Rule 8: It’s Gotta Be The Shoes

Rule #8 Compliance" src="" alt="" width="620" height="413" />
Shall shoes be added?

What Gianni humbly omitted from his last article is that once he finishes ranting about sock color (actually, the lack of need for any color other than than white), he recovers quickly and we wrap up the Keepers executive board meeting with him tearing our legs off on the ride home from the bar with his magnificent stroke.  Because after all, he is Rule #72.

But I digress.  All the chit-chat Gianni’s article generated, and the timing of it with a new shoe purchase on my end, has me ruminating on Rule #8.   Matching saddle, handlebar tape, and tires is, for the Velominatus at least, quite the no-brainer as it were.  The only really poignant question I recall ever being raised is whether Vittoria Open Pave’s have an exemption because they are awesome and scream hardman tire (I think they are acceptable).

But what of shoes?  They are the one piece of kit that most often throws a rider’s coordination out of sync.  Of course this has traditionally been fine as shoes are such a personal matter that expecting one to match one’s shoes with the rest of one’s kit is hopeful at best.  That being said, I wonder if  shoes are less kit  and more equipment.  They transfer power directly from rider to bike and thus they are mechanical, they are engineered by smart people using fancy computers, and they render the machine virtually unrideable without them.  In fact, I’ve often wondered why retailers list them under “clothing” and why online review forums don’t put them under “drivetrain” instead of “clothing and accessories”.

So if you don’t accept my premise, at least humor me here.  If shoes are equipment and not kit, why would anyone buy a pair that didn’t match the rest of their bike?  Surely, with the abundance of shoe choices on the market these days I would think one could make every effort to find a pair that fits, has the features and performance characteristics sought, falls within price range, and matches the rest of the bike.

I happened upon this concept casually deliberately this week.  You see, I’ve been sporting considerable carbone over Fi’zi:k’s new shoe line ever since they were introduced (you might say I have a thing for shoes).  So when a new pair of R3’s fell into my lap for number 1 I was forced to shift the Yellow Princesses over to number 3.  The yellow decals and accents on the Serotta look awesome with the YP’s and the new R3’s are oh so sublime with the BMC. Splendid, indeed.

So I’ll put it to you, the Velominati. Does Rule #8 need amending?  Are shoes equipment and not clothing?  Do we, perhaps, need a new rule pertaining to shoe/bike matching (I think not but a suggestion might be in order).  These are the things that keep the Keepers up at night.


Marko lives and rides in the upper midwest of the States, Minnesota specifically. "Cycling territory" and "the midwest" don't usually end up in the same sentence unless the conversation turns to the roots of LeMond, Hampsten, Heiden and Ochowitz. While the pavé and bergs of Flanders are his preferred places to ride, you can usually find him harvesting gravel along forest and farm roads. He owes a lot to Cycling and his greatest contribution to cycling may forever be coining the term Rainbow Turd.

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  • @Marcus

    @frankBaby kangaroos are called joeys. They get carried around my mummy kangaroos in a pouch. Despite the way they look 'roos are fucking mean and nasty. But their hides make for excellent shoe leather. They aren't very nice to eat but good fun to shoot (because they fuck up farms).

    If you don't like the eating, you're cooking it wrong. Roo steak, well seasoned, cooked just past rare & properly rested is a delight to the senses.

  • The only thing worse than women talking about shoes is guys talking about shoes.

    I think they're both equipment AND kit. Although good luck matching the kit to Yellow Princesses!

    I've got white/red Shimano R133. They match most kits I have, and are comfortable.

  • @Dr C
    Assuming you're talking about the 16th, then congratulations on a most Awesome date for a birthday.

    Unfortunately the stories of mine come nowhere near matching the one you've just shared with us as the steed is currently in the shop having its wheels brought back to life after a nasty impact with a well shaded pot-hole last weekend.

  • @Dr C
    Happy Birthday and congratulations. A beautiful climb when you find your rhythm, followed by a beautiful descent. Perfection. The hook is in now laddie.

  • Late to the party after home interweb connectivity woes last night. I pitched only black shoes in relation to white socks on Gianni's great piece. And just bought a pair of these:

    I don't mean to be too rigid on this, but there was another issue in relation to kit and equipment. I typically wear a Giro helmet, so there's some brand symmetry top to bottom, not to mention color (helmet is charcoal and black). The bike is grey and black, so the color coordination is there, but I beg off trying too hard on the grounds that black shoes are simple, classy, and always in fashion. Are helmets kit or equipment?

  • I'll say it again. Helmet and shoes should match. Had a white/white Specialized combo, but being over Specialized I sold them to go black/black with a Garneau/Lazer combo. Black looks badass with the V-Kit.

  • @wiscot

    Is Mr Fixie racing a guy on a fucking skateboard in that pic? Tell me no, please tell me no. No wonder Frank was dishing out the evil eye . . .

    Yep. His bike was in the shop:

  • @Dr C

    Congrats on the b-day and the climb. You've just given me some inspiration!

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