Equinox: The Cyclist’s New Years Day

For me, the day we adjust for Daylight Savings Time marks the official start of the cycling season. The reason I choose this day and not some other day (like MSR) is mostly a pragmatic one; before DLS goes into effect, the winter days are too short to allow for training outside after work during the week. Not that the days suddenly become long enough to train right, but at least we’re headed in the right direction. (I also know that technically the Equinox and DLS are not on the same day like I’m implying with the title, but not being a Hippie means I get to paint with a broad stroke in this matter and lump the two together. It gets too confusing for me otherwise.)
Every year, depending on what transpired over the winter, I generally make some symbolic gesture that marks the start of the season. One year, I shaved the beard I (rather unsuccessfully) had been growing over the winter months. Other years, if I’ve skied more than I’ve ridden, I undertake the inaugural leg-shaving of the season. Still others, (like this one) I acknowledge with regret the weight I’ve gained and resolve to loose it.
This year has a new milestone: we present to you the new look of Velominati. Bear with us over the coming weeks as we smooth out the final ripples in the fabric after go-live last night. Other upcoming changes to keep your eye out for include official Velominati gear including T-Shirts, stickers, and our custom cycling kit made by Castelli.
A special thanks goes out to KRX10 for postponing the launch of their own site in order to design ours.
The new Velominati look is cool – nice job.
Even though I attempt to keep riding somewhat through the winter – by commuting and the occasional mountain bike ride and wind trainer session – I still wind up taking weeks off at a time.
Changing the clock and seeing daylight after work changes all that and marks the official beginning of the riding season for me as well. I left work at 6:00 PM today and easily made it home before dark, even riding at a slow pace.
It’s also a reminder how much fitness I’ve lost since November or so, but that’s okay, since I know it will return once again – like it does every year.
@Dan O
Thanks for the compliment on the site; we’re very pleased with the new look as well. Glad you agree on DLS; I knew I couldn’t be the only one!
I was wondering what the ruling was about leg hair over the winter.
Everything’s legal so long as you don’t get caught. I stopped shaving about a month ago, but I haven’t ridden without tights or warmers since.
@Cyclops, @Steampunk
Sorry, you keep shaving all year long, no exceptions. You do this to remind yourself that you’re a cyclist. If you spot your shaven leg while you’re reaching for that fourth turkey leg at Christmas dinner, it will remind you to put the fork down.
If, on the other hand, you spot your hairy hippy douchebag leg wiggling around under the table, you’ll just reach over, grab another shovelful or mashed pertaters and dig back in.
So, what you’re saying is we should shave for Christmas dinner? I don’t know whether this is Dutch or American influence on your part, but around these parts, we typically wear trousers at Christmas dinner, making it rather difficult to tell whether the guns are primed or hairy. B’sides: up above, you talk about the inaugural leg-shaving of the season. What gives?
He uses Nair during the off-season, and only actually shaves during the cycling season.
Don’t you have a desire for shaved legs all the time? I just shaved this morning, then promptly slipped into a pair of flannel pants. Such sensations are some of the little things that make the cyclist’s life better than the non-cyclist’s life.
It’s the first week of November, it’s Idaho, and the whole week has been upper 60’s with NO wind. I’ll be leaving work early today for a couple of hours of LSD. Life is good.
Winter riding has come a long way with LED lights. There is no excuse to not ride in honour of Rule #9. The winter sport I choose is back country telemark so I don’t end up with thunder thights like Frank. Imagine skiing up a mountain for hours with heavy boots and skis. Then doing hundreds of lunges down the mountain. Good for the quads? You betcha. It’s raining now, and I’m going to go ride
Hallelujah! Daylight savings time kicks in this weekend! It’ll be light out till around 7pm. Throw on a couple of lights and it’s time to hit the road after work. With a freaky mild winter here in WI, I’m ahead of last year in fitness and with 50s today and tomorrow, I’m scooting out a bit early to take advantage of it. While we’re not completely out of the winter season here, that hour shift means a lot to all of us (in the northern hemisphere.)