These aren't the men you're looking for. Photo: Tim De Waele
I am thrilled to announce that for the first time in my life, my chest measurement is smaller than my hip measurement, an accomplishment I’m not sure many men around the world would be proud to admit. A Cyclist has no use for an upper body, we’re not going about lifting things with our arms; we are the sort of people who do all our lifting with our legs. We just need enough to hold the handlebars and pull from time to time while chewing the bar tape; beyond that, upper bodies are little more than extra weight and I’ve got more of that than I need already.
When I boasted about this tremendous feat to a few work colleagues, none of them showed any appreciation for my accomplishment whatsoever. Mostly they looked at me askance, not unlike how my dog looks at me when I’m talking to her in complete sentences. I could sense them resisting the temptation to start rotating their heads until they fell over like she does. The most any of them could muster was joking about how I must look at the beach, at which point I returned the favor of not having a clue what they were on about. Honestly, I’m much more worried about looking good in my skinsuit than I am about looking good in my mankini.
The first thing one observes when meeting Pro Cyclists is how tiny they are; they look like normal folks on TV but when you see them in real life they look like birds with a gland problem. Alpine ski racers also look like normal people on TV, but when you see them in person you realize they are thrice the size of a normal person, plus two. Either of Bode Miller’s arms are bigger than my right gun, the bigger of the two.
Kate Moss said that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. Apparently even Kate Moss couldn’t go her whole life without saying something sensible eventually. Being light on a bike is an amazing feeling, and we sacrifice all socially acceptable aesthetics in this pursuit. To be skinny is also to look good on a bike; hunching over a top tube chewing our handlebars isn’t a terribly flattering posture to begin with, one not made any more appealing with a gut protruding into the void.
I’ve never heard a Cyclist say they are happy with their weight, or that they feel they are skinny enough. No matter how skinny we are, we are still too fat. Most Cyclists greet each other with a little pinch on the arm to gauge one another’s weight – the first intimidation of the ride or the first bit of morale, depending on which side of the pinch you are. “Cyclists’ Sizing” is a phenomenon where a rider needs to wear their bibshorts a size bigger than their jersey. This is the maximum body image goal of the Cyclist, to have massive guns and a tiny torso.
I’m on the train, but I’m not there yet. To hasten the journey, I fancy the 5am Spanish Turbo Session in full leggings, long sleeve jersey, and casquette in order to kick start my metabolism in the morning. And then I skip breakfast and lunch. And dinner, if I can manage it. I prefer to cut calories out of my food diet than out of my drinking diet; success is all about setting attainable goals.
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Just a thought here re the opening line. Lampre man looks as though he might be able to claim the same?
Axel Merckx Kermesse, hoping if they sit long enough on his front steps he'll come out, with Eddy?
And YES that is something I love about smaller sports, like cycling. While we consider them gods, they're still accessible gods. Too many pro athletes live in odd fantasy worlds where they're so far removed from reality because of the money involved.
It's one of the things I love about the Packers. They have a tradition that at training camp they ride kids' bikes to practice and the kid carries the helmet!
Ignore the Rules violations and the general "wobbliness" of the riders!
Sorry, here's a way better piece:
I'm involved with cycling advocacy in my city and trying to get the local AAA baseball team to all ride bikes to their games a few times a season is something I think would be excellent for spreading the word that cycling is awesome and that cyclists aren't the same as squirrels. We're regular folks, with jobs and taxes, but we just choose to ride bikes.
There are campaigns like this going on throughout the U.S., showing fire*men* and other types of "regulars" who ride bikes, as a way to get motorists to treat 2-wheeled folks with more respect.
A local crazy lady in the neighboring county is trying to get more than 2-abreast riding banned by law (couldn't have a 2-wide paceline with rotations), cyclists NEVER allowed to take full lane (so you'd never be allowed to turn...left!), and any ride with more than 30 riders would require a permit. FACK. The (kinda) funny thing is she's a yankee transplant and gets annoyed when she has to slow down while driving on her country road.
It is funny how media can change your perception of the people you're looking at or watching on TV, or in photos. Living in Portland, and having a job that's allowed me to meet some professional basketball players, and a couple pro footballers, you really don't get a sense of just how tall (or fucking huge) those athletes are. I ran into Scotty Pippen at a Mini Mart one morning, around 10am, and in addition to just how tall he was (and holy Merckx, his hands were like baseball gloves), I had to give him a ribbing about his choice of snacks- a 'roller' corndog, and a diet soda. Took care of a offensive lineman for the Bills, just after the Super Bowl- Couldn't put the bed rails up he was so huge- not fat, just a truckload of muscle that would crush folk in our chosen sport (but of course, when watching on TV you think "well, I don't know how that linebacker got through, I'da just ran right over him." Nonsense)
Based on a number of "Ideal Weight Calculators", I should have weighed between 156- 167lbs (for my height 5'10"). Right. I'da lost my shit if I got anywhere near 155. 145 with a peaking weight of 142 was where I lived through my 20's.
But, I'm not in my 20's anymore..............
@Major VVald
One takes the chest measurement after exhaling, biensur.
Get a new tailor; that bunching bullshit is inexcusable. If Mario can get his clothes to fit right, then so can you!
You just described everything I like to eat in the evening, apart from beer which I believe might actually be made of all those things.
LIke it was yesterday, bruv!
Haven't met him in person but I bet you'd still be surprised.
You all know how old that shit makes us sound, right?
I was joking with some work colleagues today about the Alaskan Cruise tours you can do where you can watch how quickly the glaciers are melting into the ocean.
The irony of doing so while belching greenhouse gases out of 3-5 enormous smokestacks was not lost on the crowd. The president of my division, even added a gratuitous honk-honk sign like one does to truck drivers to get them to blow their horn.
Had me some serious job love after that conversation.