The Dark Side

White is a troublesome color; hard to keep clean. I have a white dress shirt that I never wear because even if I manage not to spill on the front of it, the cuffs and collar will look crap by the end of the day regardless. I mean, I can keep from eating something all day, but I can’t keep from drinking coffee or wine, and before very long some of it is going on the shirt, right were people check out my man-boobs.
I can’t keep my dress clothes clean, the ones I wear to my office. That’s a clean business, going to the office. And Cycling is a dirty business, even on sunny days there is a road grit and chain grease to contend with. And our feet and hands get the worst of it. Who in their right mind would ride with white socks and bar tape?
In my younger days, I started a website called ControlFreak, for which the tagline was “a term used by lazy people to describe someone with standards.” Obviously my writing skills had some room to grow and I was also too young to understand the practical complications of having things like “standards”. Nevertheless, I am proud of the sentiment. It was a first (malnourished) seed of Velominati; its uncompromising attitude built a fiber of the vein that runs through our heritage in this community. In the ControlFreak sensibility, white socks and bar tape are for those of us with standards of cleanliness; they are for the aesthetic steadfast who are willing to invest both the time and inventory to maintain a matching set of curtains and drapes. Black is for those who are too lazy to keep a clean house.
My Number #1 has always had white bars. The other bikes can have black tape because white bar tape is for leaders; Bike #1 is Alpha, the others are Beta – no matter how much I love them.
So why is it that I have been attracted by the blackness of my handlebars every time I unwrap the tape from them? I’m not talking about the Betas, I’m talking about my Alpha: my Veloforma Strada iR. It was a time of turmoil, maybe. Perhaps some unrest in the Force, where the Dark Side grew in strength. Or maybe I enjoyed too many Recovery Ales that day. The event was too long ago and too poorly documented for anyone to be certain, but the fact is, I wrapped Bike #1’s bars in black tap.
Let me say that again in a separate paragraph: I wrapped Bike #1’s bars in black tap.
No one else. Not the guy down the shop because he didn’t have anything else. Not the VMH. Not my sister. Me.
And I loved it.
The bike was so stealth I felt like I was riding a Sith. Actually, maybe not – I don’t think a Sith would stand for that sort of thing. Maybe I felt like I was riding a Sith Speeder.
But something was missing. I didn’t feel right. I felt a few centimeters off-center, so one night I picked up a new roll of fizik microtex and rewrapped the bars in white.
It felt good to go back, like taking a shower after a long camping trip. Or brushing your teeth after a night on the piss. There was something visceral about it. I brought the bike up to the bedroom and leaned her (gently) against the wall so I could gaze at her as I fell asleep. It felt good to know I had come back to my center. I had come back to expecting more of myself. I would keep my bar tape clean.
Darth Sidious said, “If one is to understand the great mystery, one must study all its aspects.”
Just because he’s a jerk doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Just so long as we find our way back to The Path.
That night, I slept soundly.
At first blush, i would guess you to be about 1.88m…and riding a 54.
You see the world too much in black and white…you need a little color in there….
My Veloforma is on order. I have been agonizing over bar tape. This article does not help.
@Haldy Yep, too much black n white around. My next bar wrap will be red.
Wrong. I’m 1V and riding an AVVESOME.
Just some coaching:
I’m satisfied that I didn’t have to make up a Vth item to call you out on, just to maintain symmetry. That buys you a kind of exemption.
The computer is there so I can follow Rule #71. Sometimes I need the data to properly perform the workouts laid out by my coach. Remember him..the guy with the massive guns you saw at Alpenrose during your Festum Hour attempt.
Electrical tape…walk into 99.99% of the bike shops in country and you find all the bars are finished off by electrical tape. That’s how the pros( mechanically speaking..) do it. Any idiot can make a shoddy finishing job look good by using the provided camoflauge, I mean finish tape.
It takes a bit of time and skill to finish with the razor sharp “bandage” edge I have there. I challenge you to try and match it. I bet you a bottle of your favorite malted recovery beverage it won’t come out as sharp as mine.
Just how drunk were you writing this? Even the sober editing missed more than a few errors!
Either that or you’re just testing who actually reads the article.
@Mikael Liddy
I assume he was at least as drunk as I was when I touched something on my keyboard and my original (witty and extensive) post went away somewhere forever.
