Anatomy of a photo: The Merckx of the Mud

What can you say about this man that doesn’t include the words ‘tough as frikkin nails badass mofo’?
What can you say about this man that doesn’t include the words ‘tough as frikkin nails badass mofo’?
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And winning on his home turf. Hardman for sure. It’ll be interesting to see how Stybar does on the road this year. That dude is a badass as well.
You are pretty much a badass when you are so good you have a race named after you and then proceed to win said race 9 of the 11 times it has been put on. Dang.
HARD-Fucking-CORE Baby!!! Awesome pic!!!
Sven is my hero. Finally, no mechanicals!
Nothing like a good ‘cross photo!
PS – Check out the Juniors results… 6th and 7th place USA USA USA! Andrew Dillman is a local Louisville, KY kid. Expect great things…
Gran Prix Sven Nys – Juniors Report
And I’m sure I’m not the first to notice, NO SHOECOVERS.
I say that, but to be fair, I can’t tell if he’s wearing leg warmers, either. You know it’s a good Rule #9 day when you can’t tell leg from spandex.
@frank it’s leg warmers
Regarding Stybar, this is all I have to say about him:
Check the course, and the gaps back to the rest of the group. Both are, as the Belgie commentator says, “for-mi-da-ble”.
Nys’ winning move comes at 13:18 or so.
Just to add another bit of cycling photography by me.
The legs of Lars Boom, then world champion, and Sven Nys.
The last two laps of an epic battle:
This is the man who tore an XTR pedal in half earlier this season. He’s as hard as they come!
Check out the finish at 10:00
brutal, absolutely brutal!
Always love the muddy cyclocross photos.
My feet get cold easily. Never understand guys who need full finger gloves and leg warmers but don’t need shoe covers. I guess it is just how different bodies run differently. My feet get cold faster than my legs or fingers.
Too much. That is the most awesome picture ever. They must have cropped out the jar of Nutella he was holding and pointing to. Cuz that’s “I got me a jar of Nutella” face right there.
New favorite quote: “Steeds en tandje kleiner”, which means “constantly a tooth less” in reference to Nys’s’s’s attitude towards constantly upshifting throughout the race.
(Directly translated to “always a tooth smaller” but that doesn’t really convey the meaning.)
A friend of mine is over there right now, I asked him to get me one of those but I don’t think he will come through.