Ride Like a Leader: White Bar Tape

When done correctly, Cycling can be both the hardest and dirtiest of sports. We relish in the glory of returning from a ride, battered by the four winds and soaked by the seven rains; our bodies, faces, and machines covered in the reasons why most people might stay indoors. Given that, there is something almost cavalier about submitting to the deluge in the color white, particularly when it comes to shoes, socks, jerseys, and bar tape.
Modern cycling teams, with budgets outsized only by the egos inhabiting the roster, are tending strongly towards a Three Musketeers, unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno mentality. Yet, in years gone by, when Rule #5 was a way of life more so than a badge of honor as it is for us, teams were dominated by a single leader who shouldered responsibility in all manner of races throughout the season. In those days, team bikes were generally built, as they are now, in accordance with Rule #8, with bars wrapped in blue, black, red, or green tape. One bike, however, always stood out as the exception: the team leader’s bars were always wrapped in white.
White is a glorious color to grace a set of handlebars. It emphasizes the sensual sweep of the drops and the beautiful curve from the hoods to the tops. It brings out the crisp shadows of the cables running beneath the tape to highlight a perfect wrap. It stands as a testament to the care that is undertaken in maintaining the machine, for without meticulous attention white does not stay white for long. It states that these bars are graced not by the sullied hands of a domestique, but by the clean grip of a leader.
When it comes to wrapping bars, there are many classy possibilities – black is always stylish and versatile (you can dress it up or you can dress it down), red is fast, celeste is classic – but for Bike #1, I always choose white not because it’s Pro, but because when I go out, I ride like a leader.
@Mikel Pearce
I like it with the white tape. Although with the Zipps and white tape it may look a bit different… but hey, everything looks better with Zipps!
It’s one of those little sweat bras for the trainer. Many Rules don’t apply while riding in the house. In fact, sometimes I wear T-shirts and ankle socks.
I really dig how the colors alternate from black to white. Black levers, white hoods, black tape, white bars/stem. The white plugs are a nice touch. That frontal shot is incredibly sexy. I am also digging the white hubs. Perhaps white cable outers?
Ti bikes are the tits, and that’s a beauty. Black hoods will top it off nicely, white tape would be too much goin on.
Yes I know I have “spacer issues”. The bike was new in the photos and I was still getting the position dialled. Will be taken care of shortly.
The bike is definitely a workhorse, but i do like to dress her up every now and then. I may just continue to alternate between white and black just for fun.
That Enigma is f’n gorgeous.
Tell me the seats have been straightened. This detail, and getting the bars exactly at ninety degrees to the front wheel, is something I spend a lot of time on. Well just enough until they are straight.
Oh sorry, before that detail, my first thought was nice bike, including the BMC.
True dat! I’ve learned a couple fo really good things from this site and my bar wrapping skills have increased. The Fizik tape isn’t easy to wrap and it takes a good deal of tension and I never get it on perfect in one go. I always get a spot like Chris O has then I have to unwrap a couple of turns and re-do and as Frank says you have a good bit left over. I always have a decent sweat on my brow when I’m done. I think it’s worth it.
@Mikel Pearce
The other thing I have learned a lot about here from discussions is fitting and position and voer the last year I have been going in tiny increments, back and up at the rear and forward and down at the front. I can’t believe how I used to ride. Now I have more power and my back doesn’t ache on long rides because I was all cramped up. Anyhoo this now has led me to the verge of “spacer issues” and soon it will be time to cut the steerer. Thats said does anyone here with experience have any tips about this other than the obvious measure twice and cut once. Is there anything to watch out for? Do I need some kind of special blade for carbon? Anything?? Coz I do not want to fook me fork up…thanks.
Sorry for being off topic…
What kind of Ti frame is that? Sure is nice.
Men, here are some better shots of the all white cockpit. And more detail on the Strack electrical tape color detail.
