pay attention
Why do we love the cycling equation here? For me, applying equations to deal with the passion we feel for cycling is just always funny. Reducing one’s love to some numbers and square root signs doesn’t work but the attempts to quantify always bring a smile. So sharpen your pencils and break out the slide rulers, we have some homework here. Thanks to @JimBywater for doing the calculations.
VLVV, Gianni
How hard is it for a man to ride his bike?
This isn’t a metaphysical or rhetorical interrogation, but a completely serious, straight forward question. Well, it depends where you live, what you do for work and what significant others you have in your life. They provide the all-important variables determining any man’s ability to successfully mount leg over bike.
But let’s take this question one step at a time. How hard is it for any man to ride his bike? Literally.
Well, first you have to learn how to ride a bike. Done. I did that when I was about 5 years old.
Next, you have to own or have access to a bike to ride. Check. 4 of them in the shed. Road, gravel, hybrid or mountain. Take your pick.
So, I have the requisite skills and equipment. Just need to choose a time and away I go.
How about today. Thursday 11th February 2016. Well, I have work between 9 and 5. I could cycle 30 miles to work, but the weather forecast shows it being about 1 degree at the time I’d need to leave, which means there would probably be ice, which is a little dangerous. However it does look like it’ll brighten up in the afternoon, so perhaps I could leave the office early and get a ride in. All my work is up to date, and baring any emergencies this should be possible as I worked late this week on something and am owed some lieu time. Ok, how about 2pm. That gives me 3 hours before I have to get back to the house to help out with the family duties.
11:40 on Thursday and the network in the office has crashed. I’m responsible for the network in the office, so I suppose I better hang around until it’s fixed, which will mean I probably won’t make my 2pm riding appointment. Ok, perhaps if things go well I could go later in the evening, say 7pm. Weather forecast has it at going down to 3 degree, which is a little close to the ice creation limit. Looks like another day with no ride, making it 7 days in a row where I haven’t ridden my bike.
As I think back across the last 6 days, it becomes frustratingly clear to me that there are 6 major forces at work to stop any man from riding his bicycle. You can assign a value to each factor and work out your riding likelihood on any given day. The higher the score, the more unlikely it is that you’ll be riding any time soon. Work out your values, plug them into the below equation and read your score:
W (W+T+R) + Wk + R + I = the Bike Likelihood Equation
The Bike Likelihood Score Table
0 – Definitely, 150km minimum. Big bowl of porridge and enjoy the day!
1 – Very likely, at least 100km. A solid session, probably get some top 10’s on Strava.
2 – Highly probable, should be an 80km day. Keep the pace quick in case you need to get back.
3 – Likely, you’re looking at 2-3 hour window for a ride. Nice local loop early morning, late evening.
4 – Good chance it will happen, keen the bibs on underneath in anticipation.
5 – Possible, be sharp and go as soon as the chance occurs
6 – Not looking great, although things could turn around so keep the Lycra out
7 – Unlikely. You’ll have to be very lucky and very economical with your time
8 – Very unlikely. More chance of Cav beating Kittel in a sprint nowadays.
9 & above – It’s not happening. If you have 7 of these in a row, think about another sport. Maybe computer gaming or something.
How to Score: The 6 Opposing Forces of Cycling
Weather – this can be broken down into 3 major components:
Values – 0 = anything less than 13mph, 1 = 13 – 20 mph, 2 = 20-40mph, 3 = anything above 40mph
Values – 0 = 15 degree or above, 1 = 8 – 14 degree, 2 = 3 – 7 degree, 3 = below 3 degree
Values – 0 = not raining, 1 = spitting, 2 = raining, 3 = torrential downpour
Values – 0 = no work impact whatsoever, 1 = occasional but very rare impact, 2 = rarely impacting but can exist with emergencies/special occasions, 3 = constant work impact (seriously demanding position with early mornings and late nights)
Values – 0 = no ties, responsibilities or significant others, 1 = my wife is pretty cool but does draw the line at a romantic weekend in Roubaix around April time, 2 = kids are young enough that I can sneak out every weekend without major issue, 3 = major troubles as kids are into everything, busy evenings & weekends, 4 = Kids at level 3 plus grandparents in the mix at weekends
Values – 0 = clean bill of health, 1 = bit of sneezing/tight hammy, 2 = proper cold/sore knee, 3 = crocked with real injury or illness
So, if I assign some values for today and plug them into the formula let’s see what I get:
W – Not windy, very cold only going above 3 for a few hours while at work, no rain = 3
Wk – In the middle of a large, risky project upgrading telephony system in the office = 2
R – At least one child will need some attention and the wife will probably want to leave the house in the evening after spending all day inside it while potty training the 2 year old = 3
I – all good…at the moment = 0
Plug those values into the equation and we get
W (W0+T3+R0) + Wk2 + R3 + I0 = 8. Very Unlikely
If I run this formula on a simulation for myself in April, with some seasonal showers, a change in work situation but with R and I remaining fixed, you can see simply that the likelihood falls into a much more favourable score for my situation.
