Announcing New V-Features: Updated Posting Badges

We’ve been busy working away at some more features that will hopefully continue to strengthen the community here at Velominati. This is just a small release, centered on the community.
First, we’ve introduced a new badge for community members who have contributed one or more Guest Articles; they’ll be posting with the same v-emblem that notates the closing of an article.
The second is a bit of an experiment, but here’s the idea: Since Velominati is more about the community than the Articles; over the past year we’ve noticed that some members have a tendency to consistently contribute in an intangible but significant way. While everyone here is important and appreciated, we felt it would be nice to honor those who set themselves apart for their role in the community.
Starting next Sunday, the Keepers will select a member whom we feel deserves some recognition. Nominations will of course be accepted, so send them here; you may also nominate someone in-line in response to their post with the usual +1
, but it’s always possible we might miss it. Penalty points for nominating yourself, but it won’t necessarily exclude you. We’ll be posting the nominee on the Keepers page, and they will post for the following week with a super-secret, yet-to-be-revealed badge. We’ll see how often we switch this up, but we’ll start with targeting a weekly nomination, every Sunday. Anyone qualifies, and anyone can be nominated multiple times. It doesn’t hurt to ingratiate yourself; send donations and cookies to the Frank Fairness Fund. If this turns out to be polarizing and not community-building, we’ll roll it back. And prescribe a lengthy mediation on Rule #5.
I like the idea about the V icon. my only thing would be to make it a different color so it stands out more.
Didn’t realize there were badges. This convinced me to sign up.
Nice ideas. Who to nominate? There are several worthy contenders.
Also, the “Guest Author” badges render underneath the date of the post in my browser. The other badges are still in the right place however. Like @RedRanger’s idea too — How about Molteni Orange?
Yeah, fun ideas. I also think the V-badge for article contributors should be a color that makes it stand out more.
Hi Frank and Velominati!
With some luck and effort and some V ( I rode 80km to shoot this..) …and in the spirit of community members contribution..i have the pleasure to give you some video insights of this Criterium du Dauphiné 2011… these videos have been shot this afternoon in a hurry “in race” 20 km before the Finish Line and at the hotel with Cer velo-Garmin, Saur Soja Sun, Omega-Pharma-Lotto and Francaise des Jeux (FDJ) … as the riders and team members were quite exhausted and the Mechanics and DSs really on nerves i had little time and opportunities to shoot these videos ( with and old Iphone…)
Nevertheless, here are some exclusive footage for you Velominati…
the 3 échappés and the the entire peloton and team cars 15 km before the finish line : All in 3 minutes : no sponsors caravan this year ! (~90 Mo video)
is it the new “meilleur grimpeur” with the Red Dots Jersey.. as far as i know -now- it’s not even official… the pink one is a (good) local kid…
Well, shit happens, innit? CorimAAAaaargh!
At the FDJ stand, Dura Ace c35 wheels and stuff
An FDJ Lapierre vigorously washed
A Cervelo more gently treated
Garmin_Cervelo at home
A Canyon being prepared
If you encounter some problems with the Dauphiné Videos…
they are all here :
Vote 1 Adrian
On an “impact per post” basis he is the only option,
Damn, I’m going to have to actually start posting rather than just moping about reading articles ‘cos I want a badge too! Well it seems like as good a time as to introduce myself, so hi everyone! I’m here if you want to a skinny British kid’s point of view!
Bages ?? We don’t need no stinking badges!!
…..and i type like a 5 year old
Thank GOD for the new front page article.
I was ready to leap into my screen and start plucking Bertie’s eyebrows. It was driving me insane.
… will the badge be shiny? I LIKE shiny…
Awesomeness! The updates sound cool. The community keeps on getting better all the time.
Now I’m just waiting for the texted reminders to enter VSP picks…(just kidding, though I’m still annoyed I missed the Dauphine entry deadline)
Probably goes without saying, but I’d like to nominate Oli:
1) He’s been playing it Casually Deliberate from the early 80s until two weeks ago, when he went “Oli” on the VSP
2) Possesses an excellent knowledge of cycling history and PRO racing
3) He nominated me & then usurped the title for overreacting to the VSP 2011 edition
4) He’s got a fine sense of humor.
