The case for black socks...and orange patent leather shoes.
[rule number=28/]
Science has proven that people who wear crazy socks are smarter than those boring snooze factories who wear simple plain socks. I know the data supporting the claims is legitimate because I read it on LinkedIn. Also, when I say “read”, I mean that I glanced briefly at the title while simultaneously performing several other critical activities like checking YouTube for videos of uncoordinated animals and what the weather is like on Mars.
Rule #28 stands out amongst the others as a particularly vague swan for the reasons outlined in the above article, which I assume are that in a world of limited and regimented acceptable conventions in gender style choices, socks present an opportunity to fly our Freak Flag and throw in a few pieces of flair without upsetting the boss, partner, or parents. Even though every Velominatus, the most dedicated and elite of the Cycling Aesthetes, holds white socks in the highest regard, there should always be room for other choices within the Cyclist’s daily style program.
Despite the implication on my intelligence, my own sock choice is rather understated and dictated in part by the employment of the Orange Damsels – my beloved custom orange patent-leather Bont Vaypors. These shoes already make a bit of a statement themselves, so my sock choice needs to be solid and carefully coordinated in order to avoid a conflict between my ankle and foot decorum. For instance, the orange hi-vis DeFeets I ride on the road in bad weather don’t quite match the orange of my shoes, pulling the choke on the ol’ OCD engine. I have therefore allowed myself to wear socks in any color so long as they are either black or white.
The case for white socks is already clear and does not need to be revisited. The case for black socks, however, begins with the principles laid out by Rule #8, wherein the colors of satellite components should normally be matched to their nearest adjacent contact point on the frame. It then follows by extension that the same is true for kit: assuming the mandatory black bibs, black socks bridge the gap between them and whatever shoes you might be wearing. Much like matching the cuffs to the collars, matching the socks to the bibs to black provides a uniform platform from which to build your style program.
Go bold with the choice of socks if you must, but remember to always keep it classy. And, if in doubt, build a solid foundation of color from which to build.
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I'd also argue that they be seen if worn with knee warmers.
But never with black shoes. Black shoes and black socks should only ever be worn with a suit. Do it on a bike and it looks like you've forgotten your trousers.
You might as well start wearing socks with your sandals.
This one lacks vision. Not surprising, but what is surprising to have this all emerging from the most ridiculous mustache ever conceived. Your avatar is too small so I went to your Facebook page to find this one, handsome.
You do bring up one point, even though you're still wrong even then:
When you don't have calves, the slimming factor of the black socks makes them look less not-calvesey.
The black shoes don't impact the foundation from a material perspective. The platform is solid irrespective of the shoe color:
Also note the front valve stem is even in the right position despite the fact that I'm moving (slowly).
My recollection of your application of Rule V was spinning out in a switchback, crashing, and walking the rest of the way up the hill.
To be fair, you may have switched to these shoes for the walk up, thereby building your impressive calves.
Wow, man. Just: wow.
@Le Baz
The toe box on Bonts are wider than normal in order to let your toes spread out for a better application of V into the pedals. With the Vaypors, the velcro strap (which serve double-duty as a spoiler to keep the whole operation from leaving the ground once you really get the pistons humming, per @wiscot) starts very low on the toe box for better stability. The foot is held in place incredibly well without having to snug the straps down terribly.
I was being mean. Your design program is exquisite.
Careful now: you're going to put your back out stooping so low. And then you'll be stuck staring at those black socks. And I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. That's seventh circle of hell aesthetics your hawking. Inappropes, dude. Inappropes. Socks should be white.
+1 badge goes to you, matey. Very strongly played.
Fucking Chapeau! Post of the day right there, Mate!