Urban Riding: The Sanctity of the Bike Lane

Stay on your toes: you’re in the bike lane now.

There was a time when the world was painted in hues of black and white. Right and Wrong were separated by lines painted in such a thick, heavy paint that even to wander close was to already alter your very nature. The Elders taught us on which side we were to dwell and what evils would descend upon us if we were to transcend into the void. Little was known of what dwelt on the other side; the mind imagines the most horrific beasts in the unknown.

As Cyclists, we dwell in the space between black and white; everything we know is confined within the shades of gray that exist between two absolutes. Nowhere is this more true than when we subject ourselves to the roads to ply our craft at the mercy of motor vehicles, pedestrians, and the department of transportation’s ability to place potholes and manhole covers in the most inopportune locations. A moment’s inattention and our fortunes could shift dramatically.

The bike lane is shrouded in an air of false security. The white line painted a few meters from the edge of the road offers little by way of providing a barrier or any other kind of physical protection. Nevertheless, we wrap ourselves in a blanket of wishful thinking and pedal merrily along our way. The biggest problem with the bike lane is the total disregard that people, traffic, and road crews have for how few options we have outside of our narrow strip of tarmac in the event that the way is blocked, often unaware of the dangers their behaviors impose upon us. These are normally not intended as threats; it is simply a lack of exposure and appreciation of the risks we as Cyclists endure. In the spirit of Rule #3, I will outline some of the greatest risks.

  1. The bike lane is not a turning lane. In many cases – at least in Seattle – the bike lane will be sandwiched between traffic on the left and a parking lane on the right. Traffic will use our humble strip as a turning lane, or use it as a runway for their futile efforts to parallel park.
  2. The bike lane is not a parking lane. If there is no dedicated parking lane, the bike path serves double duty for this purpose in the eyes of the driver. I have had the unpleasant experience of entering a suddenly stopped car through its rear windshield; it is an experience I prefer to limit to a single occasion.
  3. The bicycle lane that was crossed in order to park your car may occasionally contain a person riding a bicycle. Please look behind you prior to opening your door.
  4. Bike lanes are not construction tool collection areas. Cones, shovels, gravel, loitering workers have all sent me diverted into traffic. What’s so attractive about using the bike lane for this purpose? Surely the grassy bit between the sidewalk and the street is equally suitable.
  5. Please repair the tarmac with the same care given to the car lanes. I understand that water mains, power lines, and sewers might need to be accessed by way removing the tarmac in the bike lane. But that lumpy patchwork with the long seam along the edge that runs parallel to the direction of travel is lethal.

Too many Cyclists are being killed doing what they love. We all understand what we risk and accept those rather than not ride our bikes, but I think I speak for all of us when I say I’d rather live to ride again tomorrow. We all have to come together with our fellow motorists to understand how best to work together. But most of all: be careful and diligent, my fellow Cyclists.

Vive la Vie Velominatus.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at rouleur@velominati.com.

View Comments

  • @frank A moment's inattention and our fortunes could shift dramatically.

    Man, how true.  Especially in the stop and go out urban riding. There is no "relaxing " when riding in much of Philly.  


    Bike lanes best avoided whenever possible.

    I like this much better...

    I have read elsewhere that this is true and safest idea.



    The internet is loaded with great examples....................

    Ultimate cyclocross training route!

    I don't even understand.

  • @minion


    @Fausto Crapiz

    Hate being obvious, but will the rider in the photo get both hands on the bars and put the frigging phone away?

    Hey, someone's gotta risk life and limb for the sake of making a point. And don't worry, I was economizing my activities by also taking a few selfies while I was at it.

    Don't feel bad that despite spending years on a bike you've still got the physique of a 12 year old girl. You'll get there one day.

    Are you kidding? That's the biggest compliment I've been paid this month.


    Do you have a stylist to get everything colour coded just so , I can never seem to achieve this.

    No, I just use my OCD to get it done.

  • @wiscot

    For the sins of my father, we lived in a friendly little community called Dyer, basically a suburb of Hammond if that tells you anything.

  • I think part of the problem is that people think that all people who ride bikes are the same, and that all modes of cycle travel are the same.  A child on a tricycle, or a an old lady on a sit up and beg bike are not the same as a road cyclist.  It is called a road bike for a reason...er...it may be something to do with riding on roads I suspect.  The onus has to be placed firmly on education of drivers.  They should be made as part of their driving test to ride a cycle in heavy traffic...this would instil the right attitude early on.  I always avoid cycle paths, like dual carriageway "hard shoulders" (not sure what you call them in Merica) they are usually full of crap, detritus, shards of glass and litter.  Use only in the event that you are in the mood for a puncture and fancy some road side rest time to recover from that Diaphramatic Breathing!

  • @KW

    Seriously, if you're in that big a hurry, leave sooner. Le facque?

    YEP! This is exactly how I feel. Years ago now I had a very aggressive driver try to run me into parked cars on my commute. He then got stuck in long line of traffic. His windows were down.

