Cover High Before You Cover Low

With the transitions of seasons occurring all over the world as Summer shifts to Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and…

9 years ago

Look Pro: Poker Face

Cycling is all about energy. If you don't have it, you don't have it. It can be sucked out of you as…

10 years ago

Guest Article: Cardiff-Roubaix

Somewhere in the 10 cm thick Velominati editorial handbook is an admonishment about running articles about rides. @RobSandy's bit has…

10 years ago

Wet and Wild

I have been spoiled rotten this summer as I alluded to last week and was evidenced through the flatness of the…

10 years ago

Rule #55: Earn Your Turns

I did go out seeking endorphins and inspiration. These articles don't just write themselves. A climb and descent might just…

10 years ago

The Cyclist

Being away from the bike is agony. Even for the day, while I'm at work, my mind swims about, thinking…

10 years ago

In Memoriam: The Funny Bike

Summer, it appears, has been snatched abruptly from Seattle's grasp, like a squeak toy from a puppy's mouth. A week ago, we were…

10 years ago

Guest Article: Tomorrow Belongs To Me

@Steamy is on fire here, so listen up. Cycling is a stern task master. She asks too much of your…

10 years ago

The Curious Case of Bradley Wiggins

Brad Wiggins is an enigma. There is a lot about him that makes him easy to dislike. That mopey, Pete Townshend…

10 years ago

World Champion

The Worlds are going to be played out on US roads, which is fantastic and the last time it happened we witnessed…

10 years ago

In Praise of Sealant

This was not going to be the Race of Truth. My wife and I were descending different routes to our…

10 years ago

Velominati Super Prestige: Vuelta a España 2015

This is the best Cycling photo in the history of time. If you're wondering why, then we're probably not looking…

10 years ago

The Liberty of Suffering

The bicycle has always been a symbol of Freedom. Not just for us as children, extending the boundaries of our…

10 years ago

Guest Article- Evanescent Riders: Nick Nuyens

Winning the Ronde, even once, should get a person some long term credits, at least free drinks in every Belgian…

10 years ago

In Memoriam: The Straight Block

Disc brakes and 1x drivetrains. These are the sort of things that belong on mountainbikes, are questionable on cross bikes,…

10 years ago

The Hammer and the Nail

Sometimes you're the hammer, sometimes you're the nail. I was a cheapy little Ikea one today. It was terrible. -…

10 years ago

Pinot or Bardet?

That is my question. Both want to be considered great cyclists, not great French cyclists. It is a cruel and…

10 years ago

Maker’s Mark

If the best things in life are free, Messrs Lennon and McCartney must've just been given a huge bag of…

10 years ago

The Race of Truth

We've all felt it; going over a bump or through a corner and feeling that unmistakable bit of slop in…

10 years ago

Guest Article: Hey! Ho! Let’s Go!

We've remarked many times on the connection between the pained musician and the Cyclist. Layne Staley and Marco Pantani being a prominent…

10 years ago