[dmalbum: path=”/velominati.com/wp-content/uploads/readers/john/2012.”/]
That Ben K didn’t get an Oscar for Sexy Beast is a stain upon their roll of honor. Astounding performance both on-screen and even when he”s not. Right up there with Emily Watson not getting one for Breaking the Waves. I Mean to say, but Helen Hunt and Catherine Zeta Jones have Oscars FFS! Kinda like Carlos Sastre and Oscar Peirero “winning” a tour while riders like Poulidor never got one.
Man, that white cockpit is the business. Nice job!
Get the Park tool guide for cutting steerer tubes.
If not, bring it to a shop.
OK, I’m stopping myself here, too many variables. It is not hard but I won’t bore you with my methods.
I am not saying this to be picky, but it looks from the fore and aft shots as if the saddle is pointing out towards the right-hand brake lever. It may well be a trick of perspective, but if I’m right is it a deliberate bike-fit thing? Lovely bike!
Is there a good bit of urban lore, or a “that’s how my grand pappy taught me” sort of methodology on the direction you start the wrap? Looking at some of the images posted throughout the article, I can see the left bar viewed from the cockpit for example, has started both clockwise and counterclockwise. Does this depend on how you go about dealing with the hood?
Anything Good is better with bacon.
I just make sure that when I finish, the tape is coming over the bar towards me. That way my grip tightens the tape.
Please fire away. That’s what we are here for no? To obsess over the infinite details, plus I want to learn. I didn’t even know there was a guide. I was going to wing it which now sounds like a bad idea. BTW..bad ass bike mate..very nice.
I know some vegan hipsters whose bikes scream out to be “rewrapped” under the cover of darkness with bacon bar tape. Muahahah…
Waste of good bar tape . . . . or bacon for that matter.
Here is the Park tool They make them for regular hacksaw blades and fatter carbone specific blades. I’ve used a regular bimetal blade and it is fine. Wrap the steerer in a bit of masking tape to limit fiber fraying.
If you have any woodworking friends, have them drill a 1 1/8th forstner bit hole in a thick bit of square wood stock with a drill press, it’s a great way to make sure the end of the steerer is square, post-cut. You push steerer through the drilled hole so when you touch it with a sanding block and sand it flush, you have a perfectly square cut.
Before you cut anything, assemble it all with the headset, spacers and stem then mark your cutting line. I would say 3mm below your stem top or below the thin spacer above stem, your preference. then say a prayer to the baby jesus (and Oli).
Mate, you have done some incredibly rad work there with your machine. It looks like its a different bike. Beautiful. I may end up with a white stem before Keepers Tour. Does 3T make a Rotundo in white?
Assuming you have a carbon steerer, you really should also get a carbon blade. You don’t absolutely need that blade, but you’re better off with it. Also use a saw guide like Gianni says.
What you’re trying to make sure you DON’T do is strip off carbon fibers when you finish the cut or you risk the integrity of your steerer. The other trick is knowing how much steerer to leave on. Definitely leave room for a 5mm spacer above the stem so the stem has a good fistful of steerer to hold onto for added stiffness.
Don’t think 3T do white. I was intrigued by the idea, and a quick search could not turn up any classic bend bars in white. Might need to have one custom finished for yourself.
Maybe a Fignon-esque nudge of the saddle to relieve a saddle sore?
The worlds differ on this; in reality with adhesive bar wrap, it matters none. I wrap mine counter-clockwise for obsessive reasons we don’t need to get into, but in the true tradition of the sport, you should wrap them clockwise so that when you twist the bars with your hands, you make the tape tighter.
Or I’m looking at it from the wrong perspective and you need to wrap them the oposite way. But with today’s tape, just make sure you do it the same way on both sides!
My fevered search yielded the same results. I also thought during my long ride Sunday, about wrapping up almost to the stem (such that you cover the logos completely), Lemond-style. Then, with a white stem, it would look pretty bitchin. And a fizik Arione with a white stripe down the middle? Now we’re fuckin’ talking.
