As an ex-muso and DJ, I thought my days of rockin' out, layin' down some beats and droppin' tracks were well behind me. Then, last week I received a curious email from our esteemed community member, Geof. Curious, because he was now referring to himself as the “G'Phant”, and informed me that we (meaning him and I) were booked into a recording studio in a few days time. What. The. Fuck?
Of course Frank was replying to the emails in his usual manic manner with all kinds of “fucking RAD dudes” as is his wont. A further scroll revealed a set of lyrics in the rap vein, which soon had a huge grin splitting my dial. Of course I was in, you don't have to ask me twice to embarrass myself.

I rolled up to the studio on the Tricross, as G'Phant arrived in style in his flash red V8 Commodore (a Pontiac GTO kinda-thing for you Yanks), in true Lawyer-Ghetto stylez. Mike the engineer played a few drum tracks, and we picked an appropriate beat for our vocal meat. The Notorious G informed me he had arranged a female vocalist to sing (as opposed to our caterwauling and grunting) the chorus, and the bombshell soon-to-be-dubbed Newz took over the room with her outstanding pipes. We needed someone to make us sound good, and Newz certainly delivered the good news. G'Phant laid down some bass grooves on the synth, and we were starting to sound like we knew what we were doing. Or maybe that was Mike weaving his magic.

It was a blast! We couldn't stop grinning, from the brilliant interpretation of the key Rules by Geof, the passable imitations of ghetto rappers by a couple of skinny white boys (well, old men really), and the general good times that creating music brings. Beware; Frank is arranging a video shoot as we rap, I mean speak, and Merckx knows what he is capable of…
*Thanks to Mike at Trident Studios, Wellington for his time and patience, to Newz for her time and talent, and Geof for being a freakin nut and writing the awesome lyrics, booking the studio and making this happen. Loved it.
Presenting: Obey The Rules (Welly White Boy Edit) by GangstaPhant featuring BrettOK and Newz.
[audio:]Download: Obey the Rules
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Just stumbled across this….BIG BUMP!
In the middle of a leg searing climb last week the mantra came into my head, “…The V-Cog is the sign, the bike is a tool, Eddy is the prophet, Obey the Rules…,” which was the perfect climbing cadence.
A coincidence? I think not.