The Cogals

Cogals (pronounce it correctly: kog-al) are meetings of like-minded misfits brought together by the promise of beer, preceded by a bike ride. Cogals are free, open to all, organized by our fellow Velominati and are always followed by consumption of post-ride recovery ales and merriment. These are gatherings of unbridled observance of Rule #4.

Cogals differ themselves from other group rides by the meeting the following criteria:

  • First, Cogals are free, organized and supported through Velominati, though not necessarily a Keeper. Anyone is welcome to join a Cogal. Legally speaking, however, we have no involvement, so if you crash or die, it’s your own problem. Please be careful to study the route previously and take precautionary measures to stay safe.
  • Second, a Cogal is a day-long undertaking that focuses 100% on the bike. The rides are categorized (Casually Deliberate,  Rule #5 Rule #10, for example) but are long. This is what you’re doing today, nothing else; see  Rule #4. Rides can be any length, but a minimum distance of 130km should be expected.
  • Third, Cogals always include a session of Malted Recovery Beverage Consumption after the ride. Whenever possible, it should also include a pre-ride espresso.

Not all the events in The Cogals are actual Cogals. We also post rides and events that are of interest to the community, as well as Keepers Tours, which are Velominati-hosted, paid cycling Tours tailored to the tastes of a velominatus.

Any member of the community is welcomed to organize a Cogal. If interested, either post your interest below or email us with the following information:

  • Date of Cogal
  • Starting Address (ideally somewhere neutral, like a café or park)
  • Route (MapMyRide, Bikely, or Strava)
  • Ride Classification (Casually Deliberate, Rule V, Rule VV, or suggest another)
  • A paragraph describing the Cogal

Upcoming Cogals

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Submit Your Own Cogal:


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843 Replies to “The Cogals”

  1. Hi all,

    all these Cogal reports are inspiring this lurker – there should be another UK Cogal. The first one, I believe, was Shropshire earl;ier this year, so how about a year ending one in November. I don’t have a route in mind, but being based in London I would suggest a tour of Essex, or Kent, or Suffolk, or……… somewhere!

    Just a thought……..




  2. @King Clydesdale

    Is anyone going to the Canadian world tour events in Quebec City or Montreal this year?

    I’m taking my four-year-old to watch the Montreal race.

  3. @King Clydesdale

    Is anyone going to the Canadian world tour events in Quebec City or Montreal this year?

    I’ll definitely be at the Montreal race.  Perhaps QC as well.

  4. @Chris

    my son and I plan to do Mont Ventoux next year sometime – possibly Easter, possibly the summer. It would be our first ever classic climb (well, any climb, really, of any description) and it seems fitting in the Tour’s 100th year to honour Mr Simpson. Did you manage it this year?



  5. @davidlhill


    my son and I plan to do Mont Ventoux next year sometime – possibly Easter, possibly the summer. It would be our first ever classic climb (well, any climb, really, of any description) and it seems fitting in the Tour’s 100th year to honour Mr Simpson. Did you manage it this year?



    I’ve been thinking of doing that with my sons in a few years.

    My wild and crazy scheme is to aim to join the Club des Cingles for my 50th birthday, so I have four years to peak.

    They can do one ascent each and then wait at the top for the last one… or drag me up it, we’ll see.

  6. Well, I’ll be 48 or 49. Only downside is that I’ll have to do larger challenge for the next year!

    As for a London Cogal, how about from Victoria Pendleton’s home town to Laura Trott’s and back. Have to take a roundabout route as they’re only 30 or so miles apart!

  7. Given that rumour has it that there is going to be a South Australian / Adelaide COGAL, I feel that the question of attending a ” half a COGAL ” needs to be opened up the the “V” community for consultation.

    We live 90mins from the aforementioned possible COGAL and therefore time is of the essence.

    Does doing half a COGAL sit well with the keepers ??   Or would one be banished to the darkest outpost to think long and hard about the question even being asked.

