The Rules

Merry Festum Prophetae

This photo is perhaps the greatest of all time; it shows The Prophet riding in the 1969 Ronde van Vlaanderen,…

12 years ago

On Rule #43: Notes for Bike Inspectors

This week's Guest Article comes from our friend, @blacktoolpower (l) and our editor Drummond Moir (r). In anticipation of our…

12 years ago

La Fleur de V

We have the kind of poor judgement that allows us to have a puppy. She's half pit, half something, and…

12 years ago

Sur La Plaque: Rule #33

We're heaping coals on the Giro frenzy that's burning in all corners of the Cycling world by issuing the second…

12 years ago

Cultural Immersion

I've been lucky enough to do quite a bit of travelling in my life. As a family, we travelled all…

12 years ago

Sur la Plaque: Rule #9

As many of you know, there's been a lot of synergy between BIGRINGRIDING and Velominati for several years now. Though…

12 years ago

Look Pro: Éclatant de Panache

The Prophet was very clear on how best to ride an individual Time Trial; start as fast as possible and…

12 years ago

La Vie Velominatus: A Rule #25 Reasoned Decision

There was no clear indication that Rick's car had actually come to a complete stop. It wasn't that the car…

12 years ago

On Rule #64: The Sudden Drop

The severity of a crash exists on two planes, the physical and psychological. The physical is the most obvious and one…

12 years ago

Voices and Echoes

Doubt. It speaks in whispered tones but echoes in our actions and lingers heavy on the mind. It is a…

12 years ago

La Vie Velominatus: Perched Eyewear

There is something supremely Fantastic about a precisely manicured set of sunglasses, particularly when they're not being used for their…

12 years ago

The Sunday Morning Reasonable Ride

I rousted Frank early. The Sunday morning group ride rolls out at 6:30 am from Twin Falls. As I put…

12 years ago

Confessions of a Keeper: Descension

The only thing worse than being two months from peaking and too fat to climb is being two months past…

12 years ago

Meditations on the V-Meter

There was no need for Rule 74 until the cyclometer showed up on our handlebars. According to the late Sheldon…

12 years ago

La Vie Velominatus: Flemish Tan Lines

Clouds hang heavy in the sky, plump with a rain which contemplates the opportunity to hurl itself towards the Earth below.…

12 years ago

The New V-estament

During the birth of The Rules, just like the Big Bang, there was a flurry of new activity, too much…

12 years ago

Anatomy Of A Photo: Professeur Pavé

Despite being a bald, visually challenged Velominatus, I envy only one other man from the peloton past. The only man…

12 years ago

New Rule: 52 (Plus a Guest Reverence)

With the writing of our first book supposedly well underway (but in reality being discussed ad-nauseum in the Boardroom rather…

12 years ago

Changer de Braquet

Some people are supremely good at it, reducing complex situations into matters of simple black and white. This isn't my…

12 years ago

Climbing Weight

When it comes to weight and body dysmorphia, we cyclists can go toe-to-toe with any thirteen year old tween who…

13 years ago