Guest Article: Ride 542 – the Mt. Baker Hill Climb

@eightzero is throwing down the sweaty gauntlet here. He has a vision of a V-kitted, Rule compliant freight train of pain. Normally this post would be directly slotted into the Cogal section but it technically is not a Cogal: it has an entry fee, it’s too organized and people will not get lost. We have, however, included it on the Cogal Calendar as an Event. Actually I’m surprised there is a road up Mt Baker. From what I remember it looks like Mt Cook in New Zealand, crampons not tubs. Hill climbs are few and far between, it is important for us to support them by saddling up. Ride information and registration at Festival 542.
VLVV, Gianni
I first encountered the Mt. Baker Hill Climb (a/k/a Ride 542) in 2009. Friend of a friend said, “it’s really nice.” Little did I know it was code words for “holy bat-shiat, that climb is a mo-fo.” The event is put on by a local group, NorKa Recreation, and is something of a fund-raiser and local support event. In 2012, it will celebrate it’s 10th running.
I freely admit to being a little biased toward this event. A local group trying to bring business to their commercial area while at the same time supporting cycling and some local charities has a lot to be said for it. In 2009, the weather was spectacular. The photo of Mrs./Dr. Eightzero and me at the summit tells 2 stories: first, that we made it and our smiles couldn’t be bigger; second, my kitte reflects my PV (Pre-Velominatus) naiveté.
The ride itself is perhaps not overly long, nor is it murderously steep. The road is *fantastic* and I can’t image a more beautiful ride. It is just that the climb is…relentless.
In other words: just fit for Velominati.
In 2010, our ride to Artist point was in a downpour. Rule #9 was Obeyed in spades. Mrs/Dr Eightzero was Not Happy on the descent in freezing pouring rain, as she discovered she needed short reach brake levers. Ice on the fingers reduces braking strength, making one go faster, making one colder, making the braking power reduced… well… you get the idea. It is what we as engineers used to call a “negative feedback loop” or some other such foolishness that we no long care about naming when riding a bike down off a fucking volcano in freezing rain. It was one of those rides that you say “I did it” and then never wish to repeat.
2011 again had a return of great weather the day of the event, but due to a cold spring, the last 3km to the summit were closed as they were under 50 feet (yes, feet) of snow. This meant a drop of attendance (again) for the organizers.
So… being that La Vie Velominatus is all about community, I’d like to see as many V-Kittes on the event as we can arrange. Not only is it a good cause, but dammit, getting together with you assholes is really lots of fun.
To that end, I ask the Keepers to make an exception to the Cogal rule involving entry fees. The Mt. Baker Hill Climb/ Ride 542 is actually a race, and it has a modest entry fee, but would like to add this as a Cogal-Event to the calendar. I offer the following: any winner of any category (including the cyclocross event scheduled that weekend as part of festival 542) doing so in a V-Kitte and in substantial compliance with The Rules will get a custom Cogal V-Pint expense paid by me. The competitive field really is, and has a prize purse. The ride is timed, and has age categories, as well as men’s and women’s fields. There is even the “U-DUMB” event – the murderous “Up Down Up Mt. Baker” – two laps of the climb. Rule #10 aficionados will savor this.
The event is September 8,9. Details at Yes, I know we’re talking about an event 2 months in advance. But Rule #4 demands strict attention to detail.
How cool would it be to have a V-Train hammer that competitive field? If a Velominatus in appropriate Sacred Garments took the win and set a course record, I wonder what honors we assholes could bestow upon them? And of course, there will need to be much hilarity and celebration afterwards in any case. I know of a great place near Glacier, and they have an uber-fantistic beer selection.
So say we all?
Sounds like a great climb. I wish I still lived out on the West Coast as I would be there in an instant. I actually grew up hiking and skiing in the area. I started hiking Table Mountain, Artist Point, the Chain Lakes, etc. when I was a small kid (was carried in a backpack from the time I was only a few months old). So, the area holds great sentimental importance for me. I encourage all who are able to join Eightzero and Mrs/Dr. Eightzero for this ride. In case you aren’t all that familiar with the area, it is well worth the effort to make the trip. You won’t be disappointed. The scenery is breathtaking!
Wow, this article got me to register after discovering this locus of aesthetic and spiritual guidance and lurking compulsively for days.
First post boilerplate: “returning cyclist,” back on the bike after burning 25 years on stuff like grad school, work, kids, and misguided obsessions with rockclimbing and flyfishing. Done with all of that now. Mostly.
Mrs. PITY and I are registered for the “Ride the Hurricane” thing up Hurricane Ridge out of Port Angeles on 8/5 (we’re somewhere in the woods on the Oly Pen; I’m never sure where because you can never see any goddamn thing for the fucking trees). I told her about the 542 ride, and she lit right up. (Unlike me, she is assembled to resemble a cyclist.) So between the two rides we’ll see how much progress I’ll have made on my weak heavy guns and sprinter’s muscle.
This is a great ride, I did it last year. I parked in Sumas after driving out from Vancouver. I believe it’s a 160KM ride, round trip. Doing it this way is also free.
