The Cogals

Cogals (pronounce it correctly: kog-al) are meetings of like-minded misfits brought together by the promise of beer, preceded by a bike ride. Cogals are free, open to all, organized by our fellow Velominati and are always followed by consumption of post-ride recovery ales and merriment. These are gatherings of unbridled observance of Rule #4.

Cogals differ themselves from other group rides by the meeting the following criteria:

  • First, Cogals are free, organized and supported through Velominati, though not necessarily a Keeper. Anyone is welcome to join a Cogal. Legally speaking, however, we have no involvement, so if you crash or die, it’s your own problem. Please be careful to study the route previously and take precautionary measures to stay safe.
  • Second, a Cogal is a day-long undertaking that focuses 100% on the bike. The rides are categorized (Casually Deliberate,  Rule #5 Rule #10, for example) but are long. This is what you’re doing today, nothing else; see  Rule #4. Rides can be any length, but a minimum distance of 130km should be expected.
  • Third, Cogals always include a session of Malted Recovery Beverage Consumption after the ride. Whenever possible, it should also include a pre-ride espresso.

Not all the events in The Cogals are actual Cogals. We also post rides and events that are of interest to the community, as well as Keepers Tours, which are Velominati-hosted, paid cycling Tours tailored to the tastes of a velominatus.

Any member of the community is welcomed to organize a Cogal. If interested, either post your interest below or email us with the following information:

  • Date of Cogal
  • Starting Address (ideally somewhere neutral, like a café or park)
  • Route (MapMyRide, Bikely, or Strava)
  • Ride Classification (Casually Deliberate, Rule V, Rule VV, or suggest another)
  • A paragraph describing the Cogal

Upcoming Cogals

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Submit Your Own Cogal:


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843 Replies to “The Cogals”

  1. @Steampunk

    @Buck RogersDamn! And you’ll be back to hammer 200 on 100 at the end of the month! You, sir, are a hardman.

    Ha! Yeah, if the pave’ and Route 100 don’t kill me, my VMH probably will!!! Should be an awesome month in June, though. Definitely inspires me to get the k’s in and the calories out!

  2. @mcsqueak

    What ever happened to the write up for the Texas cogal, BTW?

    Not sure where the official one ended up. JiPM wrote it. I gave him a bunch of photos, and I thought he had submitted it weeks ago. Maybe it is stuck in the hopper? Not sure.

  3. @itburns

    I think some Tritard trolls kidnapped JiPM.

    Yeah, no kidding. He has seriously gone MIA. I have not seen or heard from him for a couple of weeks now. He lives right near you, correct? Any recent sightings?

  4. I saw his daughter and ex at a Festivus party. He was supposed to show later but didn’t. It was a shame, too. I was surprised with my Rule #5 custom wool jersey gift at that same party and was looking forward to his reaction. I’ll have to revert to stalking him at the LBS.

  5. @Buck Rogers

    Yeah I was looking forward to reading it! I can’t get too upset about its tardiness however, as I emailed Gianni about an article I had an idea for last month, and I have yet to follow through with writing and submitting it.

    I swear, the moment I leave work all ambition for projects or writing turns off…

  6. What’s worse, I have an article announcing the CA Cogal sitting in Frank’s queue getting pre-empted by a paean to a freakin’ gilet, fercrapssakes!

    I get no respect, I tell ya, no respect…

  7. @sgt

    I think that article was targeted at me, as I placed an order for the V-Kit a few weeks back and it did not include a gilet, just bibs and jersey. Clearly Frank is trying to rope me into an additional kit investment in a subtle, yet public manner.

  8. granted it could be total rubbish as writing is not my thing. In that case I thank them for not humiliating me.

  9. @sgt

    Yes, it was. But now I’m going to go out and buy the most ill-fitting, bright yellow safety vest I can find. Probably from REI or Dick’s Sports.

  10. @gaswepass

    I wasn’t wearing anything, I got lost trying to find the Portland Naked Bike Ride and ran into @Scaler911 randomly.

  11. @Gianni


    Ive had one in the queue for almost 5 months so don’t feel to bad.

    I’m aging it like a fine wine. It will see the light of day.

    no worries. I’m a bit scared to have it public for it to ripped apart do to poor gramer and spelling.

    this supervisor role is still new since I took the promotion 2 weeks before school started. Im just glad its a part time gig, merckx Im adding even more grey hairs to my head.

  12. @mcsqueak

    I wasn’t wearing anything, I got lost trying to find the Portland Naked Bike Ride and ran into @Scaler911 randomly.

    gosh, scaler didnt ever bring that up. I was talking about the summer, but the moment passed anyhow. won’t rat you out for owning yja after all if I can’t even correctly identify who I’m flaming with these posts….

