

An old man with a bike.
Cogal Report: The Seattle Summer Cogal 2013: The V-to-V Stage CogalCogal Report: The Seattle Summer Cogal 2013: The V-to-V Stage Cogal

Cogal Report: The Seattle Summer Cogal 2013: The V-to-V Stage Cogal

Yes, we got piss drunk after the 2012 Seattle Summer Cogal and dreamed up the V-to-V Stage Cogal: epic riding,…

12 years ago

Guest Article: Ride 542 – the Mt. Baker Hill Climb

@eightzero is throwing down the sweaty gauntlet here. He has a vision of a V-kitted, Rule compliant freight train of…

13 years ago

Seattle Summer Cogal 2012 Report

Some weeks ago, I took notice that the days were getting longer (note that this is not necessarily synonymous with…

13 years ago

Guest Article: Just give me something – something I can use

In our continuing guest article series, @eightzero weighs in on the modern cycling jersey. It's made of some unholy material…

13 years ago