Musings from the V-Bunker

Breathing Through Your Ears

Suffering is part of Cycling the way alcohol is part of liver failure: they are obviously connected but it's too much…

9 years ago

Body Language

A true leader rarely asks someone to do something for them; the best leaders inspire through their own example those…

9 years ago

Body Dysmorphia

I am thrilled to announce that for the first time in my life, my chest measurement is smaller than my…

9 years ago

The 2016 VVish List

We made it to the new year! Bicycles have not been outlawed so things are looking up. Yet, the state…

9 years ago

Merckxy Christmas and a Coppi New Year

As 20VVV comes to a close, we'd like to once again thank each and every one of you for your…

9 years ago

À Bloc

The V surrounds us, it penetrates and binds us together. Through disciplined practice we are able to draw from it…

9 years ago

On Rule #30: In Defence Of The Frame Pump

Going against the grain is something I think I've been doing with some degree of success for a good portion…

9 years ago

The Punter

They say you can measure the quality of a man's character by his ability to admit when he's wrong. That…

9 years ago

The Power of Sport

Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the human race. HG Wells The world…

9 years ago

Progressively Retro

Innovation is a beast that lurches in leaps and bounds, fueled by its own momentum and restrained by its own progress.…

9 years ago

On Looking Fantastic

Whenever I do anything, I try my best to project the confidence of Han Solo leaving the cantina after cooking Greedo…

9 years ago

Ace of Base

It's still a month away. You've got plenty of base. If those words were being spoken about an upcoming DJ…

9 years ago

The Nine Kit

Riding in bad weather is an incredible experience assuming you don't fall off and break your hip, or you don't get…

9 years ago


My first bike was a Sears Moonlight Special. It was literally a piece of shit - figuratively. I mean, it…

9 years ago

On Rule #12: The Bike #1 Paradox

[rule number=12/] The only parents who proclaim to have a favorite child are the ones who have only one; all…

9 years ago

Rule #55: Earn Your Turns

I did go out seeking endorphins and inspiration. These articles don't just write themselves. A climb and descent might just…

9 years ago

World Champion

The Worlds are going to be played out on US roads, which is fantastic and the last time it happened we witnessed…

10 years ago

In Praise of Sealant

This was not going to be the Race of Truth. My wife and I were descending different routes to our…

10 years ago

Pinot or Bardet?

That is my question. Both want to be considered great cyclists, not great French cyclists. It is a cruel and…

10 years ago

The Race of Truth

We've all felt it; going over a bump or through a corner and feeling that unmistakable bit of slop in…

10 years ago