This article touches on something important. It might be bar tape. It might be something about OCD or “standards.” I’m not inclined to be absolute about it. It’s just fucking important.
@frank Hello, Frank!
I am new to this kind of sorcery – but could you please explain, what shall I use to finish my bar tape thing instead of an electrical tape? Is there some kind of a special tape used to “finish” the bar tape?
And on No. 5 – you mean you could see bits of bar tapes, after the “electrical” tape, thus it is not acceptable?
Looking forward your insights!
The Veloforma Strada iR, Team CCX and Pista Pro 2.0 appear to be the same as generic Chinese carbon frames available from sites like Those three frames have the exact same appearance and geometry as the FM066, FM058 and FM126, respectively. Veloforma isn’t the only company selling these frames as their own designs at a much higher price but I thought I’d mention it here because Frank has the Strada iR and the Team CCX and some people who are thinking of buying any of these frames might want to look into this first.
Veloforma Strada iR = FM066
Veloforma Team CCX = FM058
Veloforma Pista Pro 2.0 = FM126
I thought this article was going to be about black and white bikes. I feel somewhat drawn to monochrome bikes, and I don’t know why.
My road bike is black (matte, with matte red and white too. Like Darth Vader), my mountain bike is pure white, and my commuter bike is black at the front, white at the back. I find this pleasing.
By bar tape is currently black but I’d think about going red when I re-wrap.
Well said all around. We won’t use anything but electrical tape, though we’ll also use finishing tape on top at a customer’s request. It just isn’t nearly as strong or durable. And the edge is both beautiful and PRO. Well done!
I was thinking it was going to be about bikes too. The N+1 frame I am looking at comes in a black / gray or white. I already have white tape on my current Alpha, this may change to Celeste when the new Alpha arrives. I am leaning towards the darker colour frame and gray tape, but maybe white tape will make it more fully Alpha.
Or what you could say is:
Gee Frank, you tall bastard, your setup reminds me of Johann Van Summerens.
I am piecing together a new bike which will break cover this spring. It’s white with a little splash of yellow pink and red striping (grand tour leaders jerseys). i am using black tires, black saddle, and having lost many nights sleep over it, white tape which as a pro mechanic, I will finish with black electrical tape. It will look awesome in the first picture and be fully rule compliant.
@Mikael Liddy
Frank was so drunk, the skinny bastard actually thought he had man boobs. If he has man boobs, then I’m Jordan by comparison.
My all black #1 currently has dark grey tape. It’s done its job for this year. Next season black tape is going on. The only color on the bike will be the V cuff links and an orange 5mm spacer atop the stem. I have the same set-up on #2 and think it looks pretty nice.
I feel a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of Velominati cried out in terror ….
As for riding a Sith, I google-imaged female Sith and came up with this.
Hell, I’d ride it.
Ya, feel free to ban me but it was worth it.
Now I have to run b/c I have this image up on my Army government work computer and the IT police are coming down the hall.
Nothing wrong with black AND white.
@chuckp thats going to stir the Holists out there, but I love that wrap!
@Buck Rogers you may get banned, but thank you….i just stared at my computer for like 10 seconds drinking jo and the beauty was the office staff thought i was in deep thought…
i suppose i was
Frank: I love those deep section hoops, thats my next purchase for #1
Saw a Specialized gravel-bike at the shop the other day that had this setup. The entire bike was flat black/raw carbon except for that touch of white bar wrap on the drops. Still not sure how I feel about it.
That bike was strange though. It had matching flat-black fenders.
@Buck Rogers You made my day! And I’m in similar work environment. :-)
@frank Had kept white perfect tape all season and have now gone back to Black — 3T LTD. [ Garth voice ] “I like the white stitching… on the black.”
Even the Campa hoods were white and have now returned to the Black. If there had been a road race bike in Death Race then this would have been the one.
Thank you, kind sir! Lizard Skins DSP dual color tape. Here’s a complete bike pic for the whole effect.
@Buck Rogers You’ve lost all control again.
Not sure why the pic didn’t load the first time.
Sweet. What model is that? Looks like my bike’s badder older brother.
White tape here on all bikes – enjoy the clean look and also the extra brightness when everything else goes all black when climbing.
