
The Justifier

I kind of like the fact that I still have to look up what number certain Rules are. Some stick…

9 years ago

On Rule #28: The Case for Black Socks

[rule number=28/] Science has proven that people who wear crazy socks are smarter than those boring snooze factories who wear…

9 years ago

An Argument About Gloves

Points-of-contact, these are three areas of scrutiny and argument for Velominati; saddles, chamois creme, shoes, socks, handlebar tape so why…

9 years ago

The Punter

They say you can measure the quality of a man's character by his ability to admit when he's wrong. That…

9 years ago

Look Pro: Pre-Ride Afficionado

My office is organizing a holiday 12K run, an invitation to which I replied that one is only to engage in running…

9 years ago

Lock, Sock, and Two Smoking Barrels

It used to be that you could choose any color shoes you wanted, so long as they were black and any color socks,…

10 years ago

Look Pro: Baller

Whenever something tries to be something it isn't, you wind up getting into trouble. Those Cutlass Cruisers in the 70's…

10 years ago

The Tightness of Being

Sprezzatura. Leave it to the Italians to dedicate a word to trying to Look Fantastic without looking like you're trying…

10 years ago

When Kits Were Cool

The modern day Pro cyclist has many disadvantages stacked against them by comparison to their forefathers. They have to ride…

11 years ago

Reverence: DeFeet Wooleators

Cyclists love socks. I know I do. I'd make a point of collecting as many pairs as I could from…

11 years ago

The Unexpected

Gianni really took it in the shorts after trying to sneak his way along with a stealth EPMS. Like an…

12 years ago

Reverent: Ravito

There are many revered places in Cycling, places that are instantly recognisable, places that command their own special page in…

12 years ago

Velominati Kit Redesign: Half Turbine, Half Hazard

Change creeps in slowly, it has a way of taking the seemingly immutable and eroding it over time. It's inevitable; if…

12 years ago

V-nnouncements: Summer V-Kit Order and The Apostle Worlds

As I gaze across my living room and see the final packages of the Spring Order's V-Kit ready for shipment,…

13 years ago

Guest Article: Ride 542 – the Mt. Baker Hill Climb

@eightzero is throwing down the sweaty gauntlet here. He has a vision of a V-kitted, Rule compliant freight train of…

13 years ago

La Vie Velominatus: The Goldilocks Principle

The Rules are about cultivating a passion for riding our bikes to gain the maximum enjoyment possible. This requires humility,…

13 years ago

In Memoriam: The Tricolore

It was a simple time. Team kit was understated, with black shorts and a few colored panels on the jersey.…

13 years ago

Ride Like a Leader: White Bar Tape

When done correctly, Cycling can be both the hardest and dirtiest of sports. We relish in the glory of returning…

13 years ago

Guest Article: Just give me something – something I can use

In our continuing guest article series, @eightzero weighs in on the modern cycling jersey. It's made of some unholy material…

13 years ago

Q1 2012 V-Kit Order

It hasn't always been this way, where we thoughtlessly disembogue 140 characters or less in messages sent into a medium…

13 years ago