Categories: The Rules

Decisions, Decisions

I am facing a major problem; one not easily solved.  One of our principal Keepers – Brett – had made mention of the most important element of cycling: the Rules.  While the Rules are ambiguous, they are also very clear.  Not so much “clear” in the sense that any of us really know what they are or what they really mean; more “clear” in the sense that it’s pretty fucking obvious when a rule has been broken.

I have it on the excellent authority of a man down the shop that Nokon cable housing makes a noticeable difference in shifting performance.  (I haven’t explicitly asked the question, but I assume this “difference in shifting performance” is a positive one.)  In fact, it appears this opinion is held almost universally.  Even Brett rides a set of them.  I had them on my XLEV2 back when it was my primary racing machine, but I was unhappy with the crooked path the cables took from the shifters to the downtube.  Being a man of obsessive/compulsive qualities, this proved to be too much for my already feeble mind to deal with while riding – especially given Shimano’s STI cable setup at the time.  The Nokon cables went.

But, in the six or so years since, Nokon has come to the forefront and people seem to like them.  Not only do they not compress – leading to improved shifting – but they are apparently lighter due to a lack of rubber or plastic or whatever cables are coated in.  This is an easy sell.  Every rational cyclist craves performance enhancement – even the legal kind – not to mention the added bonus that, given the weight savings, I should be able to add an extra noodle to my weekly pasta ration.  (Cyclists only “eat” about once a week, on account of our strength-to-weight ratio.  The rest of the time we fantasize about “food porn” while preparing our daily EPO/HGH cocktail.)

On to my problem.  It appears Nokon now comes in a variety of colors, several of which would look absolutely dashing on my R3.  The obvious relevant color choices are Red, Black, or White – with the possibility of running a silver set.  Black is understated and simple.  It would not call attention to itself and simply serve the purpose of shifting improvement and extra noodle rations.  However, red and white would provide an additional stylish twist, accenting the detail colors of the frame.  There is more red on the frame than white, but the handlebars and the frame’s text are white.  Red would provide a certain “grounding” effect, while the white would continue the “accent” theme already present in the frame.

If I choose the white cables, do I then need to switch to black bar tape, allowing the white cable housing the freedom to rock it?   Or would I stick with the white tape?  Are red cables too…well, red?  Silver is an option, but I would need justification.  Something like, “I really wanted to match my cables to the titanium bolts.”  But I feel funny just writing that explanation – even after the several glasses of wine I’ve already consumed tonight.  I struggle to believe I’ll feel good defending my choice while I’m sober and on the bike.

This is going to take at least another couple weeks to decide.  Any input is welcomed.  See below for current configuration.

I envy you your simple lives.



The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

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  • hmmm.... I've looked at your bike and given this careful consideration. Well, about 5 minutes.

    I'd go with; black saddle and tape, white cables. Or silver, they will match any bikes' colour scheme, just as silver chains, rings, cassettes, bolts etc always do. Hardware = silver, no?

    I don't know if you've seen my new frame, but I had to reconfigure my set-up. Now running black saddle/tape combo with the same silver Nokons.

    On the Nokons' shifting performance, I've had no issues at all on the Roubaix. My colleague Josh though, has been running them on his mtb, and hasn't been impressed with their performance. Maybe this is due to dirtier conditions, though they are well sealed and that shouldn't be a concern. He was also running them with GripShift, not that it should matter.

    I'm pleased with the shifting on my bike, even with the "Zabel-esque" routing.

  • I've thought about this too for your bike. All of 3 minutes. So while not quite as steeped in the issue as Brett, I do have a suggestion. Upon review of the picture of your R3, I'd go with white cable housing (nothing that hasn't already been mentiones), but sit down, red bar tape. You see, to my eye, the red bar tape would not only balance the red on the frame but also the seat clamp, forks, and rear skewer. The white cable housing would compliment all the other white shit. As for the saddle, stick with what's comfy. Your fat noodle eating ass covers it up most of the time anyway. Besides, black is slimming.

