
Insight on Rule #34

Rule #34-Mountain bike shoes have their place-on a mountain bike. During our very recent Cogal I gained some on-the-road insight on…

12 years ago

The Sunday Morning Reasonable Ride

I rousted Frank early. The Sunday morning group ride rolls out at 6:30 am from Twin Falls. As I put…

12 years ago

Reverence: Lezyne Tyre Levers

Two summers ago my wife and I had the pleasure of visiting friends in Switzerland. The country is so expensive…

12 years ago

The Tubeless Enigma

There must still be a few readers out there who have not followed the Dutch Monkey down the merry tubular…

12 years ago

Meditations on the V-Meter

There was no need for Rule 74 until the cyclometer showed up on our handlebars. According to the late Sheldon…

12 years ago

Awesome Almost Belgian Guys: Alex and William

Recently we had a photo of Yates on the stones. Two days later, it was the killer photo of Boonen…

12 years ago

Cogal Report: Scottish McCogal 2012

The first Velominati Scottish Cogal is in the books. Organized and supported by Clan Engine, it looked to be a…

12 years ago

Choose Your Parents Wisely

Evelyn Stevens was working on Wall Street four years ago and is now the best American women cyclist. How is…

12 years ago

Velominati Super Prestige: Paris Tours 2012

The final race of the 2012 Velominati Super Prestige season is upon us. It's not the most inspiring race, supposedly…

12 years ago

Book Reviews: Racing Through the Dark, The Secret Race

I must admit to not having read most of the cycling memoirs in the Works. I may eventually but the…

12 years ago

Velominati Super Prestige: Women’s Road Championship 2012

It seems like just weeks ago that Cav won his rainbow stripes, things were said, umbrage was taken. Luckily we have…

12 years ago

Best Kit Ever?

What is the best pro team kit ever? I'm talking team kit only, not a leader's jersey, national team jersey…

12 years ago

Awesome Belgian Guys: Edwig Van Hooydonk

It was Frank's recent post that started all this. Mentioning Breukink always makes me think of my friend's saying, "I…

13 years ago

Does a Bike Have a Soul?

Does a bike have a soul? I can't make that argument, I don't think I do either, actually. But we…

13 years ago

Cogal Report: Sydney Convict Cogal-2012

@Harminator dreamed up the Sydney Cogal months ago and the report has just floated in. Bad weather, good attitudes, plenty…

13 years ago

Reverence: Speedplay Pedals

I'm old as dirt. My first two race bikes employed toe clips and toe straps and that set-up was bad.…

13 years ago

Cogal Report: 2Much on 100-2012

This has been in the works for a while. I don't want to take up too much time as you…

13 years ago

In Memoriam: Olympic Tandem Match Sprint

The Olympic track racing fires off tomorrow and it's time to remember an event discarded to the bin of noble…

13 years ago

Cogal Report: San Francisco Cogal 2012

@Nate organized this gem up in Marin, California. Where are all you people out there? At least he was not…

13 years ago

Velominati Super Prestige: Tour de France 2012, Stage 16

Which bold rider has this stage circled in their tour bible? Wednesday July 18th, Stage 16, 197 km. The day…

13 years ago