Graveur in the Seattle Strade Biache." src="" width="620" height="464" /> Veloforma’s Velominati Graveur in the Seattle Strade Biache.

I find it interesting to observe the chasm between parties engaged in a conversation, particularly in response to questions being asked. I’m thinking, at present, of the question, “How many bikes do you have?” My feelings in response are nothing short of complex and maybe a bit confused; reservation that I feel I should have a more well-rounded stable, love as I picture each machine, longing as I immediately then also imagine riding it, some regret at the realization that I’m not riding it at that moment, and a touch of consternation as to whether I should include in my count the partially-built machines hanging in the basement. Their feeling, in contrast, is composed of one-dimensional and unveiled shock.

Several years ago, the VMH and I got lost while out Mountain biking north of Cle Elum and spent the better part of four hours riding our mountain bikes on gravel roads. It was one of the best days we’ve had on a bike, and as a result I’ve been increasingly obsessed with the notion of hitting the gravel mountain roads in the North Cascades on a bike tuned for gravé. These small roads liter the mountainsides and offer access to parts of the world where a road bike can’t go, but provide a range that would be untenable on fat-tired bikes.

A Graveur differs from a road bike in the sense that it has cantilever brakes and wide tires. It differs from a Cyclocross bike in the sense that the rider’s position is tuned to fast riding over relatively smooth terrain. A friend who I met at the Portland Cogal turned me onto a small Portland frame builder, Veloforma. Apart from building fantastic frames and having a great reputation locally, the owner is similarly obsessed with fast gravel riding as he lives in the boonies beyond the reaches of asphalt. A few chats with him and his infectious passion for his bikes, and I was sold completely. It goes without mention that I couldn’t resist the option to have the frame painted in Velominati colors.

I placed the order for a Veloforma Team CCX in November and immediately set about collecting the bits I would need to build it. A few weeks later, the owner sent me a mockup of the proposed paint scheme. It immediately became my desktop wallpaper and hardly a day has passed since then that I haven’t contemplated at length the various flavors of Awesome that were sure to pass beneath the tires of this machine as we explore the bounties of the Cascades. The VMH obviously also required a Graveur and her will was quickly done.

For those of you wondering how I’m preparing for my Hour Ride this weekend, it includes generous amounts of “natural interval training” on the CCX Graveur in the local park. There is zero flex in the tapered steer tube (my first), and VF’s proprietary BB66 bottom bracket is absurdly stiff; I can’t flex this thing for shit, which means more of my V winds up on the road instead of in the tubes where it does nothing productive. And paired to the Café Roubaix Arenbergs with Dugast 32m file tread tires, I practically need to tie it down to keep it from floating off.

As far as specs go, I’m riding the XL with a 14cm 17 degree stem, which gives me precisely the same position as on my road bikes. The fizik Cyrano Carbon seat pin holds up a custom black and orange Arione CX. I went with a 50T outer ring (it’s only a BIG RING when its over 52T) paired to a 38T inner ring on a 130BCD spider. The 50T will get more use than would a 53T given the increased drag, and the 38T shortens the gear just enough to keep the legs turning over on long gravé climbs. For CX racing, I’ll glue on some nobbies, go to a 10 degree stem to lift the bars up a touch, and drop the outer ring to a 44T or 42T.

[dmalbum path=”/ Galleries/ Robber/”/]


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

View Comments

  • My new graveur - pretty stock at moment, but still shreds bridle trails. The Velominati got me into the world of CX and gravel(road) bikes . Much more fun on gravel/ fire roads than my 29er. I get the same question - how many bikes do you own ...."Well....". Nice to have a choice on the day though.

  • @Marcus

    I heard he works on a staircase. Sits on one step and the keyboard is located three steps lower. He would have made an awesome triathlete because he wouldn't have to bend down to put on his runners.

    Now that's quite enough! The kid's already hitting the track and the gravel this summer. He's in a free fall as it is; do we really want him tempted by tri as well?

  • Fantastic as always Frank.


    There was a Tom Ritchey interview/video awhile back on here, he has always ridden his road bikes on gravel.  If you have larger, more robust tires you can probably get away with it.  That being said, a dedicated graveur is an awesome idea, and probably solves the issues much more betterer.

  • That looks like the perfect mo-sheen for rockin our cottage and colonization roads on the Canadian Shield. As my daughter used to say when she was little, "Have it. Have it."

  • Been riding over 35 years now, a bike is nothing more than a tool. One black bike is the same as another black bike.

  • @freddy

    That looks like the perfect mo-sheen for rockin our cottage and colonization roads on the Canadian Shield. As my daughter used to say when she was little, "Have it. Have it."

    Also for the forest roads in the foothills of the Olympics. Looks stoopidawesome.

  • @Steampunk

    Rule 12 is gloriously vague about such things; best not to question it overly.

    That depends on the tires you need to run. The gravel out here is loose enough that I want at least 30mm tires, so tht is canti territory right there. If you're on good gravel, a 25 or 28 might do and of your road bike takes it, then no need For a Graveur.

    Real gravel riding like The Heck of the North is on roads that will not work for a road steed, though. Parts of that race are on snow machine trails better suited to a MTB.

  • Beautiful machine @frank! Love the seat tube/stays/ top tube orange scheme! Although if I may offer a suggestion, what about some white cufflinks to bust up the black in the cockpit and deliver a bit of subtle "pop". It would work well with the 3T stem and Fizik finishing tape lettering. Refer to picture 12-31. Maybe? At any rate, I beat myself up too much with my own machine's color schemes,(my VMH can vouch for it, it drives her nearly as nuts listening to me muttering to myself and my new creations) so feel free to write off my OCD...  BTW, any thoughts for a name?

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