The Lowest Common Denominator

Bikes and cars don’t always get along this well.

Stupidity is a powerful force never to be underestimated. Geese are a good example; a more stupid vertebrate one would be most challenged to come across yet should you wander into a flock of them pecking about peacefully in a field, one is likely to erupt from its grazing to grab a billful of your ass and commence beating you savagely with its wing. I witnessed such an event in Minneapolis, where a goose goosed a friend of mine. To our collective dismay, he showed off his buttockian bruise proudly for many weeks.

I’m not immune my own stupidity, which is unfortunate because if you already have to deal with other people’s stupidity, you should at least be free of dealing with your own. Tragically, the opposite appears to be true. In point of fact, a dominant portion of my life is spent recovering from my own acts of idiocy. For example, I recently rode an Imperial century on Whidbey Island in scorching heat. To combat dehydration, I carefully prepared my usual two bidons – one with electrolyte and one with plain water as is my custom – and proceeded to leave them in the car rather than place them on the bike. I was gleefully unaware of this oversight until I was well over an hour into the ride and I reached down for a drink in my usual Casually Deliberate style and found the cages mockingly empty.

Stupidity is also why I believe the iPhone has always been designed to be a one-handed device, to allow its user to send messages with one hand while driving, leaving the other hand free to drink coffee or wave the bird at other drivers. This leaves plenty of bandwidth for the vehicle to swerve off the road and stack up bicyclists on its hood.

There is no courage without fear, and no intelligence without idiocy. The problem with the latter in both cases is that they are much easier than the former and it feels a lot like easy win on the push with most of the population. Which means that in the majority of cases, we are dealing with idiotic cowards which is not an encouraging scenario, especially when taking your own stupidity into account.

Last year, the New York Times published an essay on the mentality of motorists when it comes to Cyclists. Its a terrifying read, the sort of writing that makes you question whether its smart to keep riding on the road. My personal conclusion is that the road is where I find my soul; to stop riding would be its own kind of death. Nevertheless, it is frightening thought that not only are many motorists inattentive, but some feel bicycles don’t belong on the road in the first place, and that should they be struck and killed, it is somehow their own fault. A truck driver in Seattle recently killed a female Cyclist who was commuting downtown. The local news celebrated the driver’s integrity for not leaving the scene of the accident.

Which raises the question of how one is to stay safe while riding. Personally, I’ve found myself riding ever more defensively aggressive when I’m on the road. I’m riding farther out from the side on narrow roads to keep cars passing at dangerous points and I’m avoiding the highest-trafficked roads whenever possible. In the rain, I’m even riding The Reflective Bike of Authority. (I draw the line at donning a YJA; we’re not a savages.)

These are easy things to do, but the fact is we are still at the mercy of our peers on the road who may not be watching for us, or – worse – not care if they hit is or – worst of all – feel it is somehow our own fault by being on the road in the first place. Changing this begins with us, the Cyclists, through the idea that we are ambassadors for our sport. With that, I felt it an appropriate time to remind us of our Urban Riding tips and update them a bit.

  1. Lead by example. Always obey traffic laws, taking special care to avoid violating hot-button laws like running stop signs. Every time we break a law, we send the message that the rules of the road don’t apply to us.
  2. Don’t escalate. You will invariably be placed into a dangerous situation by a driver who is either ignorant of the danger they caused you or is simply an ass. In both of these cases, screaming obscenities at them will only serve to put them on the defensive and make them hate cyclists even more than they already do. If you absolutely must say something, do your best to let them know why what they did was dangerous; if you’re polite and assertive, the message is much more likely to find it’s way home.
  3. Be gracious. If a car does the right thing, wave at them in thanks. If you know you are holding them up because you’re obstructing their path, move the side as soon as it’s safe and gesture your appreciation of their patience.
  4. Avoid telepathy. Always signal your intent and try to make eye contact with drivers whenever you’re not sure if they see you or not, especially in scenarios when you’ll be crossing their lane of traffic.
  5. Pay attention to the cars around you. Take note of the subtle signals the drivers are sending you. Are they overly fond of the brake pedal? Are they speeding? Are they swerving, texting, or otherwise distracted? Or do they drive predictably and use their turn signals properly? These things will tell you a lot about how safe you’ll be when they’re close to you.
  6. Ride predictably. When out training in town, consider yourself to be riding in the bunch, except the other riders are cars that can kill you. Just like riding in a group, when in traffic, hold your line, signal when there’s a hazard or when turning, and generally ride as predictably possible.
  7. Ride towards the side of the street. If there is a shoulder, ride in it, but if not, stay as far to the side as you safely are able to. Don’t ride so far to the side that it means you’re riding in debris that might cause a flat or might cause you to move erratically; there’s nothing safe about suddenly flying out into traffic while trying to avoid an object. Never ride through a puddle you can’t see the bottom of; it could be a much deeper hole than you think.
  8. Ride aggressively defensive. If there’s a narrow section of road coming up where it will be dangerous for a car to pass, signal to the cars behind and swing out into the middle of the lane until it’s safe for them to pass.
  9. It’s helpful to be able to accelerate quickly to move with traffic if necessary. In the event that you’re riding in a lane in order to discourage cars from passing, it’s good to move as close to the speed of traffic as possible.
  10. Avoid overly dangerous routes. Ride on the roads you need to in order to train properly, but also avoid unnecessarily dangerous areas or only ride them when traffic is at it’s lightest. Roads with good shoulders are preferable and, counter-intuitively, bike paths are not always safer places to ride; these are often filled with people of a variety of skill levels who may not be paying attention.