    I rolled up and said that exact thing. "It's not my fucking fault you are late. Leave earlier you cunt. I'm commuting to work, just like you." I continued on my way, leaving him to sit in traffic.

    Yep, gotta love the angry honks and zooming past when you cost them a few seconds. I do laugh to myself and wonder why more people DON'T think/say..."Holy fack, that guy is going 40km on a bike, with a backpack, up a hill, at 7:15 in the morning. I barely was able to work the toaster oven." My dream is to take that driver who did that to you, chain them to a chair, set them on fire...No, I'm kidding. Chain them to a chair and give them a long lecture on why cyclists belong, why they are wrong, and why they need to change their fucking behavior. I don't want to shoot them, I don't want to torture them, I just want to have a nice, long, one-sided talk with them.

    But, I'm trying to just roll with it at this point. I think most drivers just simply cannot see around ME BIG, you small, YOU MOVE! It is sad, but that is how it is, I think. Still, on the roads where you have to put up with numerous close calls and multiple jerks, it is hard to just smile and be happy you are on a bike.

    Good on ya though, KW. Keep up the commuting, keep up the riding.

  • I'm also thankful. I really started riding a bike for fun, exercise, leisure, commuting and to get out and see the world from a saddle when I was living in Washington, DC. Then I lived back in upstate NY where I grew up. Now I'm in central NC. All have had their pros/cons to cycling but...none of them have been horrible or that dangerous.

    Now I simply seek out the lowest traffic routes and time my rides to be low volume/low aggression times. Can't ride Friday morning (tomorrow) so I'm going to ride late in the evening, after the Cubicle Crazies have fled work and are safely positioned at the bar and before the leave the bar to steer home drunkenly. Perfect! And gives me something to look forward to.

    I know my cycling situation/infrastructure could be much, much worse. Now I just have to land at job at the uni. down the block so I can bike commute 5 minutes and get paid. The KT '15 ain't gonna pay for itself!

  • @wiscot





    This article makes me really admire those who live in urban areas, it really takes a different commitment to ride when so populus dense. Chapeau for you all

    Conversely, living in a rural town of 12k, there are no bike lanes. I have had to educate/enlighten the mayor and council on what bike lanes even are, and still we have none these years later, as they see it a waste of time...I mean who even rides a bike when you can drive a car...right??? So much for city admin and planning

    But, I'll take it, the trade off from population density, to just a few drunks in ford pickemups, once in a blue moon. The roads are shit, but there is no traffic either, so all in all, a fair trade

    I think in Utopia/Merckx in the sky, there is the marriage of both no traffic and all bike lanes, er...open roads

    So..........Velomitopia is in Southwestern Wisconsin?

    central Mis-ow-ree, which is prob same as Wisc cheese country

    Not sure I would call it Velomitropia, as having been in Washington and the great NW which is where my lost soul really belongs....just saying if you like lone wolf riding with one run in car incident per year such as the flip of a finger, the toss of a beer can or the less than nice hillbilly road rage...its not a bad place as literally 99% are amazed that someone even rides and they go around you like your a freak of nature and are spreading herpes with each stroke. Then again, if you like pack riding, there are very few here. I have to go to St Louis or thereabouts to get in with others, and thats 2hr drives each time.

    I just can't imagine riding like you dudes do in the jam packed city, perhaps I would get use to that tho

    Whoa! Go easy on the Wisconsin/Mizzoura comparisons there! My city (30,000 in SE WI) doesn't do bike lanes. I think the city expects everyone to ride on the "rail-to-trail" that runs through the city. "If you're foolish enough to ride on the road, that's at your risk" seems to be the attitude. Fortunately, there are tons of nice, quiet, almost traffic free roads to ride on and drivers are overwhelmingly polite and give a wide berth. For example, I hit a stop sign in Campbellsport on Saturday at the same time as a lady driver. Who was to go first? I did, mouthed "thank you" with a nod of the head and a smile. She mouthed back, with a smile, "you're welcome." Made my day that did. Wouldn't have happened in Indiana where I used to live . . .

    now now, nothing intended there but to clarify, afterall I didn't want to put you all in the same cat as 'we-uns'. yet, well, we are sorta neighbors living in fly over country here, and sounds like cut from the same cloth in city admin's

    people...well, maybe you got me beat on 'nice' ones there.  my wife and I love that area and all.  nonetheless, good for you and the people there, I have been meaning to run to Madison and make a weekend of it riding and seeing waterford

  • @Ron "cyclists belong." Spot on. That's the basis for my opposition to "bike paths," or more accurately, Multi Use Paths. They reinforce motorists' perspective we don't belong on the roads. At least in this part of 'Murica, we have the same rights and responsibilities as motorists. When I point that out to them and they rant about cyclist ignoring traffic laws, I counter with motorists routinely ignoring speed limits, blowing through red lights (but it just changed...!), and look at the police logs in the paper pretty much any day. But that's different, it doesn't waste 17 seconds of their lives. To get to the bar, get Johnny to practice, or watch TV.

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