The lot of ya need to stop posting ONLY closeups of bars, stems, etc. No matter what you think about your bike, I want to see it & you’re just being a tease. Give ’em to me! Full frontal, full side shots, none of this closeup only nonsense.
Gianni – that bike looks GREAT! Amazing how changing a stem or post or tape can make your entire bike look different. Do you ever catch yourself doing a double take when you pass your bike after some gear changes, as if it’s a whole new steed? And Scirocco wheels for you too?
Gore cables. Got it, I’ll stay away from pairing those to Campagnolo stuff. Chris – I’ll try the rubber donuts. Just going to have to be the perfect size to stay on the cables, as they’re on the DT so gravity will be working against them. I know they make different sizes, since I have some that stay in place and some that don’t. Shifter vs. brake cable sizing, I suppose.
James – Cool, thanks for the word on the Scirocco wheels. Often wondered about them.
Marko – I don’t use my fizik finishing tape. If you want some to replace your sacrificed stuff, I’ll mail ya mine! Frank has my e-address. Oh, and I think you’re right, fizik tape can look great on any bike, old, new, carbon, steel. Hey, what wheels on your BMC? I’m currently diggin’ low profile 32 cross simple, sturdy wheels on nice carbon race bikes. Kind of like, “Yeah, I know it’s a race bike, but I don’t race. However, I’m still pretty fast, so if you want to try yer hand at that County Line, go for it…I think I’ll still be okay, despite not have Lightweights on here.” :)
Frank – Ha, the full wrap job to the stem. I say go for it! That white PRO stem looks slick.
mcsqueak – PLEASE go for it! I don’t care what people eat, but far too many folks make a big fucking deal out of it. Oh, you don’t eat XYXYX? Okay, fine, but I don’t need to hear about it all the time. I think a vegan hipster might break down and spill some tears if they exit the bar, all topped up on Pabst, only to discover heir converted “track” bike has Bacon Bars!!
Mikel – A vote for the black tape, just looks better on there. Great bike, really sharp.
Just open pros laced to ultegras. They’re going to belgiun though. @Ron
Fucking kindle
@ Giani and Frank
Thanks for the advice. I have a couple of more rides this week, then I am out of town (skiing with Picabo Street on Saturday..this is some week) when I get back it will be time to cut cut..
Frank thats a shame about white rotundo’s because 3T make almost everything else in the Team line in white with red trim. I know that if they do have them anywhere theres a place called nonstopciclismo on the web. Keith is the owner, if anyone can locate them, he can.
My 2 cents..Simon H, nice stuff, looks great with black tape.
Mikel…I’m digging the white.
@Frank Hmmm, maybe – I’ll give it another go. But in my book if Product A and Product B both do the same job, look just as good, have no difference in wear and quality but A is easier to use than B, it means B is not as good.
@Snoov Not sure what you mean. The photo of mine is at a slight angle – you can see more of the non-drive side of the rear wheel, which maybe makes the saddle look at an angle. It’s perfectly straight along the centre line.
Having said that if you look at it from top down it is slightly lopsided on the wings – you wouldn’t see it in a photo but you do in 3D. One of my legs is slightly shorter than the other which must affect the way I sit, and being a Brooks it has molded to my shape. One of the reasons I like them.
So much bike dreaminess here in the last 24 hours. I’m sighing like a 10-year old with the latest issue of Tiger Beat.

I realize there has been recent dumping on the marque, but here is some food for thought from Ritchey for those of us obsessed with shiny bits:
Cutting your steerer is not rocket science. I mark it a couple of mm short of where I want it, then use 2 hose clamps instead of the park tool. I use a Drexel with a cutoff wheel instead of a hacksaw as I feel it gives a finer cut. Just take your time. As nothing actually rests on the top, it is not necessary to have it 100% square – BUT you must have a nice even surface since any abrupt unevenness could be a source of the dreaded stress concentration. Practice on a pice if cheap conduit or PVC if you like.
