+1. I’m 182 cm and 83.9 kg last time I weighed. My “summer” weight is generally around 79.3, and my “cycling self-image issue” dream would be 74.8 kg, but I’m not sure if that is possible.
mcsqueak :
+1. I’m 182 cm and 83.9 kg last time I weighed. My “summer” weight is generally around 79.3, and my “cycling self-image issue” dream would be 74.8 kg, but I’m not sure if that is possible.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
Bastard. (Nothing personal.)^2
Now, in fairness, I am a skinny fucker. I am 179cm tall, and I weigh 63.5kg.
Now that’s a climbing weight! Have you ever been too fat to climb ?
oh yeah @JeffinPetroMetro
I am 179cm tall, and I weigh 63.5kg
LUCKY bastard (personal…compliment)
@Jeff in PetroMetro
The unimpeachable Wikipedia gives heights and weights for the following
Chicken Rasmussen: 1.74m; 59kg Clenbutador: 1.76m; 62kg
Basso: 1.83m; 70kg
Sastre: 1.73m 60kg COTHO: 1.77; 75kg
Der Kaiser (not current I am guessing): 1.83m; 72kg
And our own little 1.79m Jeff weighs in at 63.5! Sheeesh!
At 17 years away from any cycling, or any exercise of any kind, I weighed 75kg. I had high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and a pretty squishy tire around the middle. At that point I was too fat to climb stairs without getting winded.
My goal for this year is to blow away my doctor with my results. The squishy tire is gone. My waist is down to 77cm from 85cm. I’m damn close to my racing weight. I’m not strong, but I’m stronger than I was this time last year. I’ll be 44 in April, so I hope to be fitter at 44 than I was at 24.
Bastard, twig, jockey–this is why I hang out with my fellow Velominati. You guys are the greatest.
1.88m, 73 kg. I’m not complaining.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
My one question is what does sand taste like when it gets kicked in your face at the beach?
I look the part of a bike racer. I’m just not very fast, and I have no idea if I can climb. Oh, and I probably can’t time trial, either.
But I’ll keep working at it. It just feels soooo gooood to ride a lot again.
I avoid beaches. Besides, it’s legal to drive on ours and they’re covered in tar and shit that falls off of oil platforms.
See? Your height-to-weight ratio is higher than mine. Beanpole.
In any event, big props on being among the fittest 1% of PetroMetropolitans.
This place does NOT suck. That’s why I’ll be back again tomorrow.
Sorry. Went too fast. And yes, I think I should stick to writing.
Something close to 30% of the population in the PetroMetro are clinically obese. There was a show a couple of years ago on Discovery or TLC or Health channel where two doctors did weight loss surgeries. Turns out they are in Houston.
Oh yeah, I completely agree that big bidons look horrible on the bike. I try not to use them, but sometimes you just have to. Really hot days, if you are riding a new route and don’t know about pit stop possibilities.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who pulls their bidons off the bike as soon as they get home, since they can’t bear to even let the steed sit at home lookin’ ugly.
^Jeff – one of my enduring questions about Americans and eating habits is how many Americans consume all of, or close to, their daily caloric intake in liquids alone. Between soda and coffee-based concoctions, I bet a lot of people might drink well over 1000 calories.
Interesting how all of us differ a lot, or just a bit even, on liquid and food intake during rides. Some of us drink a lot, some of us are camels.
@Marcus A-Merckx! I like to think that a little extra meat helps to absorb and insulate the bones while bouncing over cobbles in cold weather. After all, that’s real cycling!
It’s high calorie liquids (enormous Starbucks sugary fatty drinks, Cokes, sweet tea), high fat fast foods or microwave foods from the grocery store, beyond understandable proportions from restaurants, totally sedentary lifestyles, television, car culture, and a lack of education. It’s a helluva recipe for Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and skyrocketing healthcare costs. We use guns to kill each other because, well, it just takes too much physical effort to fight.
The bigger, hardier riders always win the tougher classics anyway. Sastre to win Flanders this year? Probably not.
I read in some cycling rag somewhere that the ideal climber’s proportion is a weight-to-height ratio of 2 lb for every inch. or 1 kg per 2.8 cm.
