The Rules

On Rule #49: Keep the Rubber Side Down

Gobbles already violated Rule #95 this year when he became the first rider to celebrate winning a Monument by lifting his…

8 years ago

On Rule #3: Role Modelling

What we do in life echoes in eternity. - Maximus, Gladiator We all make mistakes. We can only hope that…

8 years ago

Rule #12 and the Cascade Effect

[rule number=12/] That is a very reasonable opening salvo for the Rule about bike ownership. Three is good and certainly…

8 years ago

The Justifier

I kind of like the fact that I still have to look up what number certain Rules are. Some stick…

9 years ago

On Rule #33: The Sagan Clause

Rule #33 has to be one of the most discussed, deconstructed and divisive of all the Rules. I suppose there's something…

9 years ago

FFS Friday: Rule #95 Violations

[rule number="95"/] This festering blight on the Cycling landscape seemed to start with cross-country mountain bikers, who often finish their…

9 years ago

Cut Like a Buffalo

Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 Hour Rule suggests that mastering a skill comes down to an incredible amount of practice; however talented…

9 years ago

Guest Article- Number Crunching

@Bea contributed this Guesty with the note below excerpted.  I know The Rules since before I started riding a bike.…

9 years ago

Rule #43

I wonder if Rule#43 should be sublimated on our bibs too. It might be my most favorite Rule. Don't be…

9 years ago

The Fasting Ride

I've been doing fasting rides on the weekend, before breakfast and maybe also before lunch, depending on how long the ride…

9 years ago

Rule #33 Dilemmas

As I write this, Rule #33 is being hammered on over in The Rules. This is a hell of a…

9 years ago

Doing It Wrong

Cycling is a complex sport, one whose fabric is densely woven from the fibers of a Hundred Years War between…

9 years ago

On Rules #26 and #65: Spring Theory

To hold opposing truths in one's heart is a beautiful thing; to find resonance within contradiction is a liberating force that…

9 years ago

On Rule #30: In Defence Of The Frame Pump

Going against the grain is something I think I've been doing with some degree of success for a good portion…

9 years ago

How Did We Get to Here?

How did we get to here? Here is Frank, the founder of Velominati, standing next to Eddy Merckx. Eddy is…

9 years ago

Rule #12: The Fine Print

Rule #12. Someone was working overtime to come up with this beauty. One should always be dreaming about the next…

9 years ago

The Aesthete’s Choice

It has not escaped my attention that as I've evolved away from my original profession as a software developer and moved…

9 years ago

The Nine Kit

Riding in bad weather is an incredible experience assuming you don't fall off and break your hip, or you don't get…

9 years ago

Rule #55: Earn Your Turns

I did go out seeking endorphins and inspiration. These articles don't just write themselves. A climb and descent might just…

10 years ago

On Rule #41: Garbage Collectors

[rule number=41/] Look, people. We're not making this up; we're mainlining this shit straight from the rivers of Truth flowing…

10 years ago