True enough, but product B (assuming that’s Fizik) does a better job at two out of three on your list.
Damn iPad and the autocorrect on spelling. Dremel & piece
Has everyone gone mad? Were The Rules not started, in my garage, simply and wholly on the premise that bartape, saddles, tyres, everything should be BLACK? White bar tape, yeah cool, white saddles, yep no problem, but stems, bars and seatposts? Pull it back a notch, people… you’ll all be getting these next. Go on, I fuckin dare ya!
Thanks for some sanity, Nate. Those are nice bits, my friend Rachel has them (stem and post) on her Salsa, and they look class.
What YOU dubbed The Rules, maybe. But Eddy and Roger and Freddy and Jaques and all those dudes way more badass than you “started” the Rules.
And they all rode WHITE FUCKING BAR TAPE.
Read what I said… white tape good, white bars, stems, posts, not.
I have to read? Like, all of it? As for those sexy tires, do they come in tubular?
I’ll give you tat its not like a white stem will redeem my bikes (the stems won’t be shorter and won’t make the saddle lower) but Gianni’s Merlin looks the fuckin’ business with that while stem/bar combo…
Ill back you up on that. take it on a case by case basis. your Cervelos frank would not look good with white bars, stem and post IMO.
Thanks bro. for <$100 US it's a lot of bang. And I got rid of my anatomical bars, I like these shallow drops, I can get in them and stay there. I think all these damn CX bikes with white stems and bars got to me. As for the wheels, yeah, too cheap to upgrade and these won't die. Does someone want to give me their old carbon wheels? @Nate
I was going to get that exact combo, all silver all the time, because all this black was boring, but somehow I went all white.
Glad you approve, it is a large cosmetic and functional change for the trusted +15 year old bike. Your #1 would look awesome with the white touch.
You are mad. We will settle this in Amsterdam…
A case by case basis for sure… Gianni’s bike looks good, but wouldn’t look any worse with a black bar… it’s only a little bit of bar actually showing, so the contrast (as in Simon’s white bar/black tape) is a good thing.
The only thing we’ll settle in Amsterdam is into a soft couch in a cafe… Frank will settle the tab.
I love you guys.
Woh, look what happens when I don’t log on for a few hours, the comments board goes crazy. I spent the evening with the VMH due to it being Valentines Day ;-)
@All, cheers for the positive comments guys re: No.1, only recently converted from MTB, really enjoying the faster pace and suffering of road riding.
Ha ha, cheers Marko, it’s all about the bike !!!
Thanks Chris, that’s what I was aiming for. A bike with some components on that only a lover of the machine would know. Not a fan of bikes plastered in look at me stickers / garish colours, althought I know that is a nod to all things PRO.
@Mikel Pearce
I get what you mean, I have the black hoods and if I switch to white tape (now I’m thinking of doing so) then black hoods would have to go on, all white would look shite !!!
If I go white I think I may opt for the Lizards Skins DSP (1.8mm). I like the subtle gold ball style dimples, it’s super light, grippy and cleans up really easy. I’m not avers to trying Fizik though, I have a couple of their saddles on my MTB’s and the gorgeous R1 shoes.
Cheers Frank, from you I know that is worthy praise. I’m considering a switch to white now, before race season kicks off properly. I like the white stem / bar, New Ultimate are also quite understated not being to gaudy with their decals. The saddle has been amazing so far, still getting dialled on fit but very very comfy. Better than my MTB which I used to ride in baggies with no padding on a Fizik Arione . It sure does toughen up the starfish !!!
Sorry we can’t trade, especially not the wheels which are the niceset part about the bike, humming along as they do, complete silence except for the sound of the derailleur purring like a contented cat sat it front or a warm home fire !!!