  • And who the hell ruined that madone in the "broken" pic? All it's missing is the spring loaded hemeriod SEAT.

  • @brett
    Interesting, very interesting. I'll have to ruminate on this more. Looking more carefully at the color offerings, doth mine eyes see carbon? Of course, that could be too much?

    As for your bike, yes, I did see it on your very fine new blog. I like the new look and feel. As for the new frame, well done! And I love the Zabelrouting; wish I would have thought of that in my STI Nokon days.

  • @Marko
    I like where you're going with this. (By the way, that's red tape to mark saddle height - not a clamp.) I like your point regarding balancing the other red detail items. *Eyebrows raised*

    Oh, and that horrendous Madone is from the illustrious BikeSnob. (You'll have to scroll down a ways.)

  • I have a creak in my bike from somewhere around the bb/cranks/pedals and it's driving me nuts. Pedals are tight, bottom bracket was just taken out, cleaned, re-greased, and put back in. That helped but it still creaks. It's mostly under low cadence/high torque while climbing but happens some under high candence/higher torque while sprinting. Doesn't matter which chain ring or gear. It's pissin me off. Any ideas?

  • @Marko
    Shit, Dogg. You just opened Pandora's Box: the elusive creak. I assume it's the carbon beauty you're riding. These creaks can be really hard to find as they sometimes travel through the tubes and come out in a different place than they originate from. Especially with carbon, which seems to amplify this effect.

    The "frame creak" is maddening. It usually happens when you're working hard, and the noise your bike makes is energy being converted into sound rather than forward movement. This effect is more maddening when you're tired.

    I have managed to get every squeak out of every bike I've owned, so know this: it is possible. Things that have made the "bottom bracket" creak (which usually turns out not to be the bottom bracket at all):

    - Make sure all bolts are torqued correctly.
    - Front/Rear skewers. Pull them both out, clean them and the dropouts, and grease them.
    - Rear derailleur hanger. Pull it off, clean it and the frame, grease it, and reinstall it. Tighten the bolts (sometimes just tightening the bolts helps alot, without removing it.)
    - Downtube shifter bosses (if you have them). These have been a recurring issue for me on my XLEV2. Most modern bikes don't have them, but they'll still have a mechanism that receives the shifter cable and possibly has a barrel adjuster. Remove them, grease them.
    - Seat collar. Remove it, clean it, clean the frame, grease it, remount it.
    - Tighten chainring bolts.
    - Tighten bottle cage bolts (yes, that was it once)

    I would start with the skewers or the derailleur hanger. One thing that helps future trouble-shooting is to try it one item at a time.

  • Thanks dude. I'll try those things and report back. and yes, it is my beautious Alan. Oh the humanity.

  • Dudes.....30 seconds, red cable housing. Red and black are a real power combo. They say "I'm gwan to fuck you up." That R3 bike gives me serious car-bone. More on this carbon thing soon, post-wise.

    I just put boring silver jag-wire housings on trusty Merlin. It's tough with the Ti color and nothing else to match to, as I have moaned about before. Poor me.

    Regarding creak sleuthing, I just went through a mad swapping out party between bikes, pedals, wheels, shoes. Tightened chainring bolts, all things pointed toward fancy pants campy external bearing assembly...then it somehow drifted away without me doing anything....clean living I'm thinking. It will return. I understand this.

  • @john
    Now that you mention it, Jack White does insist that black and red is the most powerful color combo around. But, do I go with the red bar tape as Marko insists I should, or do I stick with the white tape? Leaders ride white bar tape, you know.

    A note on the external campy bearings: TIGHTEN THEM. I had the same problem. Tightened them more and problem solved. Also, did you remember to have your BB shell faced? Could also lead to creaking. How awesome is that BB design, by the way? Loves it.

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