-forgetting shoes at home, having to turn around near Abbotsford
-Screwing up meal times as a result
-Timed ride perfectly with trade winds – headwind there and on the way back
-Dried up at the top. No water or food. The vending machines don’t take Canadian Money, they throw an error. Something about socialist universal healthcare.
-The shops at the bottom sell Snickers
-The coffee shop behind the snowboard shop – Wake and Bakery makes good coffee
-Sumas has fuck all for food
-‘Merican drivers are actually quite courteous to cyclists
-Sarah Palin propaganda en route!
Cannot wait to do it again, might do said ride after the August Long weekend. I also love skiing there. Great hill, they have kitties in the lodges too!
This is a great ride/event, I’ve done it twice before. The first time, I was just getting into cycling again after a long layoff (and 30 more pounds than I currently carry), and did it in just under 2 hours, which was my goal. I tried it one subsequent time, but the top of the climb was closed due to beyond rule V weather, which @eightzero refers to.
I’d like a chance to shoot for 1:45, which I think is a realistic goal. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. Either way, I’ll be there.
@TBONE pay your entry fee
I rode up there two weeks ago and the road was still closed to Artist Point due to snow pack.
This is a photo from a ride up there at the end of July last year, I don’t think the Artist Point opened last year.
Why would I pay an entry fee for an event in September when I’m riding a different route in August?
@TBONE you said you did the ride, not that you did it at different time. Your reference to another time of year was only in regards to doing it this August. That said, once I posted I realized you may have done the route, but not the actual ride on the event day. my bad for assuming.
@Cycle70 I may not have been overly clear about the day I did it on as well. I’d love to do the event this year but it conflicts with the Whistler Gran Fondo, in which I hope to crush Trevor Linden like a bug. I’ll still do the ride in August, but this time I’ll make sure to bring some American dollar bills for the vending machine at the top and not to forget my shoes again!
FWIW, I choose this event over the RBC gran fondo and the cascade HPC because it is a locally organized small community event. I’d like to do those other rides, but this one is really fun.
@eightzero Maybe next year. I like the RBC Fondo as I grew up in Whistler and it’s a bit of a pilgrimage for me back to the Hinterland. In 1979 my old man put me on skis on Mt. Baker though. Lots of history in both places!
I’ve done Ride 542, an excellent, well organized event. It’s unfortunate that it’s on the same weekend as the RBC Whistler Grand Fondo… I’m sure that will hurt their participation numbers.
The nice thing about Mt. Baker or any mountain for that matter is you don’t need an organized event to ride up… just pick a nice day and go. From the Costco parking lot in Abbotsford, it’s a perfect 160km ride to the top and back. I’ve done it many times this way, always an enjoyable day.
Here’s an image from a few years back
awesome. i’m doing this ride august 18th… and after looking at the distance / profile from the sumas border crossing was wondering about why nobody had ever organized a cogal around it…. maybe i’ll sign up for the 542 ride depending on how my august ride goes…
Anybody got advice on where to stay Saturday night? Willing to camp, but a decent cheap room would be more to my taste.
Nice one ate-zyroh. I am very familiar with this road but not from cycling. When I lived in Bellingham I was lucking enough to take part in the 1120 year of 1999-2000. Epic. I always got a kick out of driving up that road and seeing riders gap it over 25foot snowbanks. Fun winter. Nothing.but.faceshots.
I stand by my assessment that Mt Baker looks quite un-ridable. Am I safe in assuming the road stops way way below any summit? It does sound like a fun climb in good weather. Is the descent as much fun?
I may just have to sign up for this. Was debating a few ultra races on the MTB single speed for the fall, but this could be more enjoyable. Anyone have a course profile of 542?
From a ride up there three weeks ago
At that time this was
the end of the road due to snow pack
I will have to make the trip sometime.
With snow still up there, I guess May would not be the best time to make this climb…
Gents, they are getting it cleared:
Open to Artist Point next week. I am registered on line for the rec ride (I am not a climber, but I will get it done.)
I recommend we consider festivities at the North Fork Beer Shrine:
Great Pizza, fine selection of ales. Perhaps meet up there on Saturday before the hill climb? Crossers race saturday morning.
I rode up there today. The road pass the chairlift is closed to cars but you can ride the bike around the gate and get all the way to upper parking lot on Artist Point
Awright you doubting Thomases. WA DoT is opening the road to Artist Point tomorrow 7/24/12:
We ride. VLVV.
A little more info: I’ve confirmed with the race organizers that the festival is ON, even though the web site contains some older information. We are registered and in for the rec ride (yes, I’ll get my fat ass up that hill, but I’m still 2 months from peaking) and will be staying overnight in Glacier on Saturday.
I really like this place:
Good pizza pie, good malted recoverey beverage selection. I’m up for Saturday revelry there BEFORE the ride, and heck, even a revist AFTER the ride. Who’s in?
