Anatomy of a Photos: This Is How It’s Done
Before we move on to the last Monument of the season, let’s reflect on what happened in Richmond. My deeply held fears of the American organizers making a mess of things were unrealized. The two cobbled climbs were spectacles and the resulting road races were pretty damn fine.
Personally, I don’t think the Worlds should ever end up in a bunch sprint. Sprinters should have their chance but the race should be so tough that even a flat course ends up in a fractured gasp for the line. The women’s finish was not a field sprint. Lizzy Armitstead led from the bottom of the last hill and made sure no one got past her for very long. Anna VDB was there but she was not going to win this one. Armitstead was probably the strongest/fastest in her field and kept it together to prove that.
Peter Sagan won from kilometers out, gaining time with each corner. He might not have been the strongest or fastest but he was most definitely the smartest. He sat in the field the whole race and then jumped everyone with a move that won the day.
Neither winner had a strong team for support. When it comes down to the final kilometers, it’s all legs, brains and heart.
It will be a pleasure seeing the rainbow stripes on these two for the next year.
Great shot! I love the big ringing up a 23% grade.
@Mikael Liddy
And, of course, Vos rides the black bibs.
Libby hill was electric. We arrived at the top of the hill on Sunday at 7:15 and by the grace of Merckx grabbed the last sliver of space on the rail that didn’t have a camp chair or body on it. Here’s my shot of Stybar getting it started on the last trip up. What a race! You could feel it ripping apart right in front of your eyes.
Just re-posting this one from the British National Championships – our Lizzie smashing it on the big ring up Michaelgate in Lincoln. Cobbles and gradient >20% in places.
@Mikael Liddy
Libby Hill was cool but the gutters are way too generous. They should have stuck the barriers down there.
The whole white shorts thing is two issues to me – for a start most pros and elite women look a fucksight better in them than any amateurs or MAMILS, and secondly the latter categories don’t have the luxury of fresh shorts for every race so they’re usually slightly grey and often too thin.
I don’t mind a pair of white shorts done well at all … but I wouldn’t wear them!
Except they’re not from the same race. Top photo is the podium of the final 2014 World Cup winners. Bottom photo is the finish of the 2015 GP de Plouay with PFP in the rainbow jersey. Very similar bibs though since they’re teammates. I think PFP’s had a bit more white than Vos’ did.
I knew I liked this girl.
You don’t suppose she reads in here does she?
Lizzie! What a stud she is.
And this from Niki Terpstra about the Worlds course.
And Tommeke
I was there too. Sagan goes by, seemingly slowing down, at 0:56.
Such a good time, and couldn’t be happier with the results. Agree with the comments that these are worthy winners, I’ll be excited to see them show off the stripes for the next year.
Volunteered to help since I live in Virginia and getting there was easy. (Figured it was a once in a lifetime opportunity)
Ended up guarding a barrier on Main Street which was orange and had been clipped a few times by those who misjudged how much room they had. Certainly impressive to have the Women coming at me down the hill and somehow find a way to fit, warning each other in a multitude of languages throughout.
She lurks here for sure. Hi Lizzie. Tag us when you post a pic in your black shorts will ya?
I’d petition Tinkov not the UCI. Surely if anyone is going to say “rules are rules”. It’s not fortune that would have Sagan in stupid yellow and blue shorts and Armitstead in white, nor is it the UCI, kit your team up in black bibs. It’s not just better for the stipes, it’s better for the whole team.
Does anyone have a photo of Sagan coming home “casually deliberate” on fake aero bars as the pack is chasing him down??
Important stuff.
Ya’ll see Lizzie’s recent tweet ? >>> First training ride in my stripes, don’t worry, black shorts have been ordered <<<
As an expat working in the UAE, I doubt that first example is something you’d need any advice on.
Secondly, I’d suggest someone who’s grown up in what used to be Czechoslovakia probably knows something about the societal issues that can stem from idealogical conflicts & civil wars
@Mikael Liddy
Fuck you Mikael. Really, fuck off. That’s totally out of order.
Jesus, bruh, turn the phone sideways for video. it’s 2015 FFS.
Fair enough, you’ve obviously taken that much more seriously than I intended. Didn’t mean to offend, sorry about that.
Not out of order from where I sit. If you can’t stand the heat, don’t get into the kitchen. You took the moral high ground against Sagan’s sentiments, you’d better be able to take it back in spades mate. HTFU.
@Phillip Mercer
Copy>Paste in mspaint>invert colors>free-form select>Paste over image>Better!
