Categories: Accessories and Gear

The Great Debate: Pump or Chuck

I’ve said it once before, but it bears repeating now: adherence to Rule #29 carries with it the ultimate mission of the aspiring Velominatus, which is to geek out endlessly over the minimum amount of gear which yields maximum security in the event of a mechanical incident while riding.

The goal here is twofold. First, with no European Posterior Man Satchel dangling off the back of your bike like an elephant’s nutsack, pocket real estate is at a premium; filling them up with unneeded tools seems wasteful. Second, sagging pockets are as distressing as an EPMS, so care must be taken to ensure the pockets stay as light as possible.

Minimalist multi tool, lightweight inner tube or tubbie goo, and tire levers are all obvious choices; one is left only to endeavor to find the lightest model of each which still functions reliably (a lifetime can be devoted to this task). But that leaves us with the delicate matter of how we choose to resupply the air which provides a simple yet critical element to repairing the most common mechanical of all, the flat tire. The question in this case is, of course, whether to choose a chuck and cartouche c-oh-duex or minipump. Ignoring the obvious utility of being able to challenge someone to a mini-pump duel in the event of irreconcilable difference of opinion on critical matters of La Vie Velominatus, both means of air resupply have their merits.

Dictum 1 above has historically put me in the camp of using a chuck and two C02 cartridges. (One cartouche is not enough, I am much too clumsy to depend on my ability not to bugger the first one up.) First of all, the Lezyne Trigger Drive appeals to my sense of aesthetics; it’s small, nicely crafted, feels great in the hand and can provide hours of fidgeting should it find its way into my pants pocket. I can’t get excited about any particular C02 cartridge, but they are small and simple and I have an inherent appreciation for anything with a thread on it.

Dictum 2, however, does give me some pause; the ensamble is anything but a featherweight. Enter my Lezyne Carbon Roadlite, which was given to me when Lezyne came onboard as Air and Tool Supplier for Keepers Tour 2012. Initially, the pump only accompanied me on wet rides (C02 has a tendency to cause some freezing when discharged in cold, wet weather – very unpleasant). But before long, it began to creep into my thick noggin that the little devil hardly weighs a thing and is more than small enough to fit in my pocket without protruding out of the top, which is most unsightly and considered entirely unacceptable. Today, I find myself reaching for the pump more often than I do the chuck as it lightens my kit a bit, allowing me to consume an additional ale or two without contributing to any overall rider-kit-bike weight gains.

I find myself wondering where others fall in the Great Debate; which path do you walk, Pump or Chuck?

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The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

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  • Pump.  It is often damp when I ride (increasingly often in the foggy early AM), and I've had the CO2 disconcertingly frost up too many valve stems. Even when I ride in the middle of the day, I don't want to think about which set of inflation gear I'm bringing, so I've more or less abandoned the cartouches.  And the Lezyne minipump is great -- being a retrogrouch I have the shiny/black metal one.

  • Neither.

    As a true aspiring Velominatus my ride is not prone to getting flats. They interrupt one's true attempt at the embodiment of Rule #5.

  • Pump. Guaranteed to work. Not so obtrusive anymore.  And you can hit someone or something with it if necessary.

  • I have the Lezyne floor pump and Trigger Drive, so I Chuck home and away.

    The Trigger Drive is simple, fast, and as you say, fits neatly away in a tiny zipped pouch that goes in the rear pocket with other essentials.  I like the look of that carbon mini-pump though

    But there are issues, all of which can probably summed up by the phrase "You're not doing it right."

    The freezing, which you mention, was a problem; but allowing a few moments with a warm hand around the chuck has rendered this mostly a non-issue for me of late.

    Secondly, in valves with removable cores, I have to lock-tite the core in so it doesn't come off while removing the chuck; it's a bummer to lose all that newly uncompressed CO2.  A guy at an LBS says he's never had someone ask specifically for a tube with a non-removable valve core.

    Finally, I can't seem to get the full pressure I'd want with a CO2 cartridge and have brought along a mini-pump on a long ride just to get those last few kilo-pascals. 

    Thus I Chuck and Pump which makes me a CHUMP.

  • Carrying a Lezyne pump AND CO2 these days - in jersey pocket of course. I think I will lose the CO2 and keep the pump going forward - something about an endless supply of air for the pump appeals to me. Those Lezyne tire irons you show look way cooler than my plastic ones. Rock on with the posts, Frank.

  • These days, I'm carrying only a Blackburn CO2 inflator with multitool attached.  In center pocket it goes (from L to R) Inflator, spare tube, phone/$20/Credit Card in small see through bag.  This setup all fits standing straight up in most jerseys I own, and nothing pokes out the top of the pocket.  Keys (minimum needed to access house or car) go in the left side pocket, and cleat covers go in the right pocket.

  • One or two CO2, it depends from how long the loop will be, never considered to put a (small) pump on the frame or in the jersey pockets.

    Just once the two CO2 were not enough, but a coach full of german cyclists saved my day!

  • I gleefully stuff my pockets with both, phone, ID/money/bank card as well and depending on length of ride a few cooked potatoes.hahahaha

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