As example, our recently detainted Clenbutador, should weigh less than 62.8 kg. Check.
Our Jeff in PorkoMetro should weigh less than 64 kg. Check.
For me at 199 cm, I should weigh less than 71 kg, but I weight 97 kg. The only way I’ll get to that weight will be by amputation.
196cm and 86.2kg Someone has to be a windbreak to pull the little sh*ts up to the climbs. I can hold my own on the climbs though.
188cm/80kg (climbing weight, now I’m probably 83-84kg)
Right. So how fucking PATHETIC would it be if I can’t climb? No pressure.
For me at 199 cm, I should weigh less than 71 kg, but I weight 97 kg. The only way I’ll get to that weight will be by amputation.
179cm/82kg, but the bigger story here is that I’m down from 87kg at Christmas (yes, 2010). One word: Clenbuterol!
So, my sensations are good. I am tranquil. My legs are not blocked. I rocket off the front to bridge a gap. The peloton sees me go and no one reacts. The race radios light up, placing bets on the over/under for how long I’ll dangle out there. My DS yells in my earphone, “Sit up! I’ve got $40 that says you won’t make it. I’ll split it with you. No one is chasing you anyway.” Fuckers.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
Your DS is a gros con. The smart money sees polka dots in your future (or maybe it’s just hypoxia). In fact, I’m thinking the only thing keeping you earth-bound are heavy shoes and a death-grip on that Look.
Man, that’s awesome! I am currently also 1.79 m but weight in at 74.5 kgs. My best racing weight was 67 kg but I am trying to get back to 70 kgs and I’d be happy.
xyxax:For me at 199 cm, I should weigh less than 71 kg, but I weight 97 kg. The only way I’ll get to that weight will be by amputation.
You make it sound like you won’t go that far. See Rule #5.
179cm/82kg, but the bigger story here is that I’m down from 87kg at Christmas (yes, 2010). One word: Clenbuterol!
God Damn! You’ve lost FIVE KILOS since December?!?! What on-line site are you using to buy your stuff? Do they only take pesos or are American dollars okay as well?
180cm/78kg down from 88kg 2 years ago and aiming for under 75kg this spring/summer to coincide with peaking. Race weight was 68kg back in the day.
Which raises a point; I am 55 yrs old and the weight gain was due to work, stress (read on the road doing 3-4 day shows with some minor health issues) and a full blown addiction to donuts. Healthy, weaned off the donuts and no longer on the road so training is the diet. But I think age and health are key. One without the other is hell. If you have both you can be as fit as you want.
Just for yucks… not smart enough to sift for the relevant data but if any one wants to slot in their numbers it might be interesting as a survey of the V community?
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Wait something jumps out, Jeff needs anorexia intervention – Jeff you ok, can you still stand? Maybe this is why you are so slow on hills???
Oli if you get over the Turchino and the Poggio will you lead me out?
Correction should be:
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Sorry edit fail – weight on the second line should be under (Race) etc.
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Added my age above. I’ve never raced so I don’t have any known race weight.
I’m glad February is half over… it’s starting to stay light later, meaning I can start to squeeze in rides after work soon. Even getting out for an hour and busting my ass beats riding inside or doing nothing, which has been the case more than I would have liked this winter. I have 4.5 kgs I need to lose by the summer!
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP 36
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Age added. I’d also like to add number of children (3), which is probably an important number for those of us who have been through the breeding and blimping stage.
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
I don’t race now but my race weight is definitely my best climbing weight.
Steampunk :
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)179cm 39 / 82kg SP 36180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55182cm / 83.9kg McS 29183cm / 105kg OB-W188cm / 73kg N188cm / 83kg M188cm / 84kg Z196cm / 86.2 3C199cm / 97kg X
Age added. I’d also like to add number of children (3), which is probably an important number for those of us who have been through the Breeding and Blimping stage.
Age added for myself and 5 is the number of kiddos. Should be fun to revisit this post in 8 months and see any changes!
Damn! I really screwed that up. Let’s try it again:
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg) 39
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
Also, we have a lot of tall guys on here! (or maybe I’m just short but never felt that way before?)
