The Cogals

Cogals (pronounce it correctly: kog-al) are meetings of like-minded misfits brought together by the promise of beer, preceded by a bike ride. Cogals are free, open to all, organized by our fellow Velominati and are always followed by consumption of post-ride recovery ales and merriment. These are gatherings of unbridled observance of Rule #4.

Cogals differ themselves from other group rides by the meeting the following criteria:

  • First, Cogals are free, organized and supported through Velominati, though not necessarily a Keeper. Anyone is welcome to join a Cogal. Legally speaking, however, we have no involvement, so if you crash or die, it’s your own problem. Please be careful to study the route previously and take precautionary measures to stay safe.
  • Second, a Cogal is a day-long undertaking that focuses 100% on the bike. The rides are categorized (Casually Deliberate,  Rule #5 Rule #10, for example) but are long. This is what you’re doing today, nothing else; see  Rule #4. Rides can be any length, but a minimum distance of 130km should be expected.
  • Third, Cogals always include a session of Malted Recovery Beverage Consumption after the ride. Whenever possible, it should also include a pre-ride espresso.

Not all the events in The Cogals are actual Cogals. We also post rides and events that are of interest to the community, as well as Keepers Tours, which are Velominati-hosted, paid cycling Tours tailored to the tastes of a velominatus.

Any member of the community is welcomed to organize a Cogal. If interested, either post your interest below or email us with the following information:

  • Date of Cogal
  • Starting Address (ideally somewhere neutral, like a café or park)
  • Route (MapMyRide, Bikely, or Strava)
  • Ride Classification (Casually Deliberate, Rule V, Rule VV, or suggest another)
  • A paragraph describing the Cogal

Upcoming Cogals

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Submit Your Own Cogal:


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843 Replies to “The Cogals”

  1. Alcon:

    Just received an email from the awesome Cannibals in Connecticut.  I will cut and paste it here and then let them lay in the final details but sounds like they are setting up a killer Cogal for this Spring in Connecticut!

    Here is their email:

    “While we are of course looking forward to the 2nd Annual West Point Cogal next October, the Cannibal Velo Club Trustees met recently over frosty mugs to plan a joint Velominati-Cannibal Spring Cogal here in Connecticut.  We hope you guys will be able to broadcast it prominently on the V-site to attract a good-size group.  There’s obviously lots of advance notice, which is good for planning.

     Proposed details:

    • Date: Sunday May 19th (shrewdly missing both the Mother’s Day and Memorial Day weekends). 
    • Accommodations:  I’m sure that among the Cannibals, we can host most or all of the visiting Velominati/hoti.  Bed & Breakfast venues are also available nearby.  A Saturday Dinner/BBQ would be great for those who arrive the day before the ride.
    • Route: about 130km, about 5k climbing.  A mix of short, tough climbs, endless rollers, and scenic beauty in both rural and coastal areas.

     We can figure out other details, mid-ride chow, timing, etc. as the date nears.  In the meantime, please share your thoughts and suggestions.

     Kind regards.”

    Sounds awesome.  Another one to throw on the calendar!

  2. I remeber seeing that photo at your house buck, and i both laughed at the irony (i love rapha kit) and how well executed it was.

    That said i cant wait for all the rides next year.   this Connecticut group is the bees knees!  I think we can firmly put to rest the myth that roadies are all pricks.

    Whoever took the photo of us coming through West Point should enter it in the photo of the year article.  Even the seagulls are mid Vlight

  3. @all

    Our Cogal page was all jacked up; there are a mountain of Cogals coming up – check out the list and attend whatever rides you want. I’m on Maui and will be at the East Maui Cogal on the 9th. HELL YEAH!

  4. @frank


    Our Cogal page was all jacked up; there are a mountain of Cogals coming up – check out the list and attend whatever rides you want. I’m on Maui and will be at the East Maui Cogal on the 9th. HELL YEAH!

    Nice one, what do we need to do to organise ordering the Cogal Pints for the Adelaide one?

  5. I seek input on a proposed PNW USA cogal. The VMH and I would like to host a cogal involving an out-and-back from our place (between Sequim and Port Townsend) to Hurricane Ridge. My question has to do with timing. Here are two considerations.

    First, there is the organized version of the climb taking place on August 4th; the upside of this is that the road is closed to vehicles until noon; the downside is that you’re expected to pay the stewpid reg fee for what is a scenic but somewhat  poorly-supported event.  She and I will likely do the ride that day one way or the other, but I’m curious to know how people would feel about running a cogal on the day of the organized event.

    Second, I see that there’s a cogal planned for 8/24 in Vancouver, so we don’t want to plan one down here to compete with it. Herself and I might head up to Vancouver for what looks like a great ride.

    In any case, we have plenty of space (indoors + large covered porch) for sleeping, eating, and drinking, in increasing order of importance. El Rancho del Stumpo del Norte is very private if somewhat rustico.

