The Cogals

Cogals (pronounce it correctly: kog-al) are meetings of like-minded misfits brought together by the promise of beer, preceded by a bike ride. Cogals are free, open to all, organized by our fellow Velominati and are always followed by consumption of post-ride recovery ales and merriment. These are gatherings of unbridled observance of Rule #4.

Cogals differ themselves from other group rides by the meeting the following criteria:

  • First, Cogals are free, organized and supported through Velominati, though not necessarily a Keeper. Anyone is welcome to join a Cogal. Legally speaking, however, we have no involvement, so if you crash or die, it’s your own problem. Please be careful to study the route previously and take precautionary measures to stay safe.
  • Second, a Cogal is a day-long undertaking that focuses 100% on the bike. The rides are categorized (Casually Deliberate,  Rule #5 Rule #10, for example) but are long. This is what you’re doing today, nothing else; see  Rule #4. Rides can be any length, but a minimum distance of 130km should be expected.
  • Third, Cogals always include a session of Malted Recovery Beverage Consumption after the ride. Whenever possible, it should also include a pre-ride espresso.

Not all the events in The Cogals are actual Cogals. We also post rides and events that are of interest to the community, as well as Keepers Tours, which are Velominati-hosted, paid cycling Tours tailored to the tastes of a velominatus.

Any member of the community is welcomed to organize a Cogal. If interested, either post your interest below or email us with the following information:

  • Date of Cogal
  • Starting Address (ideally somewhere neutral, like a café or park)
  • Route (MapMyRide, Bikely, or Strava)
  • Ride Classification (Casually Deliberate, Rule V, Rule VV, or suggest another)
  • A paragraph describing the Cogal

Upcoming Cogals

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Submit Your Own Cogal:


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843 Replies to “The Cogals”

  1. @Steampunk

    Of course, I’m not allowed to vote in the US.

    A Hawaiian birth certificate and retrospective birth announcement in the local paper are on their way to you by courier. Welcome aboard!

  2. @xyxax
    You should know that I’m the kiss of death. Shows I like get canceled (typically before season finishes); folks I admire tend to live outside the mainstream. If you’re seriously thinking of running for office, my advice would be to get out of that racket. Because if I’m voting for you, you don’t stand a chance. Thanks for the citizenship, though; I might drive down to Juarez and see what I can get for it.

  3. @Steampunk

    You should know that I’m the kiss of death. Shows I like get canceled (typically before season finishes)

    So Firefly getting the can is YOUR FAULT. I see…

  4. Firefly! I loved that show and in fact pulled out the DVD to go through it all again just the other evening as the only show I watch on TV now is Masterchef Professional.

  5. @snoov

    Firefly! I loved that show and in fact pulled out the DVD to go through it all again just the other evening as the only show I watch on TV now is Masterchef Professional.

    Such an AMAZING series. Just loved it! Well, at least I can blame Steampunk for the cancellation now. I mean, if you cannot blame someone for whatever stinks in your life, you’re not tyring hard enough.

  6. @Buck Rogers
    Actually, I’ll be doing @Sgt’s first as its March 24. But I’ll get yours up soon as well.

    What happened to that march 24 ride? is it going to happen? time to start planning spring break…

  7. @eightzero

    I may come up for that, I have a friend that moved to Bainbridge before Xmas so I’d just stay with him. I’ll give you a shout if I decide to go.

  8. @mcsqueak

    I may come up for that, I have a friend that moved to Bainbridge before Xmas so I’d just stay with him. I’ll give you a shout if I decide to go.

    Excellent! Now we just need to browbeat @frank into it. I didn’t ride it last year. It snowed.

  9. @Nate
    Thx. Actually asking about weekend of march 24th or, gasp, the 30th for those of us not hittin the keepers tour. I thought I read somehow a Madison ride the 30th.

  10. @gaswepass
    Josh and Steampunk will be attending a conference in Madison (Wisconsin) during the last week of March. Wiscot and I are planning to meet them for an afternoon ride on the 30th.

  11. @gaswepass & @Kyle:
    Yes. We need to get some kind of route sorted out so we can post this one as time is flying. Friday, March 30. Starting around 13:0V. Somewhere on the outskirts of Madison. Starting, finishing points TBD, along with route. I’ve rented a van for the trip from Hamilton to Madison, ostensibly to haul down a horde of my grad students, but the ulterior motive is to bring my bike (students will go on the roof before the bike). Hopefully @Kyle or @wiscot can propose a suitable route so we can slap it up there.