2014 Felt FC that I fairly recently just finished the build. Full Ultegra 6800 mechanical group. Shimano RS81 C35 wheels. 3T ARX Pro stem, 3T Ergonova handlebars, and 3T Dorico Team seat post. Fizik Kurve Bull saddle. Speedplay X2 pedals. Elite Custom Race cages. K Edge Pro chain catcher. I have to admit that when I first got the frame that the blackness of it didn’t stir me emotionally. But now that I’ve built it and with the small touches of red (finishing tape, on the stem to cap, on the cages, chain catcher, and frame/rails of the saddle), I like how it looks overall.
Yeah, it’s definately older bro territory to mine, but actually the look is quite similar. I think it’d look good with red, black or white bar tape.
Hell, that’s the first time that someone has inferred that I might have actually had some modicum of control at some point in my life! Thanks!
@PeakInTwoYears On the subject of OCD!
@Buck Rogers
Tell them you’re researching camouflage patterns.
White. And electrical tape always; mfg-supplied finishing strips are crap — one of the pro teams even used them horizontally on the outside of the wrapped bar for advertising purposes (too indifferent to bother even Googling that to post here). And when using a simple color scheme overall you can make a statement with a little more flair finishing off the bar tape.
Wait, you have a sister? I’ve never heard mention of her before!
The steed looks pretty mean in Black, and I normally don’t like mostly black bikes. But, glad you went back to the Leader’s Tape.
The fizik microtex glossy on my LOOK is a few years old and looks brand new. I think fizik needs to underengineer their tape so it doesn’t last as long. That stuff stays white and is easy as heck to clean. The Deda Traforato on my Casati looks great when clean, but is dirty after one ride, and not as easy to clean. Feels awesome though with bare hands, soft and just the right amount of squish.
teleguy57 – wait, is that what the FSA logos on the Tinkoff tape is? I have never figured out what the heck it is. So you think they take the finishing tape and stick it to the bar tape, right where your second knuckles sit on your tops? Sounds annoying when you’re grinding up the Alps.
And while we’re on it – why does Contador’s tape always look overweight? Does he always ride with double wrapped bars?
A frame with a rad color scheme and non distracting black tape is more interesting.
Indeed. And tape and saddle both black is the way it should be done (unless you have both tape and saddle white:))
Curious if you considered tried white/white given the white central sections of the tubes?
What’s wrong with white bikes? Just because the only matching seat color is white and the only matchin tape color is white and they need to be lovingly bathed damn near weekly?
Congrats on pulling off what is, quite frankly, a pretty risky move – two color tape job. It could look awful, but yours doesn’t. Chapeau!
Can’t argue with titanium, white bars, and white saddle. Personally, I think tires with tan sidewalls would take it over the top (in the best way).
Bonus points for it being a Hampsten, too.
I’m a big fan of white bikes. Had my LeMond steel/carbon spine repainted to white with blue panels.
Thanks. I agree on tan sidewalls. I actually won a set of FMBs P-Rs from a shop’s website drawing (they are an awesome brick-and-mortar shop, so no Rule #58 violation) and those will go on the Hampsten. In some other thread I was ruminating about them and decided on 27s, now pondering onto whicht wheels to glue them — Nemesis, Nucleons, or the Bontragers pictured here.
Oh dear! Loads of photos breaking Rule #26, #31, #52 & #78. I realise we are moving into what the uncouth call “The Holidays”, but do we have to let standards drop?
To summarize, if Frank is suggesting breaking Rule #8 and have white tape on the bars, then it must be kept brilliant white at all times, even if that means pulling over for a mechanical stop & re-taping because you’ve picked up some road dirt, snot from the rider in front or blood after a recent impact.
White tape on #1 always! and I think my bike still looks pretty stealth.
When you have a life, such as mine you get to enjoy Black! In work I/we go by the code “Dolphin 39 and this loosely translates back home to the bike(s). Most bikes should be predominately black, as should be most of our kit.
I have always gone with white bar tape because it allows me to display my compulsiveness. Fizik’s microtech tape however could be used by the most slovenly rube and still look fantastic. You could rub a Fred’s leg on it and it just wipes clean.
I do love the part in “Dog in a Hat” where Joe Parkin is pissed that he has his hero shot taken sitting astride someone else’s bike with dirty white bars.
Haven’t seen this much defensivenessism since the EPMS thread…
White is pro full stop.