
Errant Velominatus (too many Rule Violations to mention including Rule #33 enforced by @Mrs Chris), lover of the Pavé, Rule #6 and roller sessions. Gruppetto specialist and occasional voiture balai passenger. Firm believer in if not adherent to Rule 12: ° 2011 Cannondale CAAD8 105, ° 2006 Cannondale Prophet, ° ???? Redline Flight Pro - Built up from eBay parts aftet finding that standing around watching the kids ripping up the BMX track gets a bit dull. Scared myself shitless on the track so itgenerally gets used as a run around. Had a 2007 Marin Quake as well but sold that to fund my attendance at KT13 In real life, 43 year old father of three living in Cambridgeshire and working in London.

Guest Article- An Invitation to Suffer: The Rapha Manchester to London Challenge

I have met @chris on the original Keepers Tour. He seemed like a reasonable person at the time. Then again,…

11 years ago

2013 London Cogal Report or the Shipping Forecast

I realise that I may never live this down, and that my reputation within the Velominati community will be damaged…

11 years ago

Guest Article: Edric’s Windy, Wet, Wild Wiggle

One of the cairns on the unknowable path to Cyclist is riding one's first unimaginable distance. In the non-metric world…

13 years ago