See, I like the brown / honey bar tape, bike No.2 being an example
It also reminds me of this …
… which was taken from the Rapha 1910 Challenge where a few hard men took on the mighty Luchon to Bayonne 326km ride through the high Pyrennes (6000m in accordance with Rule #24). Also, plenty of Rule #5 and Rule #9 were dished out.
In fact, I’m selling my two MTB’s a getting a cross bike (probably steel) and keeping an avid eye for Franks choices. It will also be my first bike where I build the wheels from scratch !!!
Sorry, can’t do white outers, would be way to much white then. I would never have bars, stem, tape and cable outers matching, something has to give a contrast IMV.
Cheers Brett, I’m gonna do it, as said above Lizards Skins DP 1.8mm unless the Velominati say otherwise.
Sorry we can’t swap bikes, especially not the wheels, Tune hubs sounds amazing when descending at speed. I know everyone goes on about Chris King hubs sounding like a bunch of angry bees but these things sound like nothing if ridden before, Coupled with the rims they are supe stiff in prevent my mass from flexing them in the climbs and sprints.
Also sold on the white tape now, that Ti machine is a thing of beauty … gonna swith to white tape / black hoods ASAP.
As mentioned also the fame is an Enigma Echo, they now do one set up to take Di2 if you so wish, I’m gonna stick with mechanical shifts for the time being, don’t want to ever rely on a battery to power my machine, but then that is a whole new topic I’m sure that will be covered on here in time.
Nope, you are correct, it been adjusted since the pictures were taken.
I think I like both but the Ti bike with all white cockpit does look good too.
It was ever so lightly pointed down, I was till getting it dialled and is now compliant. I kept sliding forward on the saddle so knew on descents and braking so knew it needing tilting back up towards the family jewels.
Forgot a few replies …
@motor city
Yes it is an Enigma Echo, first road bike so not alot to go on. It’s comfy enough for all day riding, seems compliant on the bumpy stuff (read shit fucking UK roads). It regularly hits 45mph on a sweet fast descent near home and gets quite a few comments when I’m out riding, so it’s all good.
@The Oracle
Gonna go the switch in a week or so, will need to buts the cables to shorted the outers to keep tham regulation, so will get some new gear and brake cables at the same time.
Will also drop the stem 20mm to get it down to 10mm below and 5mm above the stem, I think my back is ready, although maybe not to be completed slammed.
That will also entail chopping the steerer, a fairly easy process with the Park Tool guide (I think I have the cheaper Ice Toolz one)
Also, whilst on asthetics, should the gear outers not cross around the headtube as per Rule #73 cos there appears to be an ungodly number of violations on here !!!
nice bar wrap by the way.
WFT? You lot have been up all night obsessing about this? I know it’s important but did you not wonder why your significant others looked a bit disappointed when you got home last night muttering about whether it should be black or white and either logged on headed straight out to your garage?
VMH: Good day at work, honey?
@whoever: mutter mutter black mutter hoods mutter mutter bars… …er what? yeah, it was all right… mutter mutter white mutter @fronk mutter clockwise? mutter
VMH: Hungry? I’ve cooked your favourite and there’s a nice bottle of wine chilling/breathing
@whoever: mutter mutter white mutter stem mutter mutter bars… …er maybe later… mutter mutter cables? mutter @brett mutter No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, gold! mutter GOLD? mutter no…
VMH: oh… Ok, I might just go to bed… got a bit of headache
@whoever: mutter mutter mmm Ti mutter Ridley, oh yeah mutter mutter mutter mutter Brooks? brown? hmm? mutter no, hmm, maybe mutter mutter Ti, mmm, Ti mutter T.I.
The little rubber donuts have a smaller internal diameter than your cables, you stretch them to get them on so they don’t move.
I’ve had the Gore cables on my MTB and they’ve been great. Proper fit and forget regardless of the amount of shit I’ve ridden through over the last couple of years. I guess I wouldn’t be such a fan if they’d fallen apart, though.