2012 Anti-V Moment of the Year: Bullies are really just pussies

As referenced in the 2012 V-Moment of the year article and ensuing discussion, it was a most Vawesome year for cycling. It’s been hypothesized here and on cycling sites with more integrity that the fantastic racing of 2012 may be, at least in part, attributed to a cleaner peloton. Unless you watched the Tour de France you’d think the days of foregone conclusions and three week coronations are quickly becoming a thing of the past. It is in this vein we bring to you the Anti-V Moment of 2012: Lance Armstrong’s ceasing to fight the charges against him.

Now usually, we try our best not to delve into the seedy side of cycling. There is just way too much cool about our sport to focus our collective energy and attention on asshats. Besides, we’ve got bikes to ride. But the COTHO’s public announcement that he would no longer fight, er, defend himself against allegations of systematic doping, money laundering, blackmail, intimidation, and international douchebaggery has to be the biggest Anti-V moment of the year, if not in the history of pro cycling.

The COTHO could have feasibly taken one of three tacks as the winds of pressure, evidence, and public opinion continued to blow against his house of cards. Tack one would have been to continue lying, bribing, and digging an ever deepening hole as he steadfastly proclaimed his innocence. This obviously hadn’t been working for the past 10-odd years but at least it allowed him to maintain his base of supporters. Even as it became more difficult for him to maintain the façade he still had a sizable group of survivors, apologists, journalists, and mis-guided cycling fans who believed.

Tack two would have been to come clean (pardon the pun) and admit to the whole sordid mess he created but he didn’t have the ball to do this either. Who knows what his reasons are for not being honest? Best guesses are he’s rationalizing a set of excuses ranging from mitigating his financial liability, evading criminal implications, and blaming the corruptness of the sport. Maybe he’s trying to save face in some twisted way. But for as cliché as Tyler Hamilton even admitted in his tell-all; the truth will set you free. The COTHO could have stood in front of those microphones and cameras and said “Hey, you know what, I doped. I made some poor choices and lied to everybody and for that I’m deeply sorry.” Had he done so his detractors would probably still be his detractors and he would have given his supporters a legitimate reason to continue supporting him but at least everybody could say he fessed up and there is some integrity in doing that.

Alas, he took the Anti-V tack. He stopped defending himself, er, lying without admitting to anything and seems to be hoping to just fade into the background. In essence, he’s taking his toys and going home. What’s striking about this is that it is contrary to what we’ve come to understand about the guy. If anything, we’ve come to know him as a fighter, both in life and on the road. But this latest, and hopefully last maneuver was just plain weak. (Notice I’ve added the categories of “Evanescent Riders” and “In Memoriam” to this article in addition to “Awards”. The first two are much more fitting.)

Perhaps it belies the true nature of the man. A nature that involves intimidation, serial emotional and physical aggression and even violence. A nature that includes socially isolating his victims, arguing them into submission, and propagating rumors, gossip, and lies about them to sway public opinion in his favor. A nature that involves amplifying the mistakes of others in order to strengthen his own self-image. A nature whereby there are many innocent bystanders who are too fearful of repercussions to come forward themselves. The nature of a man who may be trying to compensate for his own insecurities and feed his own narcissism and megalomania. The nature of a simple bully who ultimately shows himself to be a big pussy.


Marko lives and rides in the upper midwest of the States, Minnesota specifically. "Cycling territory" and "the midwest" don't usually end up in the same sentence unless the conversation turns to the roots of LeMond, Hampsten, Heiden and Ochowitz. While the pavé and bergs of Flanders are his preferred places to ride, you can usually find him harvesting gravel along forest and farm roads. He owes a lot to Cycling and his greatest contribution to cycling may forever be coining the term Rainbow Turd.

View Comments

  • Amerckx to that.

    Is this the greatest contrast between The V and Anti-V ever?

    Could the potential between the two poles be used to generate unlimited amounts of free electricity thus freeing the world from its reliance on fossil fuels?

    Time will tell...

  • Winner here is an easy, easy choice, and I wholeheartedly concur with Marko. Interesting, and as noted, this...situation...far transcends not only our sport, but sport in general. There are high politics involved, and it is just because I prefer to avoid such politics that I enjoy sport. COTHO's lies...umm..."story"... ruined that for everyone, and the whole world is a little less bright because of it. Thanks for the lesson, ya fuckwad.

    That said...we did learn a lot, didn't we? But that's not sport. Reminds me of the guy that taped the TV showing of the lotto number drawing; then bought those numbers on a ticket for the next drawing. He serruptiously ran the tape, passing the ticket and asking his wife to "check their numbers" while he went to the next room. Screaming ensued. "Are you sure? Are you sure?" Perhaps cruel, but his wife now knows the feeling of knowing they'd won. Even though, in the end, it was a hoax.

    I have a bike to ride. That is all.

  • The price you pay for international douchebaggery is that the world eventually catches on and you just become another Donald Trump. In the end justice will prevail and we'll be left with a cleaner sport, better, more exciting competition and another name to add to the already long list of douchebags from Texas.

  • "....but he didn't have the ball to do this either...". Fucking awesome. Chapeau @Marko!

  • @Tobin

    Lance who? In more important news, 22 more days till the Tour Down Under!

    Was it in 2005 that the TdU organizers went apeshit over COTHO comitting to going to that race? And it becoming hugely popular and successful because of his presence? Tour of the Gila got SRAM to sponsor them the same way. COTHO might ask: "yeah, I haven't done much for you lately. Sorry it wasn't good enough for you. Choads."

  • I am now convinced - when I go to hell, it's going to be full of people arguing and pontificating over Lance Armstrong..

    I can hardly wait. ;-)

    Maybe I'll luck out and my karma will change so that I'll be reincarnated as an intestinal parasite. That would be better than the hell I envision.  A little better, anyway.

  • @PeakInTwoYears

    Excellent choice of image, there.

    It seemed to fit the title of the piece as well as the season and had the added benefit of not being of the COTHO on the lead article.


    Keep in mind, you make your own karma by displaying the V in life and on the bike. The Velominatus has no place in hell for this reason so you should have nothing to worry about.

  • @theChaz

    I am now convinced - when I go to hell, it's going to be full of people arguing and pontificating over Lance Armstrong..


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