.
And, in a one time only deal that no one cares about any more, tracks used to strip the grease out of their hubs and replace with light oil for important races to really spin up with zero friction.
A lot of street fixie BS will use external BBs, and Sram Omnium cranks (Not standard or top end by any means) use an external BB but most stick quality cranks stick with at least cartridge bbs.
Old school was to take one ball out of each side and run dry.
I wouldn’t go for ceramic bearings in the desert. Our desert has mostly very fine sand – not coarse like beach sand – which seems to creep past every barrier. Our windows and doors all have seals and yet there’s still a fine line after every sandstorm, and the bikes, well… With the amount of power-washing and applications of hard degreasers, I could be a cyclocross pit mechanic.
It tears through everything, but it seems that ceramic bearings are hit the hardest. My mum used to have Campag’s ceramic BB and hubs, as well as ceramic hubs on her DT190/ENVE wheels, and had to change them out practically every few months. Went back to steel at some point – it’s cheaper to replace, seems to last longer (or at least, deteriorate slower and less suddenly) and basically just as fast. Or at least, insignificant.
I love it when you have your bike in the stand and you put a wheel with a perfectly adjusted Record or DA hub in the fork and the wheel just slowly rolls around of it’s own accord to have the heaviest part eventually settle at the bottom.
My record track hubs are pre-sheriff star hubs with cutouts and the high flange, as far as my inter web sleuthing goes they’re from around 1976/7. That they spin as smoothly as anything I’ve seen is, frankly amazing. They’re older than I am.
Ceramics surely just have benefits at 10,000 rpm and up. On a bike, especially with some of the procedures that go into the races and design, you’re throwing money away.
But, fucken whatever floats your boat. A ball bearing that is close to the other bearings in terms of millions of a mm and dissipates heat that isn’t generated on a bike might be a good way to spend your money, in the same way heroin seems like a good idea at the time.
Even my Circa 1980 Nuovo Record, high flange hubs do that, and that’s with slightly pitted races.
I work on the principle that a god set of old balls beats a young set every time…..
I do usually aim at an oily rag but sometimes the darned things have a mind of their own. The funniest one recently was the bright idea to use a tin so they couldn’t roll away from the rag. It’s surprising how much bounce a ball bearing can get from the bottom of a tin………..
or even a “good” set…
I have a mismatched wheelset that came on a bike I picked up used. Too good of a deal to pass on the complete bike. Open Pro rims to black Record hubs with silver DT spokes. The problem is one rim is black, one silver. Such a nice wheelset that I’ve never been able to bring myself to break them down and do it right. Life can be rough! But, one day, maybe soon I’ll have matching rims.
I have the same memory kicking around in my noggin somewhere and had the same experience looking for it, albeit from the desktop.
That’s a classic!
I had to look at the URL to see if I hadn’t accidentally bounced over to the development site with old data when I saw your name. Good to see you back around these here parts.
@Marko rode my steel with the Record hubs (’98) when he was here last and he kept coasting by everyone in the group on the descents with a shit-eatin’ grin because the wheels rolled so fast.
I can get my CK and Alchemy hubs to spin in the stand until the valve is at the bottom, but I adjust them so loose there is play in the axle. Doesn’t bother me but its certainly less glorious than the Records.
Hmmm – Testing Testing @frank weird things happening there with icons.
I think this is where I’m at. I remember, as a younger person, working in the high school auto shop and pressing bearings for various automotive applications. Much larger than those on a bike, yet still a giant pain in the ass. I am certain that there is a measure of manliness in possessing the know-how to replace my own bearings, but I’d personally rather ride my bike than press bearings into position. Also, someone mentioned in another thread that the capability of the average human to accurately feel small differences in performance (such as would be the case with free bearings vs. cartridge) is entirely negligible. So maybe I’ll be OK.
Grrr! Above post got all jacked up. Retry:
@all Does anyone know where to get that aluminum dust cap, as seen in the above Record hub? I lost one on the front of my Chorus hub, so one side looks silver and shiny, the other side has the black donut exposed like the second pic above. It annoys me every time I see my wheel mismatched. I’ve searched the interwebs for the piece but can’t find one.
@MangoDave Find the same decent hub used. Hard to isolate that piece.
Also have the same hub available new. Chorus.
@MangoDave US? try Branford bike in Seattle or vecchios in boulder.
