
Dead Tired

Before I make this about me, as I always do, I want to give credit to Roberto Ballini, who is…

8 years ago

Evanescent Riders of the 90s: Laurent Dufaux

The Skype conversation went like this: Brett: "Remember Laurent Dufaux?" Frank: "How can I forget? Twat." Brett: "What was that…

11 years ago

Le Mont Ventoux: The Windy Mountain

Legends are central to any culture, ours perhaps more than most. The Ventoux is a French legend, rising 1912m above…

11 years ago

Merckxy Christmas, and a Coppi New Year

It has been a crazy year, this, with our first annual Keepers Tour sorted, partnerships with the industry's leading icons…

12 years ago

Gelukkig Sinterklaas

December 6th is possibly the biggest holiday of the year for the Dutch. We put out our shoe, we write…

12 years ago

Guest Article: Evanescent Riders of the 1890s: The 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps

Joshua - of Beer in the Bidon fame - returns from the depths of doing something scholarly in Montana. I…

12 years ago

The Lexicon: A Retraction

The recent headlines being made in the cycling world have honestly not garnered a whole lot of attention at V-HQ,…

12 years ago

V-Announcements: The Way of the Cycling Disciple

We interrupt the current programming for the following announcement: The more clever among you might have noticed slight shiftings of…

12 years ago

In Memoriam: Olympic Tandem Match Sprint

The Olympic track racing fires off tomorrow and it's time to remember an event discarded to the bin of noble…

13 years ago

V-nnouncements: Summer V-Kit Order and The Apostle Worlds

As I gaze across my living room and see the final packages of the Spring Order's V-Kit ready for shipment,…

13 years ago

Velominati Super Prestige: Women’s Olympic Road Race 2012

What a difference four years can make. In Beijing, Nicole Cooke was the dominant rider in Women's Cycling, taking wins in…

13 years ago

La Femme à Pois

"Becky? Yeah, its Jean-Paul with the Podium Girl Selection Committee. No, I don't know how I landed this job either,…

13 years ago

Spitting Image

When I was but a young Velominatus, my poor mother was often horrified/embarrassed/disgusted by my typical boy's habit of sucking…

13 years ago

Keepers Tour 2012 Update, Part 2: The Lion Rides Today

With Keepers Tour: Cobbled Classics 2012 stitched up and in the history books, the challenge of documenting the trip became…

13 years ago

Guest Article: Oude Kwaremont Beer

Longtime Velominati Jarvis is camping down the road from us in Kemmel. He came by last night to visit and…

13 years ago

Keepers Tour Update: Contact Point Supplier: fi’zi:k

It's crazy to me how fast two months from peaking goes by. At Christmas time I remember thinking how distant…

13 years ago

Look Pro(phetic): Muck Around with Your Seatpost

I have a friend who is borderline OCD. He'll sometimes wash his hands dozens of times a day, doesn't like…

13 years ago

2012 Velominati Super Prestige: New Riders, New Races, New Rules

Focus groups are forced marches out of the safety of our locked and darkened offices to delve into group work…

13 years ago

Announcing New V-Features: Rule V-Compliant Servers

Anyone who has happened by Velominati this past week will know our site has been in a serious breach of…

13 years ago

We Wish You a Merckxy Christmas, and a Coppi New Year

From the bottom of our hearts, and on behalf of everyone at Velominati, we wish you a very Happy Holidays…

13 years ago