  13. @gaswepass


    I wasn’t wearing anything, I got lost trying to find the Portland Naked Bike Ride and ran into @Scaler911 randomly.

    gosh, scaler didnt ever bring that up. I was talking about the summer, but the moment passed anyhow. won’t rat you out for owning YJA after all if I can’t even correctly identify who I’m flaming with these posts….

    Holy Merckx. Just won’t let my inability to identify gender go will y’all? That’s alright, the Cogal is drawing near………….

  14. @sgt

    What’s worse, I have an article announcing the CA Cogal sitting in Frank’s queue getting pre-empted by a paean to a freakin’ gilet, fercrapssakes!
    I get no respect, I tell ya, no respect…

    Dude, your Cogal piece will go up about a month before the cogal…otherwise we’ll all just forget the fuckin’ thing is happening…we have short memories around here!

  15. @frank
    I’ll have to disagree with you on this. The Ontario cogal is 5 months away and I need every bit of it to prepare coming out of Winter. Similarly it keeps me psyched about riding (indoor/outdoor). With a family and such it allows me to plan and convince the VMH on why it is such a good idea as well. At least add the CA cogal to the calendar for those that may be interested (I just checked above and it is not listed) and save the detailed article for a month beforehand.

  16. @Tartan1749
    +1, as a vel. paterfamilias considering traveling to one or more of these I need real lead time to make the trip happen. A short article announcing scheduling would be great. Then something with a bit more detail can go up closer to the date, or maybe the original article can simply be reposted/bumped to the front page closer to the date. Otherwise if the date is just mentioned in comments or appears with no fanfare fools like me are likely to miss it.

    Is there a date yet?

  17. @Oli

    For those of you doing the Roubaix Cogal, here’s a perspective on the cobbles from Fyxomatosis to get you in the mood. As if you need it.

    All right, it’s a new year. Cheers to u on that one! Cool write up, thx for the link! (complete w pic of super cool old school helmet!) jealous of those who can make it to the tour, long way away from hitting that event.(kids etc)

  18. @Tartan1749


    I have to agree with both of these fine gentlemen, albeit for different reasons. I have to look towards getting my finances in order, as well as a worthy bike (hopefully). There is also the matter of obtaining a passport, and who knows how long that may take.

  19. @Keepers:
    It appears that a gentlemen’s challenge has been set for the Flanders Sportif by the resident AusCanuckle whippet locomotive at Cycling Tips Blog;
    et viola;

    Better get serious about peaking in 3.5 months!

  20. I am sorry to see that Pavé is shutting down the blog. Any effect on the upcoming Keepers Tour?

  21. @xyxax
    Are they not two different entities? This one appears to be shutting down and this one is the Tour company. They both link to different twitter accounts and refer top different people.

  22. @mouse

    It appears that a gentlemen’s challenge has been set for the Flanders Sportif by the resident AusCanuckle whippet locomotive at Cycling Tips Blog;
    et viola;

    Better get serious about peaking in 3.5 months!

    That’s great. I just proposed an ITT up the Kapelmuur.

  23. @frank

    @Nate, @Tartan1749, @sgt
    Alright, we’ll try it your way. I’ll get one of the Cogal articles up today then.
    And then stopyerbitchin.

    Better f’king be the 200 on 100 one!!!

    (Said with all due respect, of course). :)

  24. @936adl

    Nice. Or a 260km P-R TTT.


    Google streetmap shows a gate at the entrance to the Arenberg that might make it a bit tricky to hit the cobbles at full gas (anything less would seem inappropriate) will Pavé´Cycling Classics be able to get it open for us on the day?

  25. @frank

    @Nate, @Tartan1749, @sgt
    Alright, we’ll try it your way. I’ll get one of the Cogal articles up today then.
    And then stopyerbitchin.

    Hell, just rapid fire all of them up today and people can go to which ever one they will be involved with. That way all the info will be out for planning purposes. Of course, I am sure that my suggestions count for f’k all, but still, there it is!

  26. @Buck Rogers
    Actually, I’ll be doing @Sgt’s first as its March 24. But I’ll get yours up soon as well.


    Nice. Or a 260km P-R TTT.
    Google streetmap shows a gate at the entrance to the Arenberg that might make it a bit tricky to hit the cobbles at full gas (anything less would seem inappropriate) will Pavé´Cycling Classics be able to get it open for us on the day?

    Not sure, I’ll check. That said, we were planning to first stop at the gate anyway to pay our respects to this most sacred of spots. Then back up and plow into it á bloc.

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