La Vie Velominatus

Route Finding

I have memories of my life before Cycling, but as the years wear slowly on my mind their edges become…

8 years ago

The Color White

I saw the Black Crowes in concert some years ago, and as the band swung into their first number, Chris…

8 years ago


I've never been afraid of imitating my heroes, they always seemed like the best examples available and as a student of…

8 years ago

Support Your Local Framebuilder

I won't hold liking cats against you, but if you don't like dogs, you're dead to me. Some things aren't…

8 years ago

Merckxy Christmas and Coppi New Year!

Another year come and gone, another pile of New Year's resolutions out the door, done and dusted. It's a good thing…

8 years ago

On Rule #3: Role Modelling

What we do in life echoes in eternity. - Maximus, Gladiator We all make mistakes. We can only hope that…

8 years ago


It's been about a month since I've last been on the bike; I can't recall the last time I went…

8 years ago

Shifting Sands

One of my favorite stories in Cycling is of the 1989 World Championships. It was a very lumpy parcours, with…

8 years ago


As Cyclists, we are uniquely subjected to the changing of seasons. The green canopy of forest that we ride through…

8 years ago

Guest Article: The Longest Road

Let us thank @The Oracle for contributing this guest article. We haven't been putting up many guest articles so it's…

8 years ago

La Vie Velominatus: The Joyride

There are very few experiences as incredible as riding a bike; the wind in your face, the sensation of generating speed…

9 years ago

The Good Wolf

One evening, an elderly Cherokee brave told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “my…

9 years ago

Waiting for the Man

You have three questions going through your mind: How far to go? How hard am I trying? Is the pace…

9 years ago

An Open Letter to Drivers

I imagine that unless you're a Cyclist, it is quite difficult to understand what it's like to ride a bicycle…

9 years ago

Ebb and Flow

As Tyler Farrar rode by in the other direction, we gave each other a subtle wave; not the wave between friends, but…

9 years ago

Lights On Legs

Cycling is made up of hundreds of minute details, forming a larger entity which is generally simplified and viewed as the intrinsically simple…

9 years ago

The Quitter

The truth is that I'd been thinking about quitting for the best part of forty-five minutes. Round and round I…

9 years ago

On Rule #28: The Case for Black Socks

[rule number=28/] Science has proven that people who wear crazy socks are smarter than those boring snooze factories who wear…

9 years ago

Festum Prophetae: Waiting for the Hour

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. - Mike Tyson The one thing everyone should always…

9 years ago

On Rule #93: The Throw Down

The human mind is designed to forget how much things suck. That is a fact. If women had the capacity to…

9 years ago