Categories: La Vie Velominatus

La Vie Velominatus, Part II: In Pursuit of Silence

We all have our obsessions, and principle among mine is the pursuit of silence when it comes to my machines. Not every sound is a bad sound, mind you; the hum from the tires, the growl of a carbon wheel under acceleration, the crisp click of a shift – these are sounds that set my heart alight. But sounds such as a lazy creak or metallic click – particularly one emitting in time with the pedal stroke – these sounds creep into a dark corner of my psyche to stir an anxiety usually reserved for lonely thoughts in the dead of night.

The sounds characterized as those that require silencing have a variety of causes, some minor and some critical. The minor causes generally spring from an ungreased, loosened, or dirty part; a bolt hiding somewhere on the frame perhaps, a quick-release skewer, maybe a spoke. A more serious cause might be a tear somewhere in the frame or rim, or perhaps a worn bearing. What these sounds have in common is that they can be incredibly difficult to pinpoint; the most elusive sounds are rarely reproducible in the workshop and thus can only be identified while riding. The worst are those that only emit from the machine during an intense effort, with oxygen debt providing an unwelcome distraction to trying to debug a sound.

The causes of these noises are difficult to isolate because bicycles are made of long tubes and most modern bikes also often have large-diameter tubes of irregular circumference. The problem with long, irregularly shaped tubes is that sound loves to travel down them like it does a megaphone, allowing it to amp up and amplify along the way, emitting from a point far from it’s origin.

Because of this, one is forced to take a methodical approach to isolating the cause, starting with the most likely and working up to the most remote, testing only one remedy at a time until the offending source is found. This means the process is often too detailed and lengthy for the mechanic at your favorite local bike shop to pinpoint. Not for lack of skill, mind you, but for the simple fact that it would be too costly in terms of labor, and the shop mechanic likely has better things to do than listen to you prattle on about a tiny creak that emits from somewhere between your front and back wheel only while going up the steepest grade in town. It also has the associated problem that, assuming you’re insistent enough, they will wind up moving, changing their phone numbers, and travelling through water so you can’t track them. Believe me.

You’re left to your own devices in this matter, which means you’ll need to learn to maintain your bicycle. Which is just as well, since as a Velominatus, it is your duty to love and respect your machine and there is no better way to do this than to maintain it yourself. As with everything thing, the best way to learn is to find a Cycling Sensei who is willing to guide you. They will likely start by putting your bike on the stand, strip everything down to the bare frame, and build it back up. And then do it again, this time with you leading, not them. And again. And maybe one more time. In fact, lets make it an even V times.

At this point, you should have a basic understanding of the art of bicycle maintenance, and the rest will come from experience. By “experience” in this case, I mean mostly the bad ones, punctuated by glorious success. You’ll make mistakes. You’ll strip the delicate threads from your gorgeous aluminum derailleur. (That’s just an example, I did not strip the threads out of my dad’s brand new Campy* Euclid front mech when I was 13.) But experience, assuming you learn from all those mistakes, will feed your knowledge and serve as an excellent way of understanding empirically the right way to do things. And when you get it right, and the sound disappears, it will be all the more rewarding.

In the end, you’ll also build a lexicon of sounds and their causes, allowing you to apply a remedy quickly to a sound that previously may have taken several weeks to identify. One of the most challenging (and infuriating) creaks I’ve wrestled with was one that only ever produced itself when I was climbing out of the saddle. I immediately identified the sound as likely being that of my front skewer creaking. I cleaned it, applied some lube, and tightened it up, fully expecting the sound to disappear. But it didn’t. On and on I wrestled, becoming increasingly frustrated with the sound until finally I discovered that the bolts in my downtube cables stops had loosened slightly. In the end, a quarter-turn from an allen wrench was all it took to vanquish the sound, and with it several weeks of frustration.

On the rare occasion that your knowledge and experience fail to isolate the sound, take your machine your most trusted shop mechanic. At this stage, you should have a working understanding of the various conditions that cause the sound to reveal itself, and armed with this knowledge, your much more experienced and skilled mechanic should be able to identify the sound for you in no time. Watch how they work, and learn from them. After switching to Campa a few years back, my drivetrain started making a sound I’d never heard before, only when I was riding in particular gears. I spent ages trying to find the cause to no avail, finally bringing it in to Speedy Reedy. Within minutes, Gerick found that the lockring on my cassette had loosened; a quick twist of a wrench, and I was on my way, pedaling happily in silence. (And always leave a tip for them in the shop tip jar. If the shop doesn’t have one, bring a jar and put a tip in it and leave it there. Or bring a growler of your favorite beer, empty it together with the mechanic, and use the empty vessel as a tip jar.)

