Categories: RacingTradition

Second Place: The Agony of Winning at Losing

After narrowly losing Milan San-Remo to Mark “The Manx Mounth” Cavendish, Heinrich Haussler was in agony. Many people might have been delighted with his accomplishment; he darted off the front of a highly controlled bunch and made an unexpected result which would make his one of the most recognized names of the 2009 cycling season.  But was he happy?  Absolutely not.  “Getting second place just makes you the first loser.”  (That might not quite be his quote but looking it up would take a combination of “effort” and “caring” that I don’t seem to be able to muster up right at the moment.  I already found those three links above, and it seems to have really taken it out of me.)

I think every sport at the elite level is highly competitive, but we cyclists know ours is special.  No other sport lets you suffer the way ours does, and to dare compete already says something about your state of mind.  Those of us who continue to complete have an undiagnosed condition that should be treated by a therapist but instead goes treated by repeated self-prescribed floggings.  After all, you can just stop pushing on the pedals.  But we keep pushing them.  We keep pushing them until the Man with the Hammer wanders by and pops us on the head.

With the suffering we endure in our sport, there are two things that makes our blood run cold.  The first is to be dropped.  Being dropped is awful in every respect.  I means you’ve pushed yourself until you can no longer be pushed and you loose contact.  But that doesn’t mean you climb off your bike and have a beer (usually).  Usually, you still have to get to the finish or home or whatever, and you’re already blown, otherwise you wouldn’t have been dropped.  There are few things worse than trying to drag your body over even the smallest climb when the gauge points at “Empty”.

The second thing that makes our blood run cold is getting second place.  This means you already pushed yourself to avoid being dropped and dragged yourself to the finish with the lead group.  Then, after everything you’ve been through, to find yourself rolling across the line behind some other douchebag (who probably cheated) is worse than finishing 10th or 100th.  Second place has the unfortunate designation of “nearly there”.  Second place means you had it, but you couldn’t pull it together and make it happen.  Second place just means you won at losing.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

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  • So how's third place? Two friends and I captured second place of all the losers yesterday at the kickin' leaves duathlon. 2.5 mile run, 10 mile bike, 2.5 mile run. I did the bike. Temps in the upper 40's (F), gusty winds 10-15, we had an overall time of 1:11.06. My average rate cycling was 20 mph/32 kph. But I was not as dejected as Haussler (who's one of my favorite new riders along with Thomas Lovkvist). I passed four dudes and never got caught which meant I was left trying to chase down the "elite" guys from Gear West in the cities on their Cervelo TT bikes. I was riding my Alan. So, for my first go at something like this I am happy with myself. Best part is I had fun and won some maple syrup.

  • @Marko
    Congratulations! Hopefully, it's the first of many! I think it's a different game in a ITT; especially when it's not super close, so "winning at losing" doesn't really apply.

  • @Cyclops
    Yeah, I saw that, too. Almost posted on it, and figured I'd done enough Cavbashing and figured I'd wait till someone else brought it up.

    Kids these days! He is obviously no clear on what it is he's paid to do. He's paid to win races and promote the brand. What' he's accomplished does not merit a bonus or anything else unless it's stipulated in his contract. By winning races, he's just doing his job - and I understand he's quite well paid as it is.

    Winning bike races is what he's paid to do, and his company owes him nothing other than his salary for it. Now, if he'd learn to shut his trap and actually be a good spokesman for his sponsors after he stops pedaling his bike, now that might be worth a bonus.

  • Agreed. If he's honoring his contract and they're honoring his contract, I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe he needs a better attorney to read those contracts for him.

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