My wife and I are registered. Looking forward to it…
(We just did Hurricane Ridge, and I climbed like a dairy cow with stomach flu, but I’m dosing on Rule V and just got 33-compliant, which will no doubt help.)
Excellent! Now we just need to shame @frank, @scaler911, @g’rilla and the usual cast of local theives into the festivities.
Hurricane Ridge is on my To Do list, but the local accommodations seem lacking. I was quoted like $200/night, 2 night minimum stay for a motel 6 in Port Angeles.
I would really love to. Since the Seattle Cogal, I’ve been riding/ racing a lot, I’m weighing 68Kg. But then last Tuesday, I got in a bit of a accident in the bunch at 53Kph+ and now I’m a bit banged up gonna be off the bike for awhile.
Yep my ass right there. I’m sorry and you’re welcome all at the same time. Glad I’m not having surgery on my scapula like my teammate that went down in front of me.
Maybe next season…………
Dash it. Next year give me a shout. We’re between Sequim and Port Townsend. We’ll put you up free, gratis, and for nothing. We have a little outbuilding with a finished room up top. Plenty of floor space for any V-types who want to roll out sleeping bags (at the cost of a hot night in PA).
@scaler911 Sorry about your hide and glad it wasn’t worse.
Kewl! Might take you up on that; very kind of you.
Sucks. Glad you’re at least somewhat OK. 68Kg? Jebuz, I think I’ve taken bigger craps than that. Good on ya!
@eightzero I’m not going to be able to make it this year. The late summer cyclocross season starts up that weekend so I’ll be occupied in Seattle.
There is a ‘cross542 scheduled for Saturday.
The website now has a link to their confirmed entrants list.
And there is now a link to a downloadable pdf entry form:
Oh damn! Get better soon.
Festival 542 includes Beer Garden, Live Music, local charity contest:
The Mt. Baker Hill Climb will be a training ride for me for the Viva Bike Vegas gran fondo 2 weeks later. Flyin’ the V-Kitte.
The long range forecast appears favorable. The organizers have limited the field, and generally do not allow day-of entries.
We plan a visit to the North Fork Beer Shrine post-ride on Sunday for the malted recovery beverage and pizza.
Sadly, it appears the ‘cross542 has been cancelled. The Ride542 however, is very much on; the weather forecast still appears favourable.
@frank,you’re registered for the competitive field, right? RIGHT?
Weather appears favorable for the ride on Sunday. Will be lining up with Mrs./Dr.eightzero in the Sacred Garments for the 8am rec ride (along with @PeakInTwoYears.) I think @Frank is in for the cometitive ride (right?) and @g’rilla? Anyone else for the north fork brewery festivities after the ride?
My target is 2:20 in the pain cave. VLVV.
NB: Registration closes 5pm TODAY:
@eightzero, I’m still planning on riding this. I start with the 9:30 group and aim to finish in 1:45. Will keep an eye out for you in the V-Kit, and I’m certainly down with a malted recovery beverage apres velo.
Excellent! We will finish off the descent, likely make a quick change of clothes, and head for the North Fork Beer Shrine. Will save a seat for ya, and will look for you at the top as well.
My velomisweetie and I had a great morning of riding uphill with @eightzero and his VMH, and then quaking and shaking back down the 1300m and 38km because we weren’t prudent enough to send clothing to the top of the mountain for pickup. (Having done a bit of mountaineering, I should know that “55F and cloudy” can mean “low 40s and blowing shit” in an alpine environment. Tant pis, we survived.)
Then a proper set of pints and pizza with them and @imakecircles. I attach an image from that recovery session that I consider to be auspicious. I have to like a place, and a day, that serves you good IPA and pizza and then a fortune cookie like this one.
Genuinely good times on and off the bike with people I hope to ride and drink with again soon. Sometimes the Universe is a friendly place.
…sorry for the double image post…
Here’s the track:
2:27 in the pain cave. This was 7 minutes off my fastest time to Artist point in 2009. Was targeting 2:20, so it is clear I need to still ride lots.
Great time with @imakecircles and @peakintwoyears his VMH.
Pic and more later. My legs need to be told to shut up again.
@PeakInTwoYears that’s a sensational piece of fortune right there (scuse the pun), $4 pints sounds pretty good too.
Here’s the track:
2:27 in the pain cave. This was 7 minutes off my fastest time to Artist point in 2009. Was targeting 2:20, so it is clear I need to still ride lots.
Great time with mrs/dr eightzero, @imakecircles and @peakintwoyears his VMH. Sorry no pics from the top, but we didn’t dawdle in 40 degF temps.
More later. My legs need to be told to shut up again.
Great to meet you @peakintwoyears and hang out again @eightzero. Looking forward to the next COGAL.
A commercail photog got me rockin’ the V-Kitte on the way up:
2:27 in the pain cave. That off my 2:20 target but still 7 minutes faster than my recrod to the top in 2009:
Didn’t dawdle at the top in temps in the low 40s degF in icy fog. But the ride was dry, and all around a nice ride.
Had a great time w/ mrs/dr eightzero, @peakintwoyears &VMH & @imakecircles .