W (W0+T0+R1) + Wk1 + R3 + I0 = 5
When I look back across the previous 6 days, I can easily see that I’ve been scoring in between 7 and 9 every day, with at least 3 forces combining each time to prevent a cycling session from occurring.
Frustrating, but at least I can see what I need to do now. Change some variables. Move abroad, change jobs or ditch the family. Simple.
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View Comments
Very nice mathematics lesson!
I fucking hate the wind. You can prepare for the other conditions, but not goddamn wind, especially since it only makes the forecast when it's really blowing. Raining? Overshoes and jacket. Snow on the ground, it is going to be cold. Damn wind. I bet I harbor a hatred of it from childhood, when I'd always think it was a great idea to bring a Frisbee on beach trips. Then you get there...and you can't play. Damn wind!
My equation is about to become way, waaaay more complicated. The first pedalwan arrives in May.
Yep, wind is the worse thing for me too.
Every other weather you can cope with some equipment. Rain, you put a jacket, cold you put something warm on, even ice you can put studded tires on your bike.
Wind you can't do anything about it. And if it was only a question of slowing you down i would apply rule 5, but the sudden gust sideway when a car pass you can kill you.
Heard another one the other day relating to performance and training
Got to minimise those distractions.
Everything in balance. The equation would probably reveal why I ride alone at sunrise in the dead of winter, dealing with a sub freezing start and hassling with the kit shuffling and stowage required by the 15 - 20 degree rise during ride, when most other area riders are taking their ride mid-day in the company of other zealots in better conditions. My way I get the ride and am back for lunch and a somewhat normal day with family.
Solution .... Retire and move to Southern California .... ;)
I'm liking the equation. Nice work James. The The Bike Likelihood Score Table might need to be personalized and wind speeds should prob be in kph not mph. I'm assuming the temps are in degrees Celsius though right? In Canada, we might go out when it's a little below freezing if the roads are clear and the sky is blue--depending on the other Opposing Forces of Cycling of course.
Hey James…once we've used your equation to tell us that there's a good likelihood that we will ride, now we need to know what kit to wear. You've already got the weather components, but we may need factors for club ride vs solo or family, what's in the wash, the lost sock factor, Bike #1 or lessor member of the stable, etc, etc. Maybe there's already an app for that?
There was a time when I cussed the wind. Now I accept it. I live in a valley that tends to funnel the wind from the west in the early part of the day. It just so happens that I often must begin riding directly into it. As the day warms, the winds will swirl in an unpredictable manner. When this happens there is no fooling yourself that you will have a tailwind home. In the Autumn and Spring it blows with some hellish force. On the flats, my power meter shows me I am giving it 300+ watts, but the speed doesn't correlate. I wrote the following after training in 56kpm wind gusts in early November:
Autumn Wind
On the road I see and feel the strongest and coldest of winds that have ever blown. I know my potential and I feel it squandering. God damn it. An entire season of intervals, pace lines, mountain climbs and gutting efforts; now to be a slave to the wind. Mother nature screams, “Listen up maggot, you are not special. You are not more beautiful, unique or powerful than I. You are at my mercy when I deem so”.
I am alone now, riding until my muscles burn and my veins pump battery acid. I ride on kicking and screaming but refusing to yield. I taunt it. I start a fight. I want you to hit me as hard as you can. I deliberately repeat the rule: The first rule of the head wind. You don’t give in to the head wind. I have incited it and it is very, very pissed off. As it slowly destroys my body, it realigns my perceptions. I become euphoric and attack my fate. I am liberated now for tomorrow will be the most beautiful day.
Sounds like spring in Wellington.