Velominati Super Prestige: 2011 La Vuelta a España

Spain is an awesome country. It has amazing scenery, culture, cities and chicas… oh, the chicas. Its football competition features the world’s best players, their national team are the reigning World Cup holders, and they boast world champions in tennis, Moto GP, Superbikes and Formula 1. They regularly kick the collective asses of France and Italy, and a lot of other European countries when it comes to bicycle racing, although most of their recent heroes have somewhat of a cloud hanging over them. So why does their Grand Tour hardly raise an eyebrow when compared to the other two big tours, and why the fuck do they still allow cowards on horses armed with poison darts to taunt and kill a beast as noble as el toro for ‘entertainment’?
I can’t really answer the last one, but the fact that La Vuelta is treated like the road racing equivalent of a red-headed stepchild is about as fair as the Corrida itself. To me, and to many pros, it is seen as a tour of redemption. Those who, for one reason or another, either due to bad luck, bad management or bad form suffered a less-than-stellar Tour de France, now get a chance to make something of their season and add a ‘major’ to their palmares. Riders like Jan Ullrich, who in 1999 took the amarillo jersey after sitting out Le Tour with a dicky knee. 2008 saw Contador make amends after his Astana team was prevented from starting le Grande Boucle under a doping cloud. In fact, La Vuelta and doping have more than a passing aquaintance, with Valverde winning while under a pending hearing in 2009, and of course little Robbie Heras getting stripped of his 05 title after an EPO positive. Last year wasn’t without its own scandal, with a positive for 2nd place ‘sensation’ Ezequiel Mosquera dragging La Vuelta’s name through the red dust again. It could well be the dirtiest tour of them all, a race that itself seeks atonement as much as those who race it.
This year’s edition has the same sense of redemption written all over it, with some of Le Tour’s unfortunates having a crack at it. There’s Wiggo, who was in the self-proclaimed form of his life before snapping his twig-like collarbone early on. Can he show us what he had promised on the roads of France in the Dauphine, or will the Spanish heat and steep, long climbs be too much for him? How about Jurgen Van den Broeck, also looking great before his own clavicle calamity ended his July. Invisible Denis will also be there, his Geox team considered not good enough for the Tour, out to show that he’s still a force and add to his two Spanish victories. Other battered old warhorses who will never give up easily are Andreas Klöden and Carlos Sastre, but father time may have finally taken its toll on this duo.
In reality, it’ll probably come down to the younger brigade made up of last year’s winner Vinnie Nibali, J-Rod, Scarponi, and Anton. It could be a blow-out, or one of the best races of the year. We may even get another drug controversy to keep up the status quo of years gone by. Whatever happens is anybody’s guess, which is why this race is one of the hardest to pick for VSP contenders, and one that might even be as exciting, vibrant and colourful as the country it traverses for three hot weeks.
So pour yourself a glass of Sangria, give the start list a long or glancing look, and post your picks before 5am Pacific time (yeah, I don’t know when the hell that is either…) and if you have any doubts, confusion or questions, head to the VSP page for clarification, rules and/or rebuttals. No horsing around, no bullshit.
Buena suerte!
Nice to see US Pro Challenge on NBC today. Maybe, just maybe Americans are starting to understand. Great crowds too.
Fantastic viewing for a Brit like me today; not only to see Wiggins and his Froome-mate tossing the keys to the pain jail between them, but to then watch Jaws take off like he’d been bitten himself to take a great win!
@ron @collin
Fantastic “Jaws” reference. My day is now complete.
IF the TT doesn’t turn out the way I want, I’m going to have to complete some advanced mathematics to not destroy myself with swap penalties.
You’ll need to use advanced Calculus with imaginary numbers and such. You know, eleventeen and thirty-twelve.
CanuckChuck takes the most commanding lead yet.
[vsp_results id=”9276″]
Beginning to think that Wiggins might just take this. Avoided crashes in week 1, has looked progressively stronger, and Froome is having a monster of a Vuelta in support.
This Vuelta is starting to keep me glued to the computer. I never thought I’d ever say that about a Vuelta.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
I haven’t had a chance to watch a single stage yet. maybe next weekend. But I remember enjoying the Vuelta last year more than the Tour(blasphemy?)
