From Café To Roubaix

Assuming you ride somewhere outside the borders of Antarctica, you have likely already heard about the injustice being imposed on our friend and fellow Velominatus, Dan Richter who goes around these parts as @Dan_R.
I’ve been riding Dan’s wheels for a bit over a year, and they are the best I’ve ever had. After hearing about the suit a few months back, I was proud to help him brainstorm some ways he might be able to salvage his brand or come up with a new one while admitting the court battle was out of reach.
But when the article broke in the Calgary Herald this weekend, all hell broke loose. It goes without saying the pride I feel whenever our community here at Velominati comes together for a good cause, but what went on over the last 48 hours was an unbelievable coming-together of not just us, but the Cycling community as a whole. Regardless of the final result, this past weekend made me proud to call myself a Cyclist more than ever, for we proved we not only love riding our bikes, but that we as a worldwide community have each other’s collective backs.
I had an article planned for today, one taking the piss out of ourselves and everyone else as we usually do. But it just didn’t feel right. Instead, I thought we’d post the Packfiller podcast from Bulger Media. This is my fourth time on the show, but this time Patrick (@packfiller) was able to get Dan on the call with us. It was fantastic to hear Dan still has his sense of humor and it was a pleasure share a good laugh with him.
Here’s hoping Specialized comes to their senses, observes Rule #43, and drops the suit. If not, we’ll stand in solidarity, never buying another Specialized product again. The good news is that either way, Dan will rebuild his brand and his shop will live on, stronger than ever. (Insert Shakespeare quote about names here.)
Its a long listen, but we cover the important Café Roubaix stuff early on. Enjoy. And Vive La Vie Velominatus.
No one should feel bad for having bought a Spesh in the past. What you do in the future is up to how this event affected you.
Over? Did you say over? Nothing is over until we say it is:
Such an incredible error from Mr Mike company. I don’t trust them anymore. I’m with Dan!
Ah, fucktard!
Happy to be on a Fuji at the minute. Did some one say Roubaix ? Think Specialized just got a big cobble thrown at them by Fuji.
Excellent news.
Fuji’s message to S
@frank yip, the black tape stays on.
Love to see the banners and flags lining next years P-R!
@sthilzy Thanks for the pic whoever took it!
Rule #94? – Don’t fuck with the Velominati
From the Fuji FB page:
Quoth Pat Cunnane, ASI’s CEO:
“While ASI does have the authority to object to Mr. Richter’s use of the name and while we at ASI understand the importance of protecting our bicycle model names, we believe that Mr. Richter did not intend for consumers to confuse his brick-and-mortar establishment or his wheel line with our Roubaix road bike.
“And we believe consumers are capable of distinguishing his bike shop and wheel line from our established bikes.”
What, you think that people are capable of thinking for themselves, and exercising common sense? Chapeau, Fuji.
Perhaps a Fuji is in the stable’s future.
An excellent result on the face of it, for Dan and for Fuji. A far as I am concerned, Specialized will never feature in any shopping list I have influence over, regardless of any noises they may make, apologetic or otherwise.
The guy on the left looks like a younger, svelter Rob Ford.
Here’s my takeaway:
1. Specialized should not be let off the hook, regardless of recent events. You break Rule #43, you shouldn’t be let back into the group ride. If you’re a total newbie, perhaps there’s grounds for lenience; Specialized is no such thing. I’m uncomfortable with the idea of destroying a longtime contributor to the cycling world, but Specialized just doesn’t get cycling. They get their business model, but they don’t get cycling. I don’t think any forgiveness is in order.
2. Big kudos to Fuji for stepping in, but I can’t help thinking they’re capitalizing on some free press. Regardless of their statement, YOU SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO TRADEMARK THE NAME “ROUBAIX” IN THE CYCLING WORLD!! As an idea, Roubaix is the lifeblood of cycling, and is never first associated with a brand.
Haha. Love that clip.
Training Log: Note to self, burn Specialized Bibs purchased last fall. Continue supporting local small business, check. Notify Filipino Mafia of Southern California, pending.
Rob Ford may have once been younger, but I doubt he was ever svelte! Remember, he gets plenty to eat at home!
No-BODY FUCKS with the Dan_R!!!
Is that yours? Very nicely done””it captures my sentiment above perfectly.
1. This is similar to how I feel about the LBS chain that moved from the center of the city, and down the block, to the side of the highway out amongst urban sprawl, where it’s impossible to safely reach the shop on a bicycle.
They don’t get cycling. They are simply in it for the money. The funny part – after they moved…four new shops moved in to replace them, and they were the only shop in town. The owners of all four shops are city-residents and sole owners.
Guess what type of bikes the shitty non-LBS carried?
PERFECT PIC for the Shit Company. Talk about a faceplant.
This all sounds like good news and Merckx bless Fuji, but do we know if Douchelized has actually backed down? I don’t think I’ll rest easy until @Dan_R lets us know he’s had the letter confirming that they are dropping this.
Sidi slippers for me in future.
You know, every other big bike company, and a lot of smaller ones, must be laughing their asses off at this. Less sales for Sinyard et al, more sales for them. And. Sinyard’s rep has taken another hit and Fuji look like the good guys! Way to go Spesh!
Seriously, I raced (badly, but that was me not the bike) on one back in the day. No reason not to ride one now. At any rate, it’s about nine thousand times more likely than me buying a Specialized. I’m still going to deface my Epic mtb because of how they’ve failed to step up quickly and “admit a mistake.”
What the fuck will they say? And when will they finally say it?
@Steampunk Unfortunately no, saw it on the tumblr link posted by @DerHoggo above
So totally psyched about this. Just so fucking awesome.
Fuji still has the giant question mark over owning a trademark of a city name, but at least they’re not being dickbags about it.