The best rides are those you come home from; always ride to proactively avoid placing yourself in dangerous situations and have a plan if you find yourself needing to take a risk. Stay safe and always remember we’re all brothers and sisters on the road. Vive la Vie Velominatus.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

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  • @Barracuda

    Timely article, I do a lot of night riding and although I am stupid, Im Australian after all , Im not so stupid as to realise my pissy little carbon frame and spindly bones are going to be able to go on a rampage against a 10 tonne truck.

    So , whether im in the right or wrong, in those situations im always going to be wrong.

    Road ID - Check

    Rear flashing red light - check

    white flasher front at dusk and AY-Ups at night - check

    Yes, and I use a big headlight on the bars and a slightly less big headlight on the helmet; seems that whenever I ride without either one of those - because the battery is dead or some such - then the cars don't recognize me as a bike.

    The reflective strips I put on the cranks help a lot - the moving cranks makes a huge difference.

  • @Nate

    @HMBSteve the two abreast people at least have some sense of what is going on around them. When I am driving I find it necessary to be more patient with the inexperienced riders who spread out with >1 bike length but <1 carlength between them. But if I am driving somewhere like that it is because I am out recreating and can be patient. If only the other drivers could be a little more zen.

    Also, the secret benefit of East Bay riding is that the car/bike ratio is not as super crazy as it is in your neck of the woods or Marin, so for the most part the drivers are not hostile. Although they may be oblivious, for any number of reasons.

    Agreed; on the coast is fine - the real issues are in the inner bay around woodside, portola, etc.  Too many people, generally, all vying for the same airspace.  Bad recipe. Best to go where there are fewer cars for sure.

  • @VeloJello

    Loads of great tips and stories, thanks!

    There, it seems, is nothing quite like a "Car vs Bike" article to polarise opionions. Particularly so in the UK. Urban Riding Tip 1 is the most important. I've shared many a shaken headed look of disapproval with motorists at red lights as we've watched another cyclist sail through with gay abandon. Those moments we can share the road and our feelings can go some way to letting motorists no we aren't all wankers on wheels, just as motorists are not all pathological cycle hating mentalists.

    Spot on!

  • @@blackpooltower

    "Don't escalate" makes total sense. I've tried the sweary, aggressive method and it has done no good.

    If, instead, you catch up with a bad driver at the next lights and say something like "Can you give a bit more room please, mate? That was scary back there", you achieve so much more. By staying polite, you don't trigger a confrontation. By drawing attention to your vulnerability you appeal to their better nature (everyone has one somewhere) and by asking them to do something differently - this is the key bit - they might actually do something differently.

    A big row changes no one's behaviour. Think about the actual outcome you're trying to bring about: better awareness, one driver at a time. Not tribal war.

    I agree, just be careful when doing it. I've had a friend drive up to me while I was riding to shout some encouraging remark through his open passenger window only to have my brain momentarily react like he there to kill me. And the same friend was equally freaked out briefly when I rolled up to him later to say "hi" when he was stopped at a light.

    Add that moment with the aforementioned stupidity and they may be standing over your bullet riddled body telling the cops an entirely different story from the actual facts.

  • @Beers



    I was at a bike event recently where three lorries of various sizes were parked and we were invited to sit in the driver seat while a police cyclist cycled around the vehicle. I had not appreciated how little these guys see. And weirdly, what they do see is hugely distorted so where they see a cyclist is not where they actually are.

    I cycle daily in central London, and have always given lorries a wide berth. Following my experience that berth increased in size.

    Even more frightening is how callus their driving style is then, given they can't see! When its foggy and I can see fuck all, my reaction is to slow down, not speed up!