@Jeff in PetroMetro @redranger
I think last year’s Giro was so entertaining that even the quality of the Tour wasn’t enough to match it””we might have been too exhausted to fully appreciate the French thingy. My sense is that we were ready for another grand tour by the time the Vuelta came around. In comparison, this year’s Tour was very exciting in ways that make the Vuelta feel like a denouement.
Truth be told, I hope Nibali was watching the Tour and thinking there’s no reason why he can’t win next year, especially if Contador is, um, absent. After Contador and maybe Evans, is he the best all-rounder in the Pro-Tour ranks at the moment?
With the racing in CO completed, I shall now turn my full attention to Espana. Should be fun to jump all in.
That said, wow, fun to watch the U.S. Challenge on a national station. That’s pretty cool, even if those unfamiliar with cycling were subjected to The EggTimer on camera for far too long. Good racing though, and awesome that cycling was on big-time t.v. in the U.S., even if it was only for what, oh fifty minutes of the two hour slot. LOTS of commercials. And I still don’t even know what smashburger is, nor really care. And I wonder if they energy strip things will catch on.
I didn’t watch the Giro last year as I was not yet into cycling but I heard it was awesome.
Strada Bianchi with Cuddles and Vino was amazing.
I’m going to play contrarian on this, and don’t mean it to become an anti-American, but I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about the ATOC, Utah, or Colorado. Just don’t. They make a big-ass fuss about all these top riders coming over, and then pitch it to the American public as how great Horner or Leipheimer is when they’re the only guys actually racing. And they invariably conflict with the Giro and the Vuelta in ways that dilute those races, because sponsors (understandably) want some presence in the American audience.
It would be great to have a major stage race in North America, but it’s easier to get excited about the new Quebec one-day races that don’t interfere with nearly as much European racing. Perhaps a Tour de Southwest shortly after the Aussies do their thing?
Oh, no worries, not really running against my feelings. I do think it is cool anytime I can turn on (my friend’s) television and watch cycling. I also thought it was cool to see all those (broken up) shots of Colorado, as I’ve never been there.
The race itself was kind of bs. I rolled my eyes and laughed when Eggtimer said some nonsense about saving himself in other races to be on form for Utah & Colorado. Yeah fucking right. I didn’t follow CA or UT at all. Since I’m on the road and have t.v. access, I watched a bit of the CO cycling.
And I do think it’s a bit unfair to the Vuelta as well.
On that note, I sadly realized that during July & August I have been away from home and without a bike for five damn weeks. That is unacceptable. I don’t think I’ve been off the bike for five total weeks in the past five years combined. Screw this traveling & working on the road nonsense, it sucks. Damn, five weeks is a huge bite out of training. Oh well, only four more days of life without a bike.
Agreed, and I’ve been lucky enough to see many stages of the AToC over the years. Moving it to May was a real bonehead play. Ain’t no way one week stage races in CA, CO (or anywhere else for that matter) compete with a GT. Stupid to try.
And +1 on more one day races. Mo betta.
What really pissed me off was the head of the UCI a while back mention the idea of shortening La Vuelta. No god damn respect
Shit small races.
Tour of Texas. Redzinger Classic. Coors Classic. Tour duPont. Tour de Trump. Tour de Georgia. Tour of Missouri. Tour of California. Tour of Utah. Tour de Quizno’s/not Quizno’s/not Tour of Colorado/Pro Cycling is Very Challenging Challenge not featuring Lance Armstrong. Or whatever the hell that thing finally became.
California’s the only one with staying power, I think.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
Froome! Whut? I’ve been so disinterested I haven’t even made picks, but what is it now the final week? Wiggo, Nibbles, Froome, J Rod a couple of minutes down playing spoiler, teh rest of this thing is going to be spectacular. Especially with a true test of Wiggo as a leader – all the speculation about what type of leader he is, this is either going to be banging or a whimper. 3
And Martin vs Spartacus at the Worlds TT – who gets excited about that? Uh huh. Me.
Here we go again! Almost there! Just found out that Murilo Fischer left the race yesterday with a broken wrist…dam it!
Today’s selection is bought to you by the letter “K” (and probably by the number “0”!).