One point for Fuji, minus 4000 for Spesh.
Café Roubaix gets plus a billion.
saw this break yesterday and after ASi and Fuji spoke up, I was like, oh yeah…..DanR is going to be ok
I can’t imagine the sleep he has lost over this deal
I have said it and will keep saying it however, perhaps all can allow for something very cool to take place, yes, that being a little lee way for spesh to fire a couple douchebag lawyers and for a man to man up and come to the table…and talk. Perhaps, there is room even for all involved to partner up and reconcile….I know, I know, its a big deal, but an open mind to some huge opportunities is not necessarily a bad thing either. There is alot to be lost on all accounts as is if everyone sets the cleats down firm.
I do like cyclops idea of a newly named lineup, now thats funny
and what about all the Epic that has been around, most cliched Tm violation out there, if your looking
or what about tarmac? Rallycross has been treading that one for years too
just saying, stupidity is out there, if you want to play the part
Hope for the best DanR
heading to your site now and will pickup the duds
Great news indeed! This social network stuff can be pretty powerful. First I hear of a great group known as Velominati, then the plight of a small shop owner bullied by corporate scumbags, and get to participate in the backlash against the scumbags. Looking forward to wearing the Cafe Roubaix tee shirt, brought to you by…Cafe Robaix. And proud to be a Velominatus. Vive la Vie Velominatus!
wow,great news.big thumbs up ASI/Fuji cheers.
I think you can probably award yourself or at least this website a few points there too Frank. If not for the outcry on here I wonder if Cycling News and Velonews etc would have picked up on the story.
Its been amazing the last few days to see the response from cyclists on Specialized’s Facebook page.
I’ve never been a fan of Specialized, seems greedy to have a finger in every pie in the industry.
They should not be forgiven I quite agree. Ask the people at Sugar Wheels who had to change their name from Epic Wheels in 2011 because of the exact same thing. We have a couple of “Specialized boutiqe” shops in LA and of course all they sell is Specsh. I cannot think of anything more boring than going to an LBS and everything from bikes to tubes to base layers are all the same brand!
I wonder how long Fuji took to come to their decision? How long they thought “let Sinyard dangle in the wind” and suffer? They could have let this go another week or so, but I guess they thought they’d put Dan out of his misery and step up to do the right thing.
Spesh have to back down. Wouldn’t it be delicious if Fuji pulled the Roubaix license from them?
And in a surprise attack in the final kilometer of the year, Special*zed suddenly becomes a serious contender for the Broken Chain / Douche of the Year jersey!
Congratulations, assholes.
This more than anything else. I would absolutely hate a store like this. I am going to be in the market for a CX bike come end of summer 2014 and It will most certainly not be a specialized. I will have to take a look at the Fuji lineup though.
My guess is they spent the weekend weighing their marketing and legal options. They were likely less interested in sticking it to Specialized and more interested in properly situating their brand.
And I think they did a damn fine job too. They look like good guys, sinyard looks like a bullying asshole.
Chapeau to all you guys and girls out there. Sleep well @DanR I hope we haven’t given you a major headache fulfilling all those orders! I was very proud to play a very small part in beating the bully and am humbled by how it took off in the wider cycling community. Keeping my Langster though, it looks quite ok with the down tube wrapped in black film. That’ll make a good conversation starter, a bit like wearing a black armband for S. My battered Fuji track pro now has a new buzz about it. Pleased they intervened but that benefits them as I (and many others) never knew they had such a named bike.
Still puzzled by the concept that anyone can trademark Roubaix, it’s existed in cycling since forever and should only refer to the classic and the character surrounding it. On a similar theme I’ve just bought new Roubaix Lycra longs. What is heavy fleece backed Lycra called in the States and Canada then?
Damn, where have I been….. I’ll be shopping at Cafe Roubaix for a wheel set for sure!
Agreed. Its unfortunate that one of the best shops in my area is primarily a Specialized dealer and as such they’re deep into the BodyGeometry Fit and all that goes with it. As a result I’ve purchased some Specialized gear from them since that’s what they had and fit me with, but not anymore. Luckily they do also offer a number of other brands including some good ones. Full disclosure, each and every bit of Specialized branded kit I’ve purchased has failed in some way except for my mountain bike helmet so I wouldn’t have been eager to purchase anything else from them even if this trademark debacle hadn’t gone down the way that it did.
Where will they go next…………….
Ah yes, from the Leverage Someone Else’s Heritage Collection.
Late to this discussion; sorry. I am heartened to hear that ASI has some common sense, I wish I could afford a new set of Cafe Roubaix wheels. I’m also now vaguely depressed that my graveur is a converted S-works ‘cross bike and that I’m too broke to dump it. (Frank, I appreciate the grandfather clause…)
I want to echo some righteous indignation, though: how the fuck is ASI or Douchelized allowed to trademark the name “Roubaix”? It’s [1] a city, and [2] a race that’s 117 years old. Doesn’t that count as prior use?! If anything, both ASI and Douchelized (and, I’m sorry to say it, Dan_R) should be paying a licensing fee to the city and the ASO for the rights to use the name for anything associated with cycling. I don’t care if we’re talking about manufacturing bikes, wheels, or a retail establishment: there is a clear context to the word “Roubaix” that any cyclist worth his or her shorts knows, understands, and treasures.
Along similar lines, I also think that Hyundai should cough up some dough to the city of Santa Fe for their SUV name. And all those bastards using “Yosemite” or “Yellowstone” should be kicking something back to the parks.
Build your own damn reputation. Don’t trade on the goodwill that something else’s heritage lends you without earning it or at least giving something back.
@VeloVita just missed your post while I was writing mine. Fucking exactly.
This from Dan’s FB:
It is official. WIN!