
The Color White

I saw the Black Crowes in concert some years ago, and as the band swung into their first number, Chris…

8 years ago

An Open Letter to Drivers

I imagine that unless you're a Cyclist, it is quite difficult to understand what it's like to ride a bicycle…

9 years ago

Hello Operator

Marco Pantani had Armstrong on the ropes. It was the Col de Joux Plane in the 2000 Tour de France and…

9 years ago

Of Mother or Limb: First Week Wrap-Up

As I sit here watching the Tour de France while resting comfortably in my armchair, I find myself ruminating on the risks of…

9 years ago

The Quick Zip Salute

Diego Ulissi did us all a service on stage 4 of the Giro. Not only did he win in the…

9 years ago

The All-Red Onesie

When it comes to personal style and charisma, Marcel Kittel is at the top of the food chain. Only a…

9 years ago

Cut Like a Buffalo

Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 Hour Rule suggests that mastering a skill comes down to an incredible amount of practice; however talented…

9 years ago

Oversharing on the Group Ride

My dog greets every dog on the street as though it were her long lost best friend. As soon as the…

9 years ago

Breathing Through Your Ears

Suffering is part of Cycling the way alcohol is part of liver failure: they are obviously connected but it's too much…

9 years ago

Dream Job

I love working on my bikes. I feel closer to them, like a samurai sharpening their blade or a soldier…

9 years ago

Doing It Wrong

Cycling is a complex sport, one whose fabric is densely woven from the fibers of a Hundred Years War between…

9 years ago

Lean In, Lean Out

I profess to understand every mannerism and habit of the Cyclist. I'm Dutch, and I'm a writer, so it all…

9 years ago

A Study in Casually Deliberate: Start Properly

I was recently asked how one is supposed to handle the delicate situation when departing a traffic signal and you…

9 years ago

Dress Like An Onion: The Art of Layering

The thing about the cold is that you can never tell how cold it is from looking out a kitchen…

9 years ago

The Nine Kit

Riding in bad weather is an incredible experience assuming you don't fall off and break your hip, or you don't get…

9 years ago

On Rule #12: The Bike #1 Paradox

[rule number=12/] The only parents who proclaim to have a favorite child are the ones who have only one; all…

10 years ago

Team USA: Doomed From The Start

The Road Cycling World Championships are on our doorstep. The USA is hosting, which makes me nervous immediately. How can…

10 years ago

Cover High Before You Cover Low

With the transitions of seasons occurring all over the world as Summer shifts to Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and…

10 years ago

In Memoriam: The Funny Bike

Summer, it appears, has been snatched abruptly from Seattle's grasp, like a squeak toy from a puppy's mouth. A week ago, we were…

10 years ago

Lock, Sock, and Two Smoking Barrels

It used to be that you could choose any color shoes you wanted, so long as they were black and any color socks,…

10 years ago