We just finished a thorough examination of the Cyclist's marquee accoutrement, the Cycling Cap. Today's lesson is about the Cycling Cap's…
We want to look like Pros, sure, but what we're really after is feeling Pro. All the aesthetics are just a…
It doesn't take a genius to see what's going on here. Rule #5, Rule #9, Rule #10; every rider in…
One of the things that strikes me most about the English is they don't appear to have developed any sort…
I'm not saying I'm Batman; if I was Batman it would be a foolish thing to admit to and if I wasn't Batman…
I've never been to Africa before, although I'm not sure Cape Town counts as "Africa". One thing I noticed is…
There is nothing more disappointing than discovering the truth behind a myth or spotting the mortal behind a legend. This is why I…
To keep chickens is to walk a path towards introspection. From the songs they sing after laying an egg (which…
I've lost a lot of things that were, at some point or another, dear to me. At times, I've even…
I love wine. I mean, I like beer and scotch and can't resist ordering a Vesper whenever I pretend to…
Doing things the hard way is a luxury. It says to the world that we've beat evolution; intelligence is no match for…
I'm getting too old and cranky for all this race schedule changing. I know they already did this last year…
Happy living in our stressful lives is all about organization. For instance, I like to sort the tasks first by priority…
You can only spend so much time with the Schlecks before you start talking like them, and the fabulous Fabs…
It never gets easier, you just go faster. - Greg LeMond Rule #5 looms above the other Rules in terms of…
Stupidity is a powerful force never to be underestimated. Geese are a good example; a more stupid vertebrate one would be most challenged to…
Summer is a time for getting fat. Winter is a time for getting fat as well, but in a different…
There was never any question in my mind that tubulars are more romantic than clinchers, and as a Velominatus I…
Most great ideas in life are accompanied by an unforeseen consequence of equal or greater magnitude. For instance, no one…
After a night of sinning, the body must be cleansed. -The Prophet, Eddy Merckx After a week away in Atlanta for…