Velominati Super Prestige: Giro d’Italia

In the 1990 Giro, a relatively unknown cyclist named Gianni Bugno lit the cycling world on fire by winning the first stage, thereby taking the Maglia Rossa. That wasn’t so surprising in itself; what was surprising was that the little bugger managed to hold the jersey all the way to Milan, a feat previously only accomplished by Binda and Merckx postwar, and prewar legend Costante Girardengo.
This all happened in the age before smartphones and social media; while these days a stealth strike on the World’s Most Wanted Dude gets live-tweeted, in 1990 it took until well after I knew Greg LeMond had won the Tour de France before I found out that Bugno had won the Giro. Reading about the feat in Winning magazine, Bugno instantly became one of my heros and went on to cast himself into a bronze statue of Rad by being one of the few riders able to challenge Indurain in the following years. (He also possessed the mental frailty that seems to be common among my favorite riders. There’s something Shakespearean about heros with flaws that I simply can’t resist.)
The Giro d’Italia is just prestigious enough to be the maker of champions. It’s isn’t made up of a downgraded field like the Vuelta, but it also ins’t as popular as the Tour where only the best riders on the best teams seem to stand a chance. Every Giro produces a revelation that goes onto great things; that’s one of the key reasons this is my favorite Grand Tour: the field is strong enough to have serious contenders, but weak enough to let an outsider play. It’s perfect.
Aside from a well-balanced field, the geography of Italy lends itself to a better three week race than do France or Spain. Many European companies are defined by natural borders such as mountains or water, which generally means the mountains and great bodies of water lie at the borders with plains in between. (Or, as is the case with the Netherlands, beneath.) Italy is unique in that it is narrow and has mountainous terrain in nearly every region. Whereas the first week(s) of the Tour and Vuelta feature mostly flat stages suited for the sprinters and little else, the Giro’s first week generally contains several mountaintop finishes. The difficulty of a typical Giro’s first week means that riders who ride strongly there typically fade towards the end, while riders who were weak on the first climbs may come on strong as the race closes down. The result is a tight race from start to finish with regular changes in leadership. Except in 1990. And whatever years those other three guys who did what Gianni did.
This year’s Giro will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy by making strong men cry. Forty major climbs, and 7 mountain top finishes, one of which involves climbing Mount Etna twice. (Welcome to Sicily, assholes. You get to ride up the most active volcano on Earth twice.) I have it on the excellent authority of a man down the pub that Contador is stocking up on extra drugs even as I write this in an attempt to quiet the rattle of his skinny little bones in his spanish boots.
With that we kick off the best Grand Tour of the year, and the first test of our Grand Tour VSP Software. The other VSP editions have been a piece of cake. Grand Tours include free “swapping of the picks” logic whenever a rider in a contestent’s pick list drops out. We have rest day swaps for 2 or 4 points each, depending on which rest day it is. Our system is supposed to handle all of this smoothly and seamlessly. We’ll see.
Read the scoring guidelines, work out your strategy, dope up on clairvoyance drugs (alcohol) and chuck your picks up. As usual, the winner of this VSP edition will earn an “Obey the Rules” bumper sticker and all reader’s points qualify towards the final prize of the free personalized Velominati Shop Apron. If you are inclined to enter, simply post your predictions for the top five placings in the designated area above the posts section, bearing in mind that entry/modification of picks closes at 5am Pacific time on the day of the race. You are eligible to swap picks at no penalty for your picked riders who drop out; rest day picks each come at a 2 point penalty for the first rest day, 4 points each for the second.
Good luck.
1. Contador
2. Nibali
3. Rodriquez
4. Kreuziger
5. Menchov
It was the state of the art of the Italian bike industry
Moser Leader AX, but it was a short reign
alluminium was coming…
1. Nibali
2. Anton
3. Contador
4. Kreuzinger
5. Joaquim Rodriguez
This adds a whole new dimension to the A.C. Enigma. Based on my advanced sta-testical modeling, half of you think A.C. is a doosh but want VSP points and put him down. Almost the other half of you think he’s a doosh and refuse tip him at all. And one of you (which rounds out the second half) has the balls to admit you like him and tip him (nice balls, CJ).
There is no doubt, if he wants to win and stays out of trouble he will win. Like him or not, he IS the dominant GT rider right now and the peloton rides to keep up with him. He’s got a point to prove and he wants the Giro-Tour double and maybe even a Vuelta for good measure. I think he’s got a better shot at winning the Giro than the tour this year.
As for the rest, it’s a crap shoot. Bring on the rest day change ups.
1. Oh Boy, Alberto
2. J-Ro brings the booty
3. Vincenzo, are we in Compton?
4. DenChov
5. Scared Pony
1. Clenbutador
2. Munchov
3. Nibbles
4. Kreunchzigger
5. Scraps Only
1. Contador
2. Nibali
3. Scarponi
4. Menchov
5. Kreuziger
Fingers crossed.
1. Contador
2. Scarponi
3. J-Rod
4. Sastre
5. Menchov
This is going to be a heck of a race for second. I sat in a hotel room somewhere glued to the set watching the then relatively unknown Contador win 2007 Paris-Nice on the last day. It was incredible to see. I thought we had a new patron. I hope I was right. But, I doubt it.
