La Vie Velominatus: Transcension

Having a laugh at The Rules. Photo: Pedale.Forchetta

When it comes to Rule Compliance, we have at our disposal three viable options. The first is to Obey the Rules. That one is pretty straight-forward because we wrote them down for you and also went to the great length of writing a book on the subject, partly as a public service to those suffering from insomnia. But The Rules are full of apparent contradictions and paradoxes, so you will have to do some thinking, justifying, rationalizing and flailing about like you’re swinging a stick at a piñata or something. All equally. But if you’re willing to do that, you can be Rule Compliant. Oh, and you should ride your bike a lot and not be a giant sissy as often as you can manage.

The second option is to be an ultra stud/studette who is so comprehensively badass that no one gives two shits about The Rules or anything else except trying to figure out ways to make you notice them so they can tell their friends or take a selfie of you doing something else in the background and them grinning away like they accomplished something just by standing close to you. And in case you’re wondering, you’re not that badass. Not even close. So don’t even think about it. Except if you happen to be Eddy Merckx, Roger de Vlaeminck, Freddy Maertens, Bernard Hinault, Greg LeMond, or Jan Ullrich. Or a handful of dead guys like Coppi, Bobet, or Pantani but being dead is probably a Rule violation in itself. So this option is out, for most of us anyway.

That leaves the third option, which is found via the Masturbation Principle, assuming you’re not squaring up with Option 1 or Option 2. Its kind of like what I assume Catholic confession is about, except you don’t have to confess anything to anyone; instead you do whatever you like while pretending like you don’t and just hope no one sees you. And definitely don’t brag about it unless you’re in Las Vegas, in which case you’re just being creepy.

In summary:

Option 1: Don’t be a sissy, ride lots, and do whatever you need to be compliant.

Option 2: These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along.

Option 3: Do your best and shut your pie hole about your violations.

But let’s go back to Option 2 for a minute. This is really where the subtlety in the whole mess is found; this is the gray space that I love so much. Rule Transcension is the True Way; The Rules are there to help us find our way along the path to transcension, but they lie at the beginning of it, not the end. The Apostles who helped forge The Rules knew nothing of them, of course; it was just The Way of Things. And most of the Pros who are Rule Compliant today are so without being aware that they even exist; just as the Apostles were, they are Rule Compliant because they are doing as those who before them did and recognize that ours is a civilized sport.

But it begs the question. Which current rider is most Rule Compliant? Who is the hardest and Looks most Fantastic?

Fabian Cancellara and David Millar are way up there, to start. They Look Fantastic enough both on and off the bike to each have featured in the Men’s Style-centric website, Mr. Porter. They look the business on the bike and, Fabian more so than David, deliver the goods when it comes down to the business of winning a race while still Looking Fantastic, today’s performance on the cobbles notwithstanding.

Marianne Vos and Lizzie Armitstead sit at the top of the list as well, the apparently irresistible temptation to wear white shorts notwithstanding. There have also been some flirtations with excessively long socks in the ladie’s bunch just as with the blokes, but these two stand proud among an impressively Rule-Compliant women’s peloton.

But if I had to name the most Rule Compliant rider in the peloton today, it has to be Big Tom Boonen. The man was poured out of pure V and cut with Rule #43. And just try to tell me you don’t want his legs.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

View Comments

  • Were it not for his penchant of wearing those damn scarfie things (and "eating" tainted foodstuffs) Contador would be the man.

  • Agreed on Tommeke. Fabs has the edge on Millar. The latter gets some of his dress sense from JV and that's not always a good thing. The sainted Ms Vos can wear what she likes. The ladies get a pass on some clothing because, well, they're ladies. Different rules apply.

    I have to say, a lot of the OPQS boys are very, very rule compliant. Think of Terpstra at PR this year. Nary a rule broken.

    Contador? Still wearing baseball caps. Nuff said. OPQS boys? They wear real caps.

  • @Ccos I'm not sure about Bertie, his mid stage bike changes for gearing reasons rather than enforced mechanical issues have always struck me as being not entirely within the spirit of things even if not specific rule violations.

    @wiscot Totally agree on OPQS, they always seem to look outstanding on the bike, aero helmets excluded, and the rides speak for themselves.

    Millar gets my vote but I'm completely biased, he comes from my home town.

  • @Steampunk   Only if :-

    a) You have a couple of droids

    and more specifically

    b) you can persuade people that they are not the droids they are looking for.

    Otherwise I fear not (which is why I did "reply" and not "quote".....)

  • @Chris

    @Ccos I'm not sure about Bertie, his mid stage bike changes for gearing reasons rather than enforced mechanical issues have always struck me as being not entirely within the spirit of things even if not specific rule violations.

    And his ball caps, and his pistol shooty gestures and...

    Agree about Millar and OPQS. Stjin Devolder is worthy of consideration: ample supply of badassness and tree trunks for thighs.

  • Tommeke and Faboo always look the balls, no question. Cancellara has the added compliance of generally observing Rule #47 immediately upon crushing his enemies and hearing the lamentations of their women,.

  • Does Phinney's hair and choice of pants color disqualify him from compliance in any way? Or does he get a pass in light of his current TT champion status?

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