  8. Given that some Velominati have flown, driven extreme distances and crawled kilometres over broken glass (so I’m told) to participate in a Cogal, the question is: what’s really keeping you from participating fully? The answer to your question lies in The Rules.

  9. @ten B …………  yes ……the Rules ……  loving everyone of them ……..  Rule 5 in particular ….  which is an everyday occurance for me as I have a C7 neck injury ……  loves to ride my bike as a release from work and the pressures of a young family also …….   so maybe I need a Rule #5.5 …………   bring on the 130k’s around Adelaide and Ill see if I can make the grade ……..  Glove firmly slapped in face and gauntlet thrown !!  :-) …..   ahhhhhhh   that was refreshing … now just to confirm the date

  10. @Barracuda where are you based? We’re heading South of the city so if you’re down that way you could easily pull the ejector lever half way but doing so if you’re out North isn’t really going to be worth it.

    We’re aiming for Sunday, January 20th , which is the same day as the pre-TDU crit around the east end of the city, so the plan is for us to do the ride, recover at the Belgian Beer Cafe & then watch the pros do their thing.

    I’m in the process of putting the article together so hopefully we’ll have the full details up soon.

  11. @Barracuda I’m pretty sure you need to do the whole thing, plenty of time to plan so no excuses. Mikael, I will facebook you my details.

  12. Hmmm… I’m considering flying over for some of the TDU from Perth next year, this could be just the impetus I need to get my arse in gear.

    Keep us updated.

  13. @Barracuda right then, well the plan is to start in the city, ride south to Willunga before coming back in to the city to watch the pre-tdu crit in the east end. If you’re driving up to get to the start there doesn’t seem to be much point bailing half way when you can just ride back to your car and take in some pro riding as a bonus…

  14. Scottish Cogal – provisional date Saturday the 13th of October. Start and route TBC but either Aberfeldy or Callander.

    As a suggestion – Aberfeldy would be some variation on the Etape route – it’s just about long enough – so circuit of Loch Rannoch and Schiehallion. It contains coffee shops but I’m not sure any open early enough. Also – the availability of bunkhouses allows the consumption of Malted Recovery Beverage for those who have to drive. 

    The Callander option involves being fed by Mrs Engine and the big advantage is that staying over is viable at the Engine household for any Velominitas Budgetas who might otherwise struggle. Cheapo accommodation is available in the village if numbers turn out to be more than three. Again this allows Malted Recovery Beverage consumption for those who have to drive. Callander is sophisticated enough to offer double espresso too. Route for this would involve the Duke’s Pass, Loch Katrine (theoretically traffic free) and The Crow Road.

    Given this is the weekend the clocks change, I think that Saturday is the better day. Weather could be awful and the opportunities for proper Rule #5 and #10 riding are many.

  15. @936adl

    @the Engine

    Sounds like fun, but i’ve just looked on the map and that’s a hell of a long way from where i live.

    Fingers crossed you get a good turn out.

    Thanks – Scotland generally is a long way from Shropshire. In our defence both venues are served by railways (sort of).

  16. @the Engine


    @the Engine

    Sounds like fun, but i’ve just looked on the map and that’s a hell of a long way from where i live.

    Fingers crossed you get a good turn out.

    Thanks – Scotland generally is a long way from Shropshire. In our defence both venues are served by railways (sort of)

    Keep posting details, I could be tempted. Have in laws in Lancashire who couldact as a staging post!

  17. @936adl

    @the Engine


    @the Engine

    Sounds like fun, but i’ve just looked on the map and that’s a hell of a long way from where i live.

    Fingers crossed you get a good turn out.

    Thanks – Scotland generally is a long way from Shropshire. In our defence both venues are served by railways (sort of)

    Keep posting details, I could be tempted. Have in laws in Lancashire who couldact as a staging post!

    Most excellent – I’ll get something up on the calendar (for Callander – see what I did there) by the end of the week(ish).