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg) 39
179cm / 82kg SP 36
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M 40
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
Oh, I’m sorry ladies, I was looking for the Velominati website, but seem to have somehow ended up on the Jenny Craig site…
Brett, that’s damn funny.
Has anyone notice (or pointed out?) how it looks like the Belgian rider is grabbing Thor’s left drop? Kind of funny.
And is the Breschel in the red? The “Pol” makes me think it’s a Polish rider. And sorry for not being able to identify the Belgian dude. Oh well. Off to Jenny Craig to cut some winter weight…
That, or living in a place with nothing beginning to resemble a hill.
Awesome Marko et al, we are almost the perfect lead out train for McSqueak i reckon – “the Big 5”. Now who else in the little leagues wants to come out the slipstream of THAT! You’d be soft pedalling 53×11 for sure…
This is not a representative sample, eiither of the general population or of the Jenny Craig visiting population. It’s got the makings of a strong team – some good big puncheurs for the flats and rollers and some diminutive fuckers for the climbs -but if we ever assault Haleakala as a cogal, there’d better be a good handicap system in place.
-but if we ever assault Haleakala as a cogal, there’d better be a good handicap system in place.
Without any hesitation of speaking for everyone here, I have no doubt that there would be plenty of “self-handicapping” at any cogal we put together. So much so that there would be little room left for oxygen in the bloodstream.
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Twig! (Nothing personal). I’m also 179cm, but I think my right quad nearly weighs 60kg on its own.
+1. I’m 182 cm and 83.9 kg last time I weighed. My “summer” weight is generally around 79.3, and my “cycling self-image issue” dream would be 74.8 kg, but I’m not sure if that is possible.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
Bastard. (Nothing personal.)^2
188cm and 84kg. I don’t like hills much.
Now that’s a climbing weight! Have you ever been too fat to climb ?
oh yeah @JeffinPetroMetro
I am 179cm tall, and I weigh 63.5kg
LUCKY bastard (personal…compliment)
@Jeff in PetroMetro
The unimpeachable Wikipedia gives heights and weights for the following
Chicken Rasmussen: 1.74m; 59kg
Clenbutador: 1.76m; 62kg
Basso: 1.83m; 70kg
Sastre: 1.73m 60kg
COTHO: 1.77; 75kg
Der Kaiser (not current I am guessing): 1.83m; 72kg
And our own little 1.79m Jeff weighs in at 63.5! Sheeesh!
At 17 years away from any cycling, or any exercise of any kind, I weighed 75kg. I had high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and a pretty squishy tire around the middle. At that point I was too fat to climb stairs without getting winded.
My goal for this year is to blow away my doctor with my results. The squishy tire is gone. My waist is down to 77cm from 85cm. I’m damn close to my racing weight. I’m not strong, but I’m stronger than I was this time last year. I’ll be 44 in April, so I hope to be fitter at 44 than I was at 24.
Bastard, twig, jockey–this is why I hang out with my fellow Velominati. You guys are the greatest.
1.88m, 73 kg. I’m not complaining.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
My one question is what does sand taste like when it gets kicked in your face at the beach?
I look the part of a bike racer. I’m just not very fast, and I have no idea if I can climb. Oh, and I probably can’t time trial, either.
But I’ll keep working at it. It just feels soooo gooood to ride a lot again.
I avoid beaches. Besides, it’s legal to drive on ours and they’re covered in tar and shit that falls off of oil platforms.
See? Your height-to-weight ratio is higher than mine. Beanpole.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
I AM impressed fine sir
Yeah, it does seem to be a pretty cool pace to hang out
@Jeff in PetroMetro
Stick to writing, sir. Methinks your maths are mistaken.
In any event, big props on being among the fittest 1% of PetroMetropolitans.
This place does NOT suck. That’s why I’ll be back again tomorrow.
Sorry. Went too fast. And yes, I think I should stick to writing.
Something close to 30% of the population in the PetroMetro are clinically obese. There was a show a couple of years ago on Discovery or TLC or Health channel where two doctors did weight loss surgeries. Turns out they are in Houston.
