Darkness sets in.

It requires a combination of factors to intersect. You need to have already spent loads of time on a bicycle. Enough so that you have an inherent sense of this odd thing with two wheels; you can make it go quickly or slowly, you can steer it around a corner with ease, you know how the introduction of a layer of moisture between the tires and the tarmac might affect the way it does these things.

There can’t be too clear a boundary between the bicycle and your body; those lines are best when blurred a bit. Hands to bars, feet to pedals, badonkadonk to saddle – these are contact points but they extend into the body to form a cohesive unit of rider and machine.

You need to know the difference between being out of shape, overweight, under-fed or hydrated, or simply being tired; these things have different implications and you must know how to manage them. You need to have met the Man with the Hammer enough times that you can feel him standing alongside you some time before his hammer hits. You need to know which actions bring him near, and you need to know which actions may stave him off.

These are all things that must be learned through many years spent in the saddle and cannot be gleaned from a book; this is a path you must walk yourself.

It also needs to be a long day out on the bike. Long enough that you’re tired with some distance yet to go; past the halfway point in the ride, but not so close to the end that you distract yourself with thoughts of finishing. There can only be the moment, nothing more. The legs need to be heavy from hours of effort but still strong. The pressure in the chest firm as the rhythm of your breathing is contant but not overly labored. The heart has to be pumping hard but not on its limit.

You have to be on the right kind of road to support a sustained, constant effort. Not too twisty, not too undulating. Not too scenic as scenery tends to be a distraction. Perhaps it is misty, humid. The air through which you ride wraps around you like a blanket.

You don’t have to be particularly strong that day, or fast, or in particularly good shape; you just need the right amounts of the right elements. As the legs start to go round, they draw you into a kind of hypnosis. The sight of the front wheel guiding you in the bottom of your periphery adds to the effect. Slowly, your senses turn inward, like falling asleep except that with every turn of the pedals, your focus grows more intense. You see everything and you see nothing. You see the road and you see obstacles, but acknowledgement of these things is reserved for critical items only. Only those things that require attention will be given it; the rest is reserved for turning the pedals.

The blanket you wrapped yourself in gets pulled up over your head, over your ears, nearly to your eyes. Darkness is everywhere except directly in front of you, the tunnel guiding you along. You hear nothing but the whirring of your tires, perhaps the changing of gear. The Man with the Hammer wanders close; you feel him. But La Volupte has graced you as well and she distracts him to stave off his hammer for a bit longer.

His killer blow will come, but not yet.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at rouleur@velominati.com.

View Comments

  • @frank


    I had a fairly lengthy conversation with the man with the hammer on 10th of June during the Wiggle Dragon Ride, managing to just about keep him at arms length, thanks not to la Volupte but largely to bananas and caffeine gels.

    Heights in metres.

    BTW @Frank, you're going to get yourself killed riding on the wrong side of the road.

    Looks like a terrible peak right there near the 180km mark. Ouch.

    BTW @Frank, you're going to get yourself killed riding on the wrong side of the road.

    The last two were terrible in equal measures, both being after 150kms. The first has an approach that doesn't bear thinking about with the 'real' ascent becoming all too visible only after having having spent seemingly interminable kms grinding uphill. The second has a false summit, reinforced by carpark and ice cream/burger van, about 1 mile from the top!

  • @Gianni


    I had a fairly lengthy conversation with the man with the hammer on 10th of June during the Wiggle Dragon Ride, managing to just about keep him at arms length, thanks not to la Volupte but largely to bananas and caffeine gels.

    Heights in metres.

    BTW @Frank, you're going to get yourself killed riding on the wrong side of the road.

    Oath! That was a day in the saddle. 3300 meters of up in Wales? Fuck me, I hope you retired to the darkest, dankest, best pub in Wales for your fluid recovery. The man mit hammer hates that.

    @Gianni Fortunately a friend of mine, recently returned from Belgium, had furnished me with some of the finest Malted Recovery Beverage available, several samples of Rochefort 6, 8 and 10. He was, I hope, very pissed off.

  • A little late to the party as I have been away from the computer for a few days. I find that so many of the articles on this site put into words feelings or states of mind that I have only caught the slightest glimpse of so far in my very short cycling career. However, I believe that one of the factors that has contributed to cycling becoming such an obsession for me so quickly is the incredible pull that these feelings and states of mind exert. I know how much I look forward to experiencing for myself what it is to meet the Man with the Hammer and to know La Velupté. This article has now given me another sensation to add to that list. Thanks for another beautifully written and inspirational piece.

  • A short time lurker here. I love this site and it's members and their experiences. It's all so true.

    Sadly I am neither eloquent or deep enough of thought to be able to put  some things into words as well as many of the Velominati but here's my take on yesterday's ride.

    I was close to meeting the Man with the Hammer yesterday. I'd had a great ride out with a mate and we'd covered some good roads but as I left him at his home I thought its only 15 miles to go, 15 easy, flat miles. Sadly the V tanks only had vapours left as I sloshed them around trying to find something to help push my weary self into the gusting head wind along the rule straight Fosse Way. That's  when suddenly it all went quiet. All I could see was the Tarmac a few feet in front, all I could feel was the sweat dripping off my nose onto the bars. Above me the Man with the Hammer spat into each his hands one by one firming his grip, but he would not have his fun just yet. I think I was in what has been described here as the tunnel, I can't re-call much of that last 15 miles, I can't even remember putting my bike away.

    It's not a euphoric feeling, there is no real pleasure but the pain is different somehow when you are there, in the tunnel.

    Keep up the great work lads of the Velominati, you inspire me every day.

    Cheers, Jon

  • @BeaconJon

    Sadly I am neither eloquent or deep enough of thought to be able to put  some things into words as well as many of the Velominati...

    ...Above me the Man with the Hammer spat into each his hands one by one firming his grip, but he would not have his fun just yet...

    Seems eloquent enough to me. Good first/second post.

  • Frank, as I read that, I was reminded of your First Battle with the Volcano.  Surely that took you into the tunnel.

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