
Framebuilding: Subcontractors and Big Names

I've made mention before of Rouleur magazine and their amazing, in-depth articles.  In one of the past issues, they had…

15 years ago

The Golden Era: Downtube Shifters and Delta Brakes

I miss downtube shifters.  I miss them in the same way I miss the days before the widespread use of…

16 years ago

Rock Hoppin’

In keeping with the retro thread from Frank and his MB-Zip, here is the bike I spent my weekend on:…

16 years ago

Johnny T and The Lung

Things were always better in "the good old days". That's what my mate Johnny Klink always says, especially when we're…

16 years ago

La Volupte: I Was Flying Today

About a year and a half ago, as I was just starting to get really serious about cycling again after…

16 years ago

Breaking Away

Whenever anybody asks me "what are your favourite films", when my answer is proffered I'm usually met with a blank stare…

16 years ago

Project Zero

When I was growing up, my family and I did a lot of mountain biking.  It was really just a…

16 years ago