  12. My VMH has been away this weekend and I’ve spent some time working on the route for the upcoming English Cogal on April 14th. I’m going to need to get some hills in beforehand!

    It should be a cracker!

  13. @Steampunk

    @gaswepass & @Kyle:
    Yes. We need to get some kind of route sorted out so we can post this one as time is flying. Friday, March 30. Starting around 13:0V. Somewhere on the outskirts of Madison. Starting, finishing points TBD, along with route. I’ve rented a van for the trip from Hamilton to Madison, ostensibly to haul down a horde of my grad students, but the ulterior motive is to bring my bike (students will go on the roof before the bike). Hopefully @Kyle or @wiscot can propose a suitable route so we can slap it up there.

    So, firmed my travel plans, lookin to be ridin in madison 3/24-3/27. Asheville 3/29-3/31. Sorry won’t be able to make that madison ride. I know Anjin-san is up for some asheville riding, others?

  14. Asheville? Count me in! I’m in central NC but should be able to make it over there, either sharing a ride, a train, or my touring bike with my road bike strapped to my back! I do have this annoying engagement party that weekend, but I hope I can work around that.

  15. @steampunk and @kyle

    still haven’t heard anything for madison riding come 3/24. Takers?

  16. @RedRanger

    Looks like the dates on the California Cogal are a bit off. btw what does the roster look like for that event?

    They are euro-style dates, day-month-year. Just made booked lodgings yesterday for my trip down there.

  17. I would love to. That area is fantastic for riding. My VMH’s parents live up the 101 in Santa Maria, and other family is in Lompoc. I love visiting there, as there is slightly more climbing than is available here in the alps of Houston. All our climbs are the opposite of hors categorie. (What would that be? Dessous categorie? DC, if you will?)

    Anyway, it’s overpasses or nothing for climbing down here.

  18. @sgt
    Yes indeed and chapeau to the host! Sorry couldn’t do the whole weekend but ride together again we shall.

  19. I know we haven’t even started the Keeper’s Tour yet but I’ve just been having a look at flight prices on, £57 gets you from Stanstead to Marseilles which is a just a short drive to Carpentras near the foot of Mt Ventoux. Anyone fancey a late September cogal?

  20. @Chris Out of all the famous climbs Mt Ventoux is at the top of the list, there is something about those last few km’s of bare rock and chalk. Unfortunately, the chances of me getting away for an international cogal to tackle it this year are pretty slim. If I get the chance it’ll probably have to be as part of a family holiday of some description.
    If you are going you should consider doing the 3 different ascents in one day to join Club Des Cingles? –

  21. Details are sparse at the moment, but we are doing a Cogal in San Francisco on July 14. Mark your calendars now!

  22. @frank

    Details are sparse at the moment, but we are doing a Cogal in San Francisco on July 14. Mark your calendars now!

    My long change for four days!! IN! Guess I better get some kit now.

  23. @frank

    Details are sparse at the moment, but we are doing a Cogal in San Francisco on July 14. Mark your calendars now!

    Stay tuned, gentlemen. Planning to provide frank with the details for a big ride in Marin later this week.

  24. @RedRanger

    Does that mean no 200 on 100 for frank?

    Yes it does. My travel plans this summer will unfortunately not allow for me getting to Upstate NY for the 200 on 100. Hopefully next year (surely this will be an anual event?)

  25. @frank


    Does that mean no 200 on 100 for frank?

    Yes it does. My travel plans this summer will unfortunately not allow for me getting to Upstate NY for the 200 on 100. Hopefully next year (surely this will be an anual event?)

    Good thing you are not going since you would have ended up in NY state and not where the actual Cogal is taking place: Vermont!

    But seriously, total BUMMER that you cannot make it! You will be sorely missed but I am sure present in spirit (I can already hear the comments, “Where’s F@#kin’ Frank when you need him to take a pull anyways!”)

    And yes, if we survive (of course we will), this must become an annual pilgrimage to the V.

  26. Anyone living in Chicago? I am flying in today and leaving on Tuesday morning. Unfortunately I will not have a bike but maybe I can rent one if someone has a good ride and wants to get together?

  27. It’s great to see so many Cogals being set up.

    I’ve got a rather special one being planned at the moment . I just hope @Frank and @Gianni agree!

  28. Wooo-hoooo!  My 200 on 100 V pint was just delivered at the door!  Time for a little chocolate milk!

  29. Is anyone going to the Canadian world tour events in Quebec City or Montreal this year?

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