No room for Kruisjwijk or bauKe, unfortunately.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali (Knibbles)
2. FrederiK Kessiakoff
3. jurgen vanden broecK
4. Kevin seeldrayers
5. jaKob fuglsang
Right, time for a post-Delgado rest day entry…let’s be honest, I’m gonna score nothing no matter what!
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibbles
2. The Modfather
3. Fools Gold
4. J-Rod from the Rokkit Sqwad
5. Invisible Denis
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Wiggins
3. Brajkovic
4. Scarponi
5. J-Rod
Well shit. Here we go.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibbles
2. Martini
3. Wigg
4. Froome
5. j- rod
To bad Anton is out.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Wiggins
3. Scarponi
4. Martin
5. Menchov
Oh well. It’s the just the Vuelta.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Wiggins
3. J Rodriguez
4. Jurgen VDB
5. Scarponi
Is Anton out? Like withdrawn?
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Anybody’s Rodri-guess
2. BugleSong
3. Nibbles
4. Scarper!
5. Jolly Naughty Weller
How’s about some Taylor Phinney today? 21 years old and just 5 seconds back of the 4X (and reigning) TT champ? Think that kid has a future.
I meant that he was way back in gc. Or maybe not. I havt been able to watch the race at all.
Can jakob do it?
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Wiggins
3. Fuglsang
4. Martin
5. Menchov
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Wiggo
2. Nibali
3. Menchov
4. J Rod
5. Jurgen VDB
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Scarponi
3. Wiggo
4. Menchov
5. j-rod
Modfather back in (knew I’d live to regret taking him out)
Want to change the whole bloody thing but adhering to the Piti Principle.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Scarponi
3. Wiggins
4. Brajkovic
5. Purito
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Fuglsang
2. Nibali
3. Wiggins
4. Scarponi
5. J Rod
Igor and Steve have disappointed. Hoping for better things from Pater Modernatus and Yakkkkob.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Jolly Naughty Twiggy
2. Sicilian Shark
3. Purito
4. Scarpepperoni
5. Buglesong
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. J Rodriquez
3. Scarponi
4. Jakob Fuglsang
5. Wiggins
If you’d been watching, then you’d know it’s actually pronounced “Vroom.”
This is sad. I can’t commit to changes yet. I’ve actually made a list in Notepad entitled “Rest Day Swap Data and Times.”
I have real work to do here people.
Argh. Add in the piti principle and Vroom Vroom Froome and I’m just full blown confused. I guess I’ll go for a lunch ride and sort it out.
Of course, I have to get that real work done first.
With the penalty of making the switch I may still have a shot at Lanterne Rougue
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Froome
2. Braddly Wiggo
3. Niboli
5. Scarponi
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Wiggins
2. Nibali
3. Fuglsang
4. Anton
5. J Rod
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Wiggins
2. Mollema
3. Nibali
4. Rodriguez
5. Menchov
rest day change
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. nibali
2. Igor Anton
3. wiggo
4. VanDenBrouck
5. Menchov
Why doesn’t Anton just pull out? He’s ruining my VSP picks!
Perhaps a bit optimistic for Mollema, but he has Luis Leon Sanchez and Steven Kruiswijk in support and I think that he is perhaps the best climber this Vuelta, second only to Martin and Rodriquez on the sprint.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Anton
2. Wiggins
3. Bauke Mollema
4. Froome
5. Nibali
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Froome
2. Nibali
3. Wiggo
4. Scarponi
5. JRod
Now comes time to pay for having been overly Igor.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Wiggins
3. Scarponi
4. Sweet Janez
5. Rodriguez
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Brajkovic
3. Wiggins
4. Scarponi
5. Joaquin Rodriguez
Coming in late so taking the penalty to get the picks in on the first rest day.
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Nibali
2. Wiggins
3. Joaquin Rodriguez
4. Jurgen van den Broeck
OK… I’m in. Better go long…
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Wiggo
2. Nibbles
3. Menchov
5. Marzio
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. wiggo!
2. nibali
3. purito
5. denis the menace
@Dr C
You are quite the prophet. Wiggins has me believing and now I’m trying to figure out the least painful way to get him in the mix and deal with my Igor and Scarponi issues…..
VSP PICKS (1st Rest Day Swaps):
1. Scarponi
2. Igor Anton Hernandez
3. Nibali
4. J Rod
5. Menchov