  6. @Deakus

    @Chuck Mueller

    Contact me about the Cannibal Connecticut Cogal May 19, 2013; Chuck Mueller- ; Cannibal VeloClub info: ; @CannibalVelo on Twitter ; ‘Canniabl Velo Club’ on Facebook.

    That’s my photo of the year vote…even though it has not been submitted. It is so obviously staged as to make it almost “pro”…love it!

    @Deakus — you nailed it.  As the photographer, I can assure you that the photo was a total goof — our take on a self-serious Rapha catalogue shoot.

  7. @HighStCannibal


    @Chuck Mueller

    Contact me about the Cannibal Connecticut Cogal May 19, 2013; Chuck Mueller- ; Cannibal VeloClub info: ; @CannibalVelo on Twitter ; ‘Canniabl Velo Club’ on Facebook.

    That’s my photo of the year vote…even though it has not been submitted. It is so obviously staged as to make it almost “pro”…love it!

    @Deakus “” you nailed it. As the photographer, I can assure you that the photo was a total goof “” our take on a self-serious Rapha catalogue shoot.

    Goof or not the Cannibals rule and deserve the best club name prize. I am stoked to join in the CT cogal next year!

  8. @Rob



    @Chuck Mueller

    Contact me about the Cannibal Connecticut Cogal May 19, 2013; Chuck Mueller- ; Cannibal VeloClub info: ; @CannibalVelo on Twitter ; ‘Canniabl Velo Club’ on Facebook.

    That’s my photo of the year vote…even though it has not been submitted. It is so obviously staged as to make it almost “pro”…love it!

    @Deakus “” you nailed it. As the photographer, I can assure you that the photo was a total goof “” our take on a self-serious Rapha catalogue shoot.

    Goof or not the Cannibals rule and deserve the best club name prize. I am stoked to join in the CT cogal next year!

    Am looking into moving hell and high water to get down for this one…

  9. @Steampunk

    Ha.  I’m not falling for that again.

    I’ll go to the local Kinko’s and get my bike printed out on a 3D printer.

    I hope it doesn’t rain.

  10. Anybody organizing a South Ontario cogal in 2013 ? Need to visit my daughter in Cabbagetown, so would be good to get the timing right as well.

  11. I’ve mailed Gianni regarding the possibility of another Alpine Cogal this coming summer. Hopefully it will appear on the list soon.

    We’re hoping for a Croix de Fer/Glandon double header!!!

  12. @PeakInTwoYears

    Second, I see that there’s a cogal planned for 8/24 in Vancouver, so we don’t want to plan one down here to compete with it. Herself and I might head up to Vancouver for what looks like a great ride.

    Yeah, my Cogal, the Triple Crown. 3000m of climbing, ~140km.

  13. @TBONE

    And a killer ride it looks!

    Between it and the Seattle Summer Cogal of 7/27-28, I suspect the Hurricane Ridge ride won’t get a lot of attention, which is fine. I think our household priority is the SSC, with Hurricane Ridge on 8/4 at second place, just because it’s local and we (I) would like to better our (my) time from last year. If we can get away later in August, I’d love to visit Vancouver.

    Summer just flies by. And I had better get closer to peaking.

  14. IMPORTANT NOTICE.  Its not a Cogal, but it a potential get together so I’ll post it here:

    Any Velominati planning on heading to Louisville for the World Champs, please note that the racing has all been moved to Saturday as the Ohio River has been forecast to rise and potentially flood the course by Sunday. I’m still going down and will be there for the racing, but now won’t be staying through the weekend.  I know @Ron was planning on making the trip and I emailed him directly but wanted to make sure anyone else traveling was aware of the scheduling change.

  15. @nate, et al – are we doing a SF Bay Area Cogal again this year? I have a couple of ideas for great rides, if a repeat of the Marin ride isn’t on the books. One on the coast (Palo Alto -> La Honda -> San Gregorio -> Santa Cruz -> Los Gatos -> Palo Alto, for about 200km), and one in the hills (San Jose -> The Junction -> Livermore -> Sunol -> Calaveras Rd. -> San Jose, for about 160km). The coastal ride will be much cooler if held mid-summer. The hills ride will be Rule #9 for “Holy Shit It’s So Hot I’m Gonna Dehydrate.”

    I really liked the Marin ride last year and would love to attempt it again. The difference for me between last year and this year as that I’ll have had almost a full season adhering to Rule #47 and would hope that my climbing would be a bit faster…

  16. @Xyverz Yeah, let’s do one.  We can do Marin again or your routes look fun too, in the right season as you not.

  17. OK, all the Calgary based V, I am thing of springing a short notice Cogal from the studio to an appropriate watering hole or backyard. For after P-R.

    Would anybody be up to that?