I know what you guys mean about loose balls and winter projects. I rebuilt this Deore DX hub last winter as part of my “Love Your ’92 Rocky Mountain Hammer Project.” I spent hours fiddling with little metal balls, grease and cone wrenches in my basement shop as the December days grew darker and darker. Therapeutic. Spiritual even.
I wish I never said anything.
They required some break-in, but my DA C24 7850’s, properly tuned, equal butter fried in lard and served on an oil slick. Smoov…
@MangoDave and, in particular, @freddy: nice photos! @Frank: nice article!
Oli my Friend! Don’t let the Bastardos get you down!
Quick, who are these three gentlemen???
@Buck Rogers
Left to right: Gino Bartali, Jean Robic and . . . not sure. Doesn’t look like Coppi and I can’t get a look-see on the jersey. Bartali’s says Bartali on it. Robic’s a funny-looking wee bugger so he’s easy to spot. That some Rule #9 riding going on for sure!
Fuck’in STRONG work, Brother! I did not know all of them. I just searched on google images for a cool old photo–fortunately for me, the subpage had them all identified and you are correct on the two you have named. Robic was a funny looking little bastard so I knew him but the other two I would not have guessed. Let’s see if anyone (Oli) can get the third!
Had to try to offset the bullshit, completely non-contributory, comment to Oli’s earlier comment.
Raphael Geminiani?
@pistard Nope!
I will tell later (not that I knew without looking at the subtitled page it came from) but I want to see if Oli can tell us (or I will confirm it if someone else gets it right beforehand).
I love these old photos and trying to guess who is in them and what year/race they are from. Frahnk ought to have a subpage just for this type of thing to have fun with!
Bearings are the final frontier of wrenching for me. Short of cutting carbon bits (which I let the LBS do purely for replacement reasons, I figure they break it they buy it) I have become competent at just about everything but loose ball bearing work.
Last year, partly based off Frank’s lust for campy record hubs, and partly based off a hair brained notion to race cross on an Italian steel (well Italian branded) / campy adorned machine, I built up a set of cross wheels with record 10 hubs. This winter they will require a rebuild, so I guess I’m in for the pound now.
I’ll go that route if I have to, but it would be better if I could just find the part.
Thanks. I didn’t see anything on Brandford’s website, an obscure thing like the hub piece probably requires a phone call.
And to be more on topic, my Chorus hubs are 14 years old and still magnificently smooth.
@Buck Rogers The light bulb went on about 30 seconds after I posted that. Once you realize why Coppi’s nowhere in sight, it’s obvious.
@Buck Rogers is that Bartali’s team mate, Jomaux?
I agree — find the piece. My rationale was to secure a replacement [ bargain ] hub for the unforeseen future and rob the small piece in the meantime.
Checking the toolbox though, I’ve confirmed that that hub is actually pre-black Record — silver.
So your guess is?
Opinions being what they are, everyone to their own. That’s the beauty of the sport. I love my old Campy hubs, for sure. But are Campy wheels fast? Sort of. Zipp is recognized as having some of the fastest wheels available, used by tons of pros, many with the Zipp logo blacked out. The bearings? Cartridge.
@Bruce Lee
Agreed…cartridge bearings that are replaced almost every other race. Why?..they empty out the grease and run them on oil. I have done the same thing for my track wheels for big events. But that’s not something the average guy can do on a regular basis. And let’s talk top level fast…the guys that do the most to find marginal gains…every extra little ounce of speed..yeah..Team Sky. The wheels they use…Shimano…with loose ball bearings…
Pretty sure you’ve got it but want to make sure! Not trying to be an ass or anything (but, in my defense, I have been told that I cannot help being an ass at most times)!
@Buck Rogers
I’m thinking Koblet.
@Buck Rogers
Dammit – it’s the ever-stylin Hugo Koblet.
DING, DING, DING!!! We have winners!!! Well done, Lads!!!
Photo is from the Giro 1950. Alright @pistard, since you guessed it, your turn to throw up an old photo and see if we can figure it out!
One other thing about that photo: Koblet was the “pedaller of charm.” Bartali always looked good and stylish. Alas, poor Robic made Michel Pollentier look good on a bike and that’s saying something. Later in his career Robic wore an old school leather helmet. Trust me, don’t google it – he looked awful. Great rider – sartorially terrible.
Pretty sure that Robic’s son went into cinema
@Buck Rogers
This should be easy, Bartali on the left and you know it’s the 1952 Tour: