New Kit design (VLVV) and V-Casquettes
Whenever I drive somewhere in my car, I find myself wondering what the road would feel like from a bike. Driving in a car feels like cheating, especially on a windy day; roads are gobbled up at constant speeds irrespective of the conditions. On a bicycle, you learn what it costs to move up a gradient or ride into a gale.
I slip down into the basement a few times a day to admire my bikes. It is not unusual for me to pull one down from the wall and sit on it and imagine I might be riding it. If I change a component, I’ll bring the bike upstairs for a few days so I can gaze at it and evaluate how amazing it looks. I changed the bar tape from white to black on my #1 once, just to try my hand at what it would feel like to ride with black bar tape. When I changed it back to white a few days later, I felt a visceral sense of relief.
This is more than just being a Cyclist; this is the life of a Cycling Disciple – La Vie Velominatus. It isn’t our sport or hobby; this is our way of life. Everything we do revolves around the bike, whether we happen to be riding or not.
We have long had a Rules-Centric V-Kit available, and today I am delighted to announce a new product line centered not around The Rules, but around La Vie Velominatus. The design concept is simple: a clean design with a nod to the most iconic kit design ever, La Vie Claire. A full V-Kit line including a Witte (white) and Zwarte (black) jersey, a Witte Long-Sleeve jersey and gilet, Zwarte bibshorts, Zwarte Women’s bibs and shorts, and a new V-Shirt.
In parallel to this, I am over the moon to announce that we finally have V-Casquettes coming; one to match each style of kit. They are handmade in Italy by Apis, the premier cap manufacturer in the world and who make the caps for Omega-Pharma Quickstep among others.
The V-Kit Pre-Order window is open as of today and will be closing on January 1 at which time the order will be sent to manufacturing. (Orders may be modified or cancelled any time before January 1 at which time everything will be finalized for manufacturing.) The expected ship date is mid to late February. Please note that orders are shipped in the order they are received.
The Casquettes will be arriving at Velominati Headquarters in the next two weeks or so, depending on whether the troubles in Europe are impacting shipping schedules. Orders will be shipped as quickly as possible once they arrive, but we are not able to guarantee that Casquette orders will be arriving in time for Christmas (although we will do our best). The VLVV V-Shirt is available to ship as of now.
All products are available at The Gear. Please let us know if you have questions or if you are having trouble placing an order.
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Remember: never hide a nice cap by sticking a damn helmet over it.
Frank, is it possible to say, add a section to the "the Gear" area so that threads/discussions like this can be added along with photos of said kit once it has begun to be worn- so we can look to ourselves with a Drill Sergeants like eye for attention to detail and proper fit and function. Applaud when deserved and give "encouragement" when necessary.
For example; "Dean, that cap looked awesome, the sunnys on top were picture perfect, the rest of the kit though looked like you ate instead of trained all winter, your bibs looked like a bag of fists...WTF pal?"
Ride safe guys-
Well, that's done it now, the black Vive La Vie kit.
There's already too much fortnight at the end of my money, but for this, we shall find a way.
Well played @frank
Very nice. Very nice.
I'll be getting the V-Casquette and wearing a helmet.
I kinda like my brain (what little there is of it ) to remain inside my skull.
I agree that aesthetically the cap sans helmet is the way to go.
Just not practical for me.
Well that cleared out my tax refund - which fortunately went further than a Casquette (darned auto spell check tries to change that to Cassette!)
Seriously? Women get shorts? Not bibs?
Thanks for the feedback! The overwhelming feedback I get is that the ladyfolk don't like having to disrobe when going to the loo; but I will add a bib for the women and we'll see if there's any interest. It should be up a little later today. Cheers!
Nobody ever likes my rules : (
Remember back in the day when getting your bell rung wasn't such a big deal - want's happened to modern society?