    HERE HERE! They even make an orange wrist band, so there's no excuse!

    Road ID actually have a smartphone app, you add a couple emergency contacts and your own details, then take a screenshot and set it as your lock screen.

    This is great so long as you don't break your phone! All smartphones should have a quick dial from the lock screen to the ICE contact. Seems more critical than a camera feature, no?

    One more urban riding rule - Don't undertake!

    Cars are very unpredictable and one time I was undertaking, a car just verred directly into my path without indication. Learned my lesson big time.

    I have occasionally done this and agree, its a bad idea! The cars do NOT expect that one bit. Also, however tempting it might be, drafting a car is asking for trouble as well.


    Looks like you can post again! First post back from you (that I see) and you use the word cunt, you do not disappoint, my friend.

    As an industry they are cunts. And videos like that are designed to put the blame on the victims, not the people who could actually do something about it. Where are all the bike lanes - on the inside, so we are forced to undertake then told it's our fault if we get run over.

    There is a dedicated bike lane on one of the routes and its lethal because car's don't expect a cyclist on the wrong side of the road crossing through the intersection and they happily take a right turn. I don't use it in the dangerous direction, and a cop stopped me one day and told me to go over there. "I am so glad you're making provisions for Cyclists, but sadly that one is lethal. I suggest the city start consulting with people who actually ride bikes on how to build out the cycle paths."

    He said, "Ok, just be careful."

    Why should I obey all those road rules and regulations? Are they necessary because of me, a cyclist, or because of cars?

    The are necessary for both to co-exist. Both have to follow them and both have to be accountable.

    So why do I have to stop and start 30 times on a 10km ride into central London? Cars and trucks have fucked up the roads and the traffic system, not bikes. Every time they see a cyclist passing them it pisses them off and and they just want to take out their impotent anger on someone more vulnerable. I refuse to play that game.

    And you running lights and acting like the rules don't apply to you just perpetuates their view that cyclists are assholes who don't follow the rules and should be kept off the streets. That's the point.

    I hate stopping too (and when there are no cars around, I don't) but its critical that someone take the first step in a peaceful coexistence.

    That said, heavy machinery and bus drivers are the worst. A bus recently deliberately tried to run me off the road. It was full. He finished off by swearing at me and telling me to get off the road (I was in the bike lane). There is no reasoning with people like that and getting mad and aggressive will only make it worse.

  • @@blackpooltower

    "Don't escalate" makes total sense. I've tried the sweary, aggressive method and it has done no good.

    If, instead, you catch up with a bad driver at the next lights and say something like "Can you give a bit more room please, mate? That was scary back there", you achieve so much more. By staying polite, you don't trigger a confrontation. By drawing attention to your vulnerability you appeal to their better nature (everyone has one somewhere) and by asking them to do something differently - this is the key bit - they might actually do something differently.

    A big row changes no one's behaviour. Think about the actual outcome you're trying to bring about: better awareness, one driver at a time. Not tribal war.

    I've had success with this myself; making it personal and about how scary it was and how bad it would be for both of us if it went sideways seem to be the most effective.


    @frank are the reflective strips on the side of the cranks or on the trailing edge of it?

    On both the front and back of the crank on the outward facing surfaces:

    That 3M black tape is great; you absolutely can't tell its there until a light shines on it.

  • @s

    i usually get out of the saddle (if not already out) when I know I'm holding someone up (taking the lane to avoid impact-crater potholes, getting back in motion after a red light,etc.)-not sure how much it does for PR, but it might at least send the message that I'm putting a bit of effort into it.

    Great call. I've also very selfishly done that on climbs where I'm really trying to bury it and need to cross the lane to take a turn to continue up the climb; I've held up cars doing it and in more than a few cases they've followed me up the rest of the climb and pulled up alongside afterward and said something like "that looked hard, nice work". Never hurts to educate the uninitiated in what The V looks like!

  • @teleguy57

    So I have a Castelli Gabba jersey in their fluoro yellow; i did make a deliberate decision against black given that it's highly-regarded foul weather apparel and it would be most often worn in conditions of poorer visibility for drivers. I certainly hope that we don't confuse a choice like this with indiscriminately donning a YJA.

    There are some studies out (Brett can find them I'm sure) about the YJA not being effective in making you more visible. The reflective strips that are on both the black and yellow version of the Gabba are much more meaningful. I ride the black one, and the reflective bike, and lights. I am basically a Christmas Tree and still Look Fantastic.

    But OK, the Yellow Gabba could be mistaken for a Team Cippo jersey so I'll let it pass.

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