You don’t Look this Fantastic by being sensible all the time.

I’m a naturally loud and weird person who expresses excitement through volume. Also, alcohol is supposed to be a depressant, but it doesn’t appear to work for me; all it does is make me happier (and louder) – until I have a little too much at which point I get weirder (a too-happy, too-loud kind of weird). But being a happy person also means you must be a little bit stupid; if you’re smart and paying attention you should be a bit pissed off at something.

Happiness is easier to find if you don’t sweat the nuances of your convictions, something most religious people have already discovered. As soon as you start peeling back the onion on your principles, you’re just going to find things that don’t line up; things that don’t line up invariably lead to questions, questions lead to thinking and suddenly what started off as a simple belief is starting to look an awful lot like work. From this perspective, atheists have it easy; there are no layers when the answer to every question is, “Life’s not fair, deal with it.”

On the other hand, its a lot of fun trying to find balance within contradictions, which is true for my chosen religion, Rule Holism. Some of The Rules build on each other, while others appear to be in conflict. But The Rules lie at the beginning of The Path to La Vie Velominatus, not at the end; learning to balance them against one another and to welcome them all into your life as a Velominatus is a never-ending struggle waged between form and function as we continue along The Path towards transcension.

These struggles are characterized by those things we know are right and those things we want to be true, something dubbed Of Course, but Maybe by Louis C.K. Here are a handful of examples that I regularly flirt with.

  1. It is very important to watch our diet over the holiday season. Of course. Weight is much easier gained than lost, an effect amplified with age. Of course, we should use restraint and not eat and drink too much over Christmas, especially as we enter the winter months and our inclination is to put on weight like a hibernating bear. Of course. But maybe gaining weight just before we start preparing in earnest for next year is a great way to gain fitness, using gravity assisted resistance training to build strength. Of course, putting enough weight on in December to cause adult-onset diabetes is a stupidly dangerous idea. Of course. But maybe its the only way to really get strong for next year.
  2. Whenever we go out riding, we should bring plenty of food and water to make sure we don’t get dehydrated or suffer la fringale. Of course. But maybe, becoming severely dehydrated effectively raises your hematocrit and being malnourished is a great way to lose weight – both of which would make us better climbers. Of course its dangerous and counter-productive to lose weight this way and we should really improve our climbing by training and dieting properly. But maybe not eating or drinking on one ride is easier than changing dietary habits and eating sensibly.
  3. Cycling is a lifelong undertaking, the practice of which is extended immeasurably by retaining the function of your knees. It therefore follows that to ride a compact is to spare your knees and will extend your ability to ride into old age. Of course – of course; it is reasonable to try and save the knees. But maybe boasting about scaling the neighborhood leg breaker in the 53×17 will intimidate your foes into submission and forever cast you into local legend as The Big Ring Badass. Risking your knees for bragging rights would be foolhardy. But maybe entering the local folklore is worth it.
  4. Whenever we are riding in dark or otherwise dangerous conditions, we should wear high-visibility clothing and employ the use of flashers and lights to make us stand out more to surrounding traffic. Of course; it would be foolish to risk our lives for the sake of fashion. But maybe all that hi-vis clothing just makes you more of a target. Maybe wearing something yellow awakens an ancient impulse in drivers to crowd anything offensively ugly. Of course, we should make ourselves as visible as possible, but maybe getting hit wearing a YJA is just a Traffic Fashion Nudge.
  5. We should always ride wearing a helmet. Of course. Riding without a helmet is foolish and flies in the face of reason. But maybe riding without a helmet, with the wind in your hair (assuming you have hair) or a cycling cap rakishly perched atop your head as you power up a brutal climb is worth the risk of a brain injury. Of course that would be reckless, but maybe we’re not really using our brains anyway.

It goes without saying that with the exception of the Helmet bullet, the Maybe invariably wins out.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

View Comments

  • Chapeau! Opportunities for the elaboration of this theme are infinite in number. 

    Of course it's important to be honest and transparent with your VMH about your Cycling expenditures. Of course it reflects negatively on us and our two-wheeled brethren and sistrethen when we get really, visibly, audibly pissed off at drivers who act like ignorant/assholic douchenozzles. Of course it's bad form to sandbag a weaker rider, or a friend who's having an off day, simply for the pleasure of watching him suffer. It just goes on. Thanks for the grins this morning. (And Louis CK kicks audience ass. I love how he calls the audience out mid-way through that routine.) 

  • @oldnweak


    Thanks Frank

    On a related note, I just got another xtranormal cartoon from a buddy. "Cycling Explained" Maybe old but new to me.

    With regard to the wee video, of course it makes us seem crazy, but maybe, when you compare it to a lot of other things, it's not so bad. The chick mentions football, baseball and golf. Analyze those three sports to their core constituents and they're just as daft. To wit: football. Played by  mixture of skinny and obese men in a game inherently designed to cause significant head trauma and early onset dementia in many cases, lorded over by a governing body who adopt the same approach as the tobacco companies did (cancer, really? Who knew?) in adopting an ostrich-like posture with regard to risk. Throw in for good measure a "settlement" that lets the NFL off the hook for the hundreds of unknown cases that will come down the pike. Thrown in an equally strong avoidance of any serious drug testing too. And all the players wear lycra pants.

    Baseball and golf? Hitting wee balls with sticks. $10K for a bike? Joined a golf club or played a few rounds lately? If golfers played rounds as often as most of us ride, $10K a year would be a bargain.

  • "The Rules lie at the beginning of The Path to La Vie Velominatus, not at the end; learning to balance them against one another and to welcome them all into your life as a Velominatus is a never-ending struggle waged between form and function as we continue along The Path towards transcension."

    THIS!  Inspired and inspiring.  Would The Keepers consider adding it (or some variation) to the top of The Rules page?

  • Whew... Thanks Frank. Now,  I can rest easy in my routine winter breakage of Rule 50 (think Chris Horner, circa 2005). Ok... not that bad... Of course, sporting the facial growth might cause me to be confused for a hippie douche. But maybe, while I'm braving the elements in my Flandrian Best, one should assume I'm just keeping my face warm. Anyway, great article...

  • A good day today: A good 68km ride with another rider mid-day. Good comprehension of this article. A chicken sandwich from Rushs one hour after the ride while reading this article. And committed to another good 89km ride tomorrow.

  • So you've been lurking in a dark corner for the past 4 days thinking philosophically. A great piece as always, but I can't help but think that I may fail any tests related to Christmas over-indulgence next week.

    If there's one thing that being part of this community has lead me to, it's to a state of really thinking far more self-critically about all aspects of my cycling life. For that I thank you.

  • Of course Big Mig could have pulled that cap down a bit so the bill may have shaded his eyes slightly. But maybe it wouldn't have looked completely awesome, perched high atop his head. He is pulling a Saronni right there.

  • I for one  will be going for the Gravity Assisted Resistance Training route on X-mas day. Just means will have to clock more kms in Jan, what a shame....

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