Categories: La Vie Velominatus

The V Stages Of V

Action/Reaction. Laurens VV Dam, Stage V. Photo Cor Vos

It’s no coincidence that Stage Five of the Tour was not only the best one to watch, or that it helped decide the race before nary a hill was crested, but that it was just, well, Stage Five. Only last minute copyright clearances prevented the organisers actually dubbing it Stage V, though they managed to get the rain delivered on time, an essential element for any V-based activity. All that was left to be added was the Grinta.

Some brought more than others. Some brought none. Some brought it, thought they had enough, but when they realised it wasn’t, protested it’s very requirement. Others didn’t even get to remove it from their jersey pocket, too embarrassed to look it in the eye, hoping it will still be there for future, lesser missions. When faced with the harshness of the Hell of the North, those unfamiliar with those parts had a choice to make: Go V or go home.

Along with laying out their kit and possibly engaging in some superstitious rituals, an enlightened Velominatus will abide by the V Stages of V to ward off any Anti-V that may be infiltrating the peloton/bunch/mates. Like a twelve-step plan for alcoholics, stick by this edict and you’ll have earned that beer.

Recognition: Have a look at what’s in front of you, and see it for what it really is. You’re not going out there to smile and skip and frolic, you’re going to be inflicting hardship and pain upon your body and mind, and no matter how you try to sugar-coat it (“it’s a recovery ride” “let’s just cruise” etc), you must recognise that this will not be pleasant. At all.

Acceptance: Ok, so this is gonna suck, but you know what? Bring it on! I mean, how bad can it really be? Embrace the conditions, even if the rain is coming in sideways and your toes are blue before you start, you must rub your hands together and at the very least project an air of not giving a fuck.

Action: The secret to suffering is seclusion. Suffer internally, not outwardly. Suffer in silence, no-one wants to hear you complaining or grunting or retching when they feel just as bad. Rule #5 doesn’t need to be flaunted to be effective, so just get on with it. And remember, stay Casually Deliberate at all times.

Reaction: You’re not going to be able to lay down massive amounts of hurt and not pay for it. That’s what the V-Bank is all about. Deposits and withdrawals. The more you put in, the more fools you drop. The more you take out, the more fools you drop, harder.

Vainquer: Winning isn’t about crossing the line first. Ok, it is. But it’s also knowing you’ve not only beaten everyone else, but you’ve stared down your own demons, took on what you thought was impossible, and wrestled it to the ground and stamped on it with a smooth carbon-soled slipper. That may seem a bit how’s your father, but it’s not.

It’s V. And that’s a win.


Don't blame me

View Comments

  • If anyone had been making deposits in the V-bank over the last years on these roads, it was Lars Boom. Great to see him cash in finally.

  • I travelled to see stage V with my velominahottie. It rained. The wind blew. The place was (unsurprisingly) full of Belgians...

    Rule 9 rules!

  • @Chris I assure you that I did not use my post as a subtle confessional but thanks for the chuckle. My point, that you surprisingly missed, is that even if you had a full on Santa beard going, you'd look decidedly more bad-ass with it covered in Flandrian terra-firma as illustrated above. Seeing as you are a cobbled classics attendee, I'd expect you to get that.

    Although Rule 50 says nothing about dye, one can only assume that it would be a blatant violation.

  • This is just so very well written and so very knowing. I smiled and nodded through the entire piece. Power to your elbow and your pedals!

  • Likewise Stage V is recorded on the Froomebox.  The more I thought about this article, and the more I looked at the Laurens photo, the more I thought of G.  He encapsulated the V for me in the Tour, come rain, shine, sprint, mountains, he was always there, always laying down the V and always with a word for the cameras at the end of the day....Vtastic!

  • @Mikael Liddy what are you going to wear on your hands? We've got V degrees in the tomorrow morning in Melbourne. I'm thinking of cutting off the finger tips off rubber gloves then putting on the full finger gloves over them.

  • VV Dam with the epitome of the V face, staring at middle distance, soaking up all the information required to go almost safely at the highest Velocity.

    Face Cacked with the stuff he's riding over, soaked to the skin, hurting but not hurting.

    Hurting those around him

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