  18. @the Engine Either locale is good for me. Got a little bit of knowledge of both too. Clear pre and post ride advantages to Callander though. Await majority decision with anticipation.

  19. Well, for reasons known only to the Keeprs, I can’t post in the guest article on the Mt. Baker Hill Climb.

    A commercial photog got me on the way up in the V-Kitte:

    Here’s the track. 2:27 was outside  my target of 2:20, but beat my 2009 record by 7 minutes. We didn’t dawdle in the low 40 degF temps at the top. Was dry and overall a good ride; the descent rather chilly.

    Had a great time with mrs/dr eightzero,  @imakecricles and @peakintwoyears and his VMH. See you all at the Whidbey Cogal.

  20. Right – I’ve emailed an outline to the Keepers.

    Due to Earning a Living I’m not around much over the next week but I’ll take a look at the response and any further actions required next weekend.

    Basically if you want to do this you need to be in Ancaster Square in Callander at 09.0V on Saturday the 13th of October.

  21. @the Engine

    OK, I might have a couple of other guys coming along but we might not stay overnight.  If they come or not, I’ll be there.

  22. @the Engine

    Looking forward to it. Overnight unlikely true to work commitments. May have a companion with me too if he finishes his 2 week, 1283 mile ride around the coast of Scotland in one piece.

  23. Ok fellas – the Deli on Ancaster Square opens for espressi at 08.30 on Saturdays. So that’s the first mission issue sorted.

  24. @the Engine Just booked my flight, I get into Edinburgh at about 9am on the 13th. Unfortunately it’s not for the cogal, I’ve got a fortieth to go to – drinking and golf, neither of which I do particularly well any more. Anoying that I’ll be in the vicinity (just north of Perth) but unable to join you. Next time.

    Have a good one.

  25. Short notice Cogal on Sunday, the 21st of October, at West Point, NY.  Totally, crazy hilly ride planned.  Write up just sent to Gianni and Frank about two minutes ago.

    It will be a casually deliberate, hill-climbing fest where we regroup at the top of each climb.  Everyone can stay at my house the night before (Saturday) and we will provide dinner and breakfast. We will get lunch on the ride in Cornwall after crossing over the closed to motorized traffic Highway 218.  If coming from NYC, you can ride the metro into Garrison Station and I can come pick you up on Saturday and bring you back Sunday.  Rest of the details in the write up!  Hope to see you there!!!

  26. @Nate

    @Buck Rogers

    You have an address yet?

    my personal email is (those are zeros, not captial ohs).  Anyone coming to the Cogal just shoot me an email for the actual house address.  Probably doesn’t matter these days, a simple interent search would probably show you my address but seems safer to not post it outright?

  27. @Nate

    @Buck Rogers

    You have an address yet?

    @Buck Rogers


    @Buck Rogers

    You have an address yet?

    my personal email is (those are zeros, not captial ohs).  Anyone coming to the Cogal just shoot me an email for the actual house address.  Probably doesn’t matter these days, a simple interent search would probably show you my address but seems safer to not post it outright?

    Thanks Nate!  Can you send me an email and I will send you my personal address?

  28. @Buck Rodgers

    You’ve successfully triggered one of the few times in my life that I regret not living in Poughkeepsie anymore.  Ninety-nine and one-half percent of the time, I’m happy to be living out West instead, but today — today I wish I could join you.  Those are some beautiful hills down there, and you might even get some fall color, too.  Cheers.

    I should be back to visit the parents just after Christmas if you feel like riding with someone; fair warning that I would be on an ancient bike and four or five months away from peaking.

  29. Not sure how many Aussies are here, but is there any interest in a Gold Coast/Northern NSW Cogal ?

    I indulge in one man Cogals in this area regularly, and happy to share some routes.

    I have a Personal Koppenberg ride planned too, for a rainy day, so I can combine Rules V, 9 6 and VV.

  30. @Ken Ho I know Brett organised a mini one in Newcastle when he went & caught up with some mates a while back, in the mean time you’ll just have to make the pilgrimage down south for the Tour Down Under & the Adelaide Cogal on the Sunday before the race kick’s off (see links at the top of the page).