One of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of La Vie Velominatus is wrenching on your machine; learn to do this skillfully, and you’ll open the door to a world of silently-running and impeccably shifting machines. A greater joy can scarce be found.

*Since I’m talking about a MTB group, I thought it best to refer to Campagnolo by the more Americanized “Campy” rather than the Euro “Campa”.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

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  • @Ron et al,
    Speaking of fixies.........I hear a squeaky chain coming up behind me. A couple goes by, both on fixies, one set of pink rims, one set of neon green rims, unwrapped metal bars, both in tight denim, neither wearing a helmet, with matching messenger bags. Oh boy.

    laughing, I believe they call these folk 'fakengers' I saw one today. Lovely old frame ruined by hacking off the derailleur boss; Rapha cap and jersey, big Paul Smith messenger bag. Except we don't have any bike messengers in town. Therefore a fakenger. My first outside London.

  • I find it hard to write a response to this article. I've just been away for four days in the Alps: Croix de Fer, Telegraphe, Galibier, Alpe D'Huez, Saurenne, Ornon... others. I've spent a bottle of burgundy, several hundred brownie points hard earned off my wife unboxing my steed, cleaning, oiling, and polishing her before hanging her back on the wall of my study and checking this website before retiring to bed. I find it hard to write a response, because this cuts deep to the core of what I am as a cyclist. Stephen King was once asked why he wrote horror... he answered: "I don't know... I like to write about important things, and to me, horror is important... you and I both know that there is nothing under the bed... but when the lights are out, I'm not putting my foot down there in case It is hungry. The important things are the hardest to write because words diminish them"... As a cyclist, I want to be the best I can be. I want whatever machine I use to be the best it can be. I strive for hours to make it so (me, and my machine). Any noise. ANY noise. I hunt it down. Just last week, I had a clicking with every pedal stroke. I stripped the pedals. I stripped the hub. I took the chain off and scrubbed it. I even cleaned the fucking jockey wheels (I know, the revolutions of a jockey wheel have little to do with the turn of the crank, unless you take into account gearing, chain length, yada yada...).... I even took the wheels apart and greased the bearings. It turns out, it was actually my knee. Irritated the shit out of me.

    I love this article. It's why I love the principle of silence. It's why no ride is complete until that bike is back in scrubbed, degreased, relubed perfection back on the wall above my desk. (yes, I did tuck into a second bottle before I wrote this. sorry)

  • Great post - the machine must be silent. Or at least make only the correct sounds - the click of the shifters, the buzzing of the cassette.

    I've had some weird noises to diagnose over the years - usually traced to loose chainring bolts, dry BB threads, loose disk brake rotor bolts - or some other items you normally don't think of.

    The worst is tracking down creaking noises from an old or tired full suspension mountain bike. Now we're talking fun. I retired an older Ellsworth Truth frame for that very reason. A slight creak every time the rear suspension topped out. You could barely hear it, but it was enough to drive me insane.

    Riders tolerance to this sort of thing varies greatly. I've been on group mountain bike rides with other people's frames creaking away - oblivious to the owner. We've all seen the rider on the ancient 3 speed cruising along, each crank revolution hitting the chain guard or kickstand. Clack, clack, clack.

    I've spent way too much time back in the day, dialing cantilever brakes to not squeal. Now with disk brakes, I just ignore the occasional squeal. Maybe I'm going deaf, or my tolerance is just getting better...

  • Hey Oli, my Campa Record BB cups come a little bit loose (loose enough to cause a click) about every few weeks...It's the right one. Any suggestions? Should I just drop some threadlock in there? It's not a big deal, I take all that stuff apart to clean it every few weeks anyway, but I'd love for it to stay put.

    It's probably my incredible power that bends space-time and thereby makes the cup come loose, but maybe you have a cure for that.

  • Is the b/b shell faced?

    Are they Italian threaded cups (36 x 24t)?

    How tight are you installing it?

    If the b/b isn't faced it will keep happening.

    If they are Italian cups they need a bit of threadlock.

    Either way, they need to be torqued down TIGHT. None of your namby-pamby gentle "snugging down" but TIGHT.

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