I’ll make note of the black shoes…nice… black seems to have been dang near abandond by the peloton.
@Mikael Liddy
OK, sorry I’ve over-reacted.
I was finding it difficult to see it as anything other than personal.
If you can’t see the difference between a discussion about the accountability of a public figure who has used his position to make a moral commentary and making (as I thought at the time) a direct personal comment about someone’s circumstances then I guess where you sit must be with your thumb up your arse.
And BTW, I’m not your mate.
@Darren H
The official new rainbow kit has been announced. Sagan has gone with white shorts and Armistead has posed for a photo in white shorts but apologized and said that black ones are on order. The article notes that Cavendish went with black shorts.
New rainbow Kit
Love the marvel comics slant to this whole thing!
Ease ‘er back a notch, eh?
If you’re not drinking, maybe you should start. If you are, maybe you should stop?
Black World Champion’s jersey?? No, no, a thousand times no!
Agree, Bibs yes, jersey no. the other way is equally as bad, white on white, No !
Back from holidays and DG’d the whole Fkn VSP. Shit happens.
Things escalate quickly round these parts Ive seen.
Watched the reply of the Mens race. Worthy winner.
” replay ” that is.
Agreed 100%, @unversio’s photoshop skills notwithstanding.
I do love Etixx-QS’s approach to doing all champ jerseys in black for training and racing in white. There’s a nod to that that really hits the spot.
@Stephen Schwartz Yeah disappointed in Sagan (I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care what I think though!), although Lizzie knows the score. Seems Cav was the last WC to insist on black shorts, Gilbert, Costa & Kwiatkowski all sadly chose white, or white and black, thought Sagan would have chosen black :-(
Yup, Etixx do seem to get it right on kit, don’t they? Real caps, good looking gear. Black shorts etc. That was the one disappointment with the Lombardia podium – baseball caps on all three riders.
New word for the Lexicon: Saganical
Accidental unclipping while laying down the V yet immediately clipping in casually deliberate.
Sagan unclipping see 2m.27s
On the subject of black vs white shorts for the World Champion. I know Frank may ex-communicate me for this, but … But really, who gives a flying f**k what WE think is right? None of us is the World Champion and that’s who decides whether he/she wants to wear white or black. They earned it and they (and only they) deserve to decide what’s “right.” What y’all or I like doesn’t really matter.
I didn’t mean it with any judgement about your own situation, I just thought it was an odd comment to make seeing as (I assume) you’re in a similar position yourself.
On the original topic at hand, if we’re happy enough to denigrate Sagan for his mistakes (Flanders podium), then why not also praise him when he does something good?
Sagan is THE MAN.
If thats the case @frank may as well pull the plug on this whole site.
We SHOULD care what colour bibs a world champ wears, otherwise whats the point to anything. And the colour choice should be black!
Funnily enough, I get that there’s tongue in cheek irreverence here. I get we like to talk about bikes ‘n stuff. I get the appreciation of the history of cycling.
I’m finding though that for the past little while, I haven’t come back here as often because people seem to take this stuff waaaaaay too seriously.
Frankly, I find this whole discussion really quite boring. Yes, In the past Saronni wore black WC knicks, so did Merckx, So did Bobet. That was history. They also rode steel bikes with gumwalls. That is also history. I’m sure most of them even rode shallow box aluminium rims with shiny silver hubs. Also history.
Problem is; now is not then. Things have moved on. I don’t listen to top 40 radio or golden oldies. I’m sure most of you don’t either. So why is nostalgia clouding your judgement about what’s acceptable now.
This site, I thought was about aesthetics. I think that the greater part of aesthetics for cycling is about how one looks on a bike. Put Sagan or Armistead in white WC kit and they’ll look awesome. Put them in Camo kit, or whatever and they’ll still look awesome. Because they are positioned well. Because they’re strong.
Bang on all you like about what’s fashion correct. Start petitions if you’d like. Point out your rules to all who will listen but I think you will reach the point very soon where people will begin to roll their eyes at the groupthink and pedantry of it all.
Sadly, I have.
haven’t you answered your own question. Its supposed to be tongue in cheek. Hence why we love this site.
To me it’s always been a slightly odd blend of tongue in cheek and way too serious groupthink and pedantry, but as I’ve (finally) worked out that I’m as guilty of both viewpoints as anyone I’m reconciled with my place here.
I haven’t the faintest idea what you are talking about, I listen to both kinds of music, Country and Western.