  31. @Mikael Liddy sorry I haven’t replied earlier about your SA Cogal. Unfortunately I won’t be able to head over there – school holidays, disdain for Adelaide, etc. etc.

  32. @Mikael Liddy

    Thanks.  I’ve made a mental note of that.  Pretty easy to fly over, do the Cogal, then fly home.

    I like the idea of teh Keepers Tour except for, bloody awful time if year to leave Oz and go to Europe.  Aussies should only visit Europe in high summer, to make the most of the daylight hours.  I’m guessing Fronk chooses early spring so he can be assured of Flandrian mud to give him braggin rights .

    Also, might need to upgrade the dental plan if I’m to ride the cobbles.  Glad I’ve never wasted money on a vasectomy.

  33. @Marcus

    @Mikael Liddy sorry I haven’t replied earlier about your SA Cogal. Unfortunately I won’t be able to head over there – school holidays, disdain for Adelaide, etc. etc.

    Yeah I’d assumed as much…plus the amount of paperwork involved in being allowed to leave the state probably isn’t worth it.

  34. Hmmm, seems the comments for the Cogal article itself have disappeared so I’ll drop it in here instead.

    As a birthday present to myself I headed out solo to do a recon of the Adelaide Cogal route yesterday, did all of it except for the last climb as I was running short of time, apart from one fairly forgettable 10k flat & straight section at around 90k’s all of those attending are in for a cracking day out!

  35. @frank any reason the comments seem to have disappeared from the Adelaide Cogal article? Also what do we need to do to organise the ordering of pints?

  36. @Mikael Liddy  – Adelaide Cogal – Any idea of how many punters? – thinking of coming across. Glad you enjoyed your “Birthday” ride.

  37. @frank @gianni

    I’ve just seen the piece on the Bristol Cogal next year. Is there any reason why comments cant be posted against the article?


  38. @936adl

    @frank @gianni

    I’ve just seen the piece on the Bristol Cogal next year. Is there any reason why comments cant be posted against the article?



    I should hopefully be able to make the Brizzle cogal and the Bespoked show looks brilliant –

  39. @motor city

    The bespoked show is really something else. I went along last year and it was simply awesome. Just keep your credit card in your pocket!

  40. Attention Maui Velominati:

    Gianni and I are working on setting a date for the East Maui Loop Cogal the second week of January. Please stand by for further information, but the ride will be supported, and we will have it during the week in order to keep traffic to a minimum.

    Stand by for more information.


  41. Any UK/South East Velominati interested in a Cogal, or just a ride around Christmas time ?

    I will be back for a week from the 21st to the 29th, so maybe the Sunday before Christmas (23rd) or the days after Boxing Day (27th).

    I’m in south London so maybe something taking in Box Hill, or a little further south around Ashdown, although I don’t know that area so well but open to suggestion.

    The trick will be sticking to relatively open roads in case of ice. If we’re lucky it will rain as well.

  42. Damn!  I’m down in Winchester and would have jumped at it…although it would need to be very very casually deliberate..but unfortunately the ankle rehab continues apace and I am not allowed outside on a bike till 1st Feb.

    I am becoming quite friendly with my turbo though….it feels a bit like Stockholm Syndrome!!

  43. @ChrisO

    Any UK/South East Velominati interested in a Cogal, or just a ride around Christmas time ?

    I will be back for a week from the 21st to the 29th, so maybe the Sunday before Christmas (23rd) or the days after Boxing Day (27th).

    I’m in south London so maybe something taking in Box Hill, or a little further south around Ashdown, although I don’t know that area so well but open to suggestion.

    The trick will be sticking to relatively open roads in case of ice. If we’re lucky it will rain as well.

    I’m up in Essex, would love to come on a Cogal some time, need to find a rack for an A4 that won’t muller the bootlid first though! Either that or come on the train…

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