
Il Gruppo Progetto: Serotta Colorado AL

The Velominatus' machine is their own manifestation of personal taste and demonstration of adherence to The Rules.  We each, in…

14 years ago

Anatomy of a Photo: Roulin’ Dirty

After a long, hard day of dishing out pain to the peloton it's time to chillax with der Homies. Here…

14 years ago

Anatomy of a Photo: Thor Personifies The V

What more do you need to know that this picture doesn't already say?

14 years ago

Six Days Of The Worlds – Evanescent Riders of the 90s: Oscar Camenzind

The Swiss surely are making a name for themselves in the Worlds, especially these days with Spartacus taking his fourth…

14 years ago

The V is a Universal Truth

I've got some really cool students. Every year I instruct a course in winter camping, whereby a group of students…

14 years ago

Domestique of the Week: Jose-Luis Arrieta

Yesterday, Cyclops posted a link to a story about the abandonment from the Vuelta and subsequent retirement from cycling of…

14 years ago

The Yellow Princesses

The Velominati would not exist if it weren't for The Rules. Of the current 79 Rules, only two, Rule 34…

15 years ago


Last fall, a wrench at the small LBS in town alerted me to a new race that was being put…

15 years ago

That Is It Obama, I’ve Had It!

When President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, aka the huge stimulus package, into law I figured he…

15 years ago

Tales of a Cyclotourist: Beartooth Hwy

It's been called the most beautiful highway in the world. That, as with most things, can be left to debate.…

15 years ago

Let Me Have It, I Enjoyed a Trail Ride.

The Velominatus' domain is the road. The road is where we practice and hone our craft, work through the agony,…

15 years ago

The A.C. Enigma

With the Spring Classics now turning to debates over motorized doping and the hardman's GT over, perhaps it's time to…

15 years ago

The Salute

Winning salutes are brought up from time to time here on Velominati.  Of all the images and memories we have of…

15 years ago

On Rule 12

If you've been paying close attention to my posts on other Keeper articles lately perhaps you've noticed my stable has…

15 years ago

Flahute: The Hardest of the Hardmen

Few images inspire the Keepers more than those of hardmen grinding away large chainrings on roads of antiquity built as…

15 years ago