  18. @Xyverz Would love to see the NoCal Cogal this year. Will seriously consider it if the dates work out as last year I had to cancel last minute.

  19. @Nate @Xyverz, et al

    I’m up for helping organize a NorCal Cogal if dates work. Needs to be before mid-August for me.  Could even do it here in the Tahoe basin if folks are interested in some scenic climbing. Cheers.

  20. Hmm could be in for a Nor-Cal cogal (if I’m not grossly underestimating the distance to get there which I probably am….)

    Otherwise, do any of you good folk ride out around the LA area? Would be good to get some miles and recovery beverages in with local Velominati…..

  21. Not to hijack, but I’m going to be down in the Santa Cruz area (up in the hills out of Felton, to be exact) visiting my daughter and her husband later this month, 24th to 26th. Plan to do a couple of rides of 50-70 kms in the hills there and would welcome company if anyone’s available.

  22. Hi,

    A small group of Velominati pretenders are planning on ‘doing’ Mont Ventoux on Saturday 13 July, the daty before the TdF does. We’re aiming to get there either the Thusday or the Friday, with the ascent on the Saturday. As part of my research I found there is a club de cingles, for riders that do all three roads in one day (!). Seeing as that adds up to around 130kms, can this be classified as Cogal territory?!

    But the main reason for writing is – does anyone here have experience of camping on the Mont Ventoux as part of the TdF entourage? I was insipred to do this by Frank’s account of his trip to the Alpe d’Huez several years ago – I’m assuming ‘different mountain, same type of deal’. Am I right or being deluded?!

    Also, anybody else here fancy joining our small peloton, which is 6 strong at present?



  23. @Nate For the summer, any time in July probably works for me the best. Y’all put something together and I’ll try to get out there. Not having ridden in NoCal, I’ll leave it to you boys to pick an epic route… Sure liked the looks of lasts years Cogal in the Marin area.

  24. I’m wondering if there might  be any interest in an “Around the Block” cogal?  Round these parts – southeast Idaho/western Wyoming riding “around the block” means doing a loop that includes Jackson Hole, WY, Victor, ID, and Swan Valley, ID.  The scenery is incredible with views of the Tetons as well as cruising along the Palisades Reservoir and the Snake River through Hoback Canyon.  Then if we were feeling froggy we could tack on the ride from Victor up to Targhee Ski resort and back.  You can look at the MapMyRide profile here.  Around the Block is 172k and adding Targhee would bring the total up to 236k.  Climbing would be 1500 to 2100 meters depending on if we went up to Targhee or not.  Beautiful scenery, Tetons, Targhee Nat’l. Park, lunch in Jackson Hole, post ride at the brew pub in Victor, etc.  What’s not to like?  I would prefer late in the season (September) but let me know if anyone is interested.  Oh, I make a mean margarita and grill an awesome steak and if people didn’t mind sleeping on the floor I have access to my church so there is plenty of room to put people up.

    Let me know.

  25. What to potential NorCal’ers think about July 6 or 7?  Too close to July 4 as to interfere with other plans folks might have?

  26. @Nate

    What to potential NorCal’ers think about July 6 or 7? Too close to July 4 as to interfere with other plans folks might have?

    Should work for me. A slight chance that my travel for the 11th – 15th could be moved up, but unlikely. I’d vote for Marin or coastal if elsewhere. Not a fan of the heat. will be fun. Let me know how I can help.

  27. @Cyclops

    Definitely interested if date corresponds with a J Hole trip in the works with one of my riding buddies. That, however, would not be late season. If it doesn’t work, we’ll try to get in touch with you for a ride when we do make the trip.

  28. @Cyclops

    Will there be any custom Deacon bikes available for those coming from out of town? Because that would be awesome! More seriously, that’s some of the most beautiful country I’ve been in; I wish it were closer and I could swing this. Sounds like a great plan…

  29. @Nate Both days should work for me. The 7th would be good because I’d be able to bring along one of my riding buddies. He’s a bit of a rule breaker, but does tend to live by Rule V and VV.

  30. @xyverz@Dave R@El Mateo

    Turns out my MIL is turning 70 the weekend after 4th of July and the spouse is, shall we say, not on board with me spending an entire day on the bike that weekend.  Assuming the following weekend still doesn’t work for @Dave_R, how is July 20 or 21?

  31. What level of Velominati do you need to be initiate a Cogal?  I think we need one in here in Colorado, for several reasons, but primarily to set a glowing example.  1. We have alot of posers that wear their kits all f’ed up.  2. Just because you are riding an expensive carbon bike up a mountain doesn’t mean you should be chatting,  HTFU.  3. Our team rides all year long, one member even crashed in 10 degree weather with a brain hemorage after drinking copious amounts of malted beverage, requiring an ambulance ride and a sanity test by the medical professionals.  4. “kit confusion” nuff said.

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