Oh yeah, I completely agree that big bidons look horrible on the bike. I try not to use them, but sometimes you just have to. Really hot days, if you are riding a new route and don’t know about pit stop possibilities.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who pulls their bidons off the bike as soon as they get home, since they can’t bear to even let the steed sit at home lookin’ ugly.
^Jeff – one of my enduring questions about Americans and eating habits is how many Americans consume all of, or close to, their daily caloric intake in liquids alone. Between soda and coffee-based concoctions, I bet a lot of people might drink well over 1000 calories.
Interesting how all of us differ a lot, or just a bit even, on liquid and food intake during rides. Some of us drink a lot, some of us are camels.
183cm and 105kg…at least I climb well for my weight. :-(
A-Merckx! I like to think that a little extra meat helps to absorb and insulate the bones while bouncing over cobbles in cold weather. After all, that’s real cycling!
It’s high calorie liquids (enormous Starbucks sugary fatty drinks, Cokes, sweet tea), high fat fast foods or microwave foods from the grocery store, beyond understandable proportions from restaurants, totally sedentary lifestyles, television, car culture, and a lack of education. It’s a helluva recipe for Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and skyrocketing healthcare costs. We use guns to kill each other because, well, it just takes too much physical effort to fight.
The bigger, hardier riders always win the tougher classics anyway. Sastre to win Flanders this year? Probably not.
I read in some cycling rag somewhere that the ideal climber’s proportion is a weight-to-height ratio of 2 lb for every inch. or 1 kg per 2.8 cm.
As example, our recently detainted Clenbutador, should weigh less than 62.8 kg. Check.
Our Jeff in PorkoMetro should weigh less than 64 kg. Check.
For me at 199 cm, I should weigh less than 71 kg, but I weight 97 kg. The only way I’ll get to that weight will be by amputation.
196cm and 86.2kg Someone has to be a windbreak to pull the little sh*ts up to the climbs. I can hold my own on the climbs though.
188cm/80kg (climbing weight, now I’m probably 83-84kg)
Right. So how fucking PATHETIC would it be if I can’t climb? No pressure.
You make it sound like you won’t go that far. See Rule #5.
179cm/82kg, but the bigger story here is that I’m down from 87kg at Christmas (yes, 2010). One word: Clenbuterol!
So, my sensations are good. I am tranquil. My legs are not blocked. I rocket off the front to bridge a gap. The peloton sees me go and no one reacts. The race radios light up, placing bets on the over/under for how long I’ll dangle out there. My DS yells in my earphone, “Sit up! I’ve got $40 that says you won’t make it. I’ll split it with you. No one is chasing you anyway.” Fuckers.
@Jeff in PetroMetro
Your DS is a gros con. The smart money sees polka dots in your future (or maybe it’s just hypoxia). In fact, I’m thinking the only thing keeping you earth-bound are heavy shoes and a death-grip on that Look.
Even with high dose dextromethamphetamine (I’m olde skool), I’ve only lost 2 kg since Xmas.
I heed and obey your rule V clarion.
Man, that’s awesome! I am currently also 1.79 m but weight in at 74.5 kgs. My best racing weight was 67 kg but I am trying to get back to 70 kgs and I’d be happy.
God Damn! You’ve lost FIVE KILOS since December?!?! What on-line site are you using to buy your stuff? Do they only take pesos or are American dollars okay as well?
180cm/78kg down from 88kg 2 years ago and aiming for under 75kg this spring/summer to coincide with peaking. Race weight was 68kg back in the day.
Which raises a point; I am 55 yrs old and the weight gain was due to work, stress (read on the road doing 3-4 day shows with some minor health issues) and a full blown addiction to donuts. Healthy, weaned off the donuts and no longer on the road so training is the diet. But I think age and health are key. One without the other is hell. If you have both you can be as fit as you want.
Just for yucks… not smart enough to sift for the relevant data but if any one wants to slot in their numbers it might be interesting as a survey of the V community?
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Wait something jumps out, Jeff needs anorexia intervention – Jeff you ok, can you still stand? Maybe this is why you are so slow on hills???
Oli if you get over the Turchino and the Poggio will you lead me out?