5) I can look him up as a riding pal the next time I’m in NZed!
Better rookie hair? You decide!
Thats what I was thinking also. Oli is a good choice.
Uh big George for sure. He looks like he just stepped out of an 80’s MTV electro-pop video. Or like a more athletic young Tom Hanks.
Actually, I was thinking to Oli too!
George looks more like an Italian, so I cast my vote on him.
I nominate Steampunk, for this.
How’s it coming, Steamy?
Oli merits a badge.
In the interest of not embarrassing the good gentleman I was going to email in my nomination for Mr. Oli Brooke-White, but it’s too late for that so I’ll just second the other nominations for him.
Ok ok failing Adrian there can only be three options – JiPM, Cyclops or me. Why? Because we ride Look 595s. And I win on countback because I also have a steel Baum to give me Indy street cred.
And this would also make for some nice symmetry as it would mean Oli comes second. And as you all should know – world order is only restored when Kiwis finish blow Aussies.
And the rest of you are a bunch of pussies for not nominating yourselves.
Wait a darn second, Jeff has a LOOK?
Sorry that should be “Kiwis finish below Aussies”. Goddamn iPhone auto-correct.
I thought that was intentional, you should have run with it, mate.
I wore my Sacred Garments(tm) to this nomination convention.
I’m thinking between his photos of recon rides in the alps & the Dauphine videos above @Alpin might steal that impact per post title. The man has gold in every post.
A little late on the uptake eh? dont worry it’s something we can aspire to.
SUPER photo! Way to bring the “V” to altitude!!!
Best comment on the site in the last week. Well played!
re: best rookie hair – George, without a doubt.
re: badges – cool idea. First recipient of the super secret sacred badge: Oli or Adrian.
@eightzero – yes!
Badges, we ain’t got no badges. We don’t need to show you no stinkin’ badges. Unless they’re nice shiny ones!
Didn’t see you nominate yourself to podium at the Giro sunshine. Get off my wagon.
As to the Kiwis blow Aussies comment…
you’d do what to the little fella?
In Sacre Garnment and in good company!
I have a LOOK as well, but I ain’t sharin’ it here because:
a) I still haven’t sorted out my spacers & don’t want any Rule violation photos of my bikes
b) It ain’t no 595…have yet to find the cash for that frameset but hey, I’ve always wanted a LOOK so I can’t be too sad!
@Buck Rogers
you smacked it!! pure class
And yeah, lads, Jeff has a LOOK 595. Check out his write-up, it’s sweet as!
Badges are like stickers. Only worser.
wtf are you on about re: the Giro podium champ?
But thanks for the really stirring photo of your national mascot, a flightless bird. Don’t you wish you guys had kangaroos too?
That’s why I nominated you.
I mean YOU
Do we have a jersey for the Follower who repeatedly makes posts so long that they could be a separate article? We might need to have one of those, just sayin’…
The Long-Winded Jersey?
No, but I was thinking about adding one for pulling a Ron, except I don’t have a picture of you.
Ah ha ha. That’s pretty funny. I have to pick up a V-jersey before a submit a pic!
Anyway, I thought it was a pulling an Oli jersey these days?
No, because doing an Oli is only a mild form of Ronning – it’s not worthy of a title.
Thanks for asking. The weather this spring has been terrible. Cold late and then very, very wet. It’s also been a killer at work. And I’ve been suffering from a bit of an inflamed hip, which is making riding uncomfortable. (I’m telling myself to Rule V it as I write this). All this to say I’m a little off my targeted pace, but should clear 1000km this week. And my sabbatical (year leave) kicks in on July 1.
Thanks to the folks here who contacted me off-site and were added to my list of sponsors. I’ve been asked to put together some stuff on families commuting by bike (my kids ride to school) for a health and transportation fair the city of Hamilton is putting on next week, and was encouraged to bring some stuff on Bikes to Rwanda; hopefully, I’ll be able to recruit some more sponsors””more of them adds value to every kilometer I ride.
I nominated myself to get onto the podium of the Giro in the final week after Contador spanked the rest of em like crying babies. Figured I had about as much chance of getting there as the rest of my VSP picks.
It’s not only our national mascot: it’s the logo for our air force as well.