Correction should be:
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Sorry edit fail – weight on the second line should be under (Race) etc.
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Added my age above. I’ve never raced so I don’t have any known race weight.
I’m glad February is half over… it’s starting to stay light later, meaning I can start to squeeze in rides after work soon. Even getting out for an hour and busting my ass beats riding inside or doing nothing, which has been the case more than I would have liked this winter. I have 4.5 kgs I need to lose by the summer!
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP 36
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C
199cm / 97kg X
Age added. I’d also like to add number of children (3), which is probably an important number for those of us who have been through the breeding and blimping stage.
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg)
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
I don’t race now but my race weight is definitely my best climbing weight.
Age added for myself and 5 is the number of kiddos. Should be fun to revisit this post in 8 months and see any changes!
Damn! I really screwed that up. Let’s try it again:
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg) 39
179cm / 82kg SP
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
Also, we have a lot of tall guys on here! (or maybe I’m just short but never felt that way before?)
Height/Weight (Race) Age
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg) 39
179cm / 82kg SP 36
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M 40
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
Oh, I’m sorry ladies, I was looking for the Velominati website, but seem to have somehow ended up on the Jenny Craig site…
Brett, that’s damn funny.
Has anyone notice (or pointed out?) how it looks like the Belgian rider is grabbing Thor’s left drop? Kind of funny.
And is the Breschel in the red? The “Pol” makes me think it’s a Polish rider. And sorry for not being able to identify the Belgian dude. Oh well. Off to Jenny Craig to cut some winter weight…
That, or living in a place with nothing beginning to resemble a hill.
I used to weigh over a tenth of a ton.
Awesome Marko et al, we are almost the perfect lead out train for McSqueak i reckon – “the Big 5”. Now who else in the little leagues wants to come out the slipstream of THAT! You’d be soft pedalling 53×11 for sure…
37 with 2 kids:
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg) 39
179cm / 82kg SP 36
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N 2C 37
188cm / 83kg M 40
188cm / 84kg Z
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
Height / Weight (Race) / Age / Kids
179cm / 63.5kg JiPM 44
179cm / 74.5kg BR (67kg) 39
179cm / 82kg SP 36
180cm / 78kg R (68kg) 55
182cm / 83.9kg McS 29
183cm / 105kg OB-W
188cm / 73kg N
188cm / 83kg M 40
188cm / 84kg Z
189cm / 83.5kg G’p / 46
196cm / 86.2 3C (80kg) 55
199cm / 97kg X
This is not a representative sample, eiither of the general population or of the Jenny Craig visiting population. It’s got the makings of a strong team – some good big puncheurs for the flats and rollers and some diminutive fuckers for the climbs -but if we ever assault Haleakala as a cogal, there’d better be a good handicap system in place.
Without any hesitation of speaking for everyone here, I have no doubt that there would be plenty of “self-handicapping” at any cogal we put together. So much so that there would be little room left for oxygen in the bloodstream.
sorry, a slight reworking
Height / Weight (Race) / Age / Kids
JiPM 179cm / 63.5kg /44
BR 179cm / 74.5kg (67kg) /39
SP 179cm / 82kg /36
R 180cm / 78kg (68kg) /55
McS 182cm / 83.9kg /29
OB-W 183cm / 105kg
N 188cm / 73kg
M 188cm / 83kg /40
Z 188cm / 84kg
G’p 189cm / 83.5kg / 46
3C 196cm / 86.2 (80kg)/ 55 / 3
X 199cm / 97kg / 51 / 2*
*second child arriving next month
That didn’t fookin’ work
Height / Weight (Race) / Age / Kids
JiPM…179cm / 63.5kg /44
BR…..179cm / 74.5kg (67kg) /39
SP…..179cm / 82kg /36
R……180cm / 78kg (68kg) /55
McS….182cm / 83.9kg /29
OB-W…183cm / 105kg
N……188cm / 73kg
M……188cm / 83kg /40
Z……188cm / 84kg
G’p….189cm / 83.5kg / 46
3C…..196cm / 86.2 (80kg)/ 55 / 3
X……199cm / 97kg / 51 / 2*