1. Contador
2. Nibali
3. Menchov
4. Garzelli
5. Kreuziger
Sod it, joining the VSP mid season leads to drunk & silly choices!!!
1. Nibbles
2. Roman the Cross
3. The Spanish Steak
4. You’re the Pop
5. Dennis the Menace
You’ve done this wrong, you appear to have applied logic. All respect lost!
1. Nibbles
2. Roman the Cross
3. The Spanish Steak
4. You’re the Pop
5. Dennis the Menace
Hmm, not sure why it posted my picks the second time around. All I wanted to do was give Marko shite…
1. Nibbles
2. Roman the Cross
3. The Spanish Steak
4. You’re the Pop
5. Dennis the Menace
“the peloton rides to keep up with him.” You nailed it there Marko. Tis the crux of the matter when the others are racing simply to keep up. Whats that stupid saying ‘Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.’ We shall see if everyone is simply marking his wheel this time around….. I hope not, lets see some ballz and heavy doses of V. I’m more pumped for this race than any in a long time.
Mostly, I just can’t wait to watch: screaming tifosi, all those mountains, a three week long pain-fest. Has there ever been a GT in recent memory that favored pure climbers more than this one? When I saw Chavendish was starting, my jaw dropped a little. I guess they’ll try to get him some stage wins early, then he can head to the beach. Or his dentist. Steak boy or Nibbles? Tough choice, and there’s plenty of other legit contenders and dark horses too. Invisible Denis? I don’t know… I don’t think this amount of steep climbing and lack of ITT mileage suits him. Dealing with Da Doped Killa in the mountains is one thing, but having to duel it out with these kind of attacking climbers is another thing all together. That said, I’m sure excluding him from my picks will come back to bite me in the ass. If I could pick a number 6, it would probably be David A-yo-yo. Or Garzelli. Or Menchov. Crap.
1. Clentador
2. Nibali
3. Scarponi
4. Joaquim Rodriguez
5. Kreuzinger
Top two are optimistic, likely to be reversed as Meat-Sweat-Odor gets a case of the Bifteck regrets and suspects he’s going to getr bounced from le Tour. Cera Mio, di Luca and Mensch-ov are going to party like it’s 200 aaaaand 9. (sing the last bit like Prince, m’kay?)
I’ve purposely stayed out of the classics. GT specialist. Listen to me peoples.
1. Nibali
2. Meat-Sweat-Odor
3. di Luca (spits)
4. Mensch-ov
5. Kreuzinger
Even GT specialists try to get some shape in the classics. Or they’ll be communing with butterflies.
1. Contador
2. Nibali
3. Menchov
4. Kreuzinger
5. Le Mevel
More than likely some of this will get changed on the last rest day but I hope this gives me a good starting point. I don’t have anything against Conti, I just think Nibles will have a much stronger team to support him.
1. Nibali
2. Contador
3. Menchov
4. Scarponi
5. JRod
1. Contador
2. Nibali
3. Menchov
4. Garzelli
5. Kruezinger
Brilliant! I’d made a mental note to include Feillu in my top five a week or so ago when he was added to the Giro team. Then I promptly forgot. Great black horse with no pressure on him. Not much team backing him either, mind, but the kid can climb…
1. Contador
2. Vinnie Nibbles
3. J-Rod
4. Iggie’s Anton
5. Da Mench
Dammnit, I can’t bring myself not to put Bertie in the top spot. Here’s hoping I grow a pair in the next 36 hrs. (Not likely considering past behavior).
1. Clenbutador
2. Nibbles
3. Scarponi
4. J-Rod
5. Denis the Menace
I cannot even believe Sastre is still in the hunt! Goodness, he’s long in the tooth.
I love the Maglia Rosa, as it makes the entire peloton eat, drink and ride Rule V!!! Suck it muthas!!! take that 20% grade, eat this pave’ and dirt!! The Giro doesn’t mind it at all to dish it!
Since most of the time they don’t even feel pain, now, they will feel like I do every miserable day in the saddle!
1. Nibali
2. Cuntador
3. Scarponi
4. Denny
5. Cruzzzinger
We need more umlauts in pro racing.
1. Contador
2. Vinnie Nibbles
3. Iggie’s Anton
4. J-Rod
5. Tommy Löfkvist
Ecco la maglia rosa! Bring on the suffering. The most likely scenario to prevent Contador from winning is CAS, much as I hate to say it. If he wasn’t racing this would be wide open.
1. Clenberto Clenbutador
2. Sicilian Shark
3. Michele Scar-face
4. Russian Assasin
5. Purito-J Rodriguez
I know Anton says he is just racing for a stage win in the last week, but I am keeping an eye on him.
1. The Shark of the Strait
2. The Pope
3. The Spanish Meat Muncher
4. Nicotine Fit
5. Scarface
Not picking Clentador on principle
1. Nibbles
2. Centurion (RK)
3. Invisible Dennis
4. Anton
5. A-yo-yo
UCI will ban Clenberto Clenbutador before or shortly after the conclusion of the race, and there is blood in the water. Berti is going to be attacked relentlessly… I think he going to have assert himself early in the race and that it will cost him in the end.
1. Kreuziger
2. Menchov
3. Nibali
4. Scarponi
5. Pozzovivo
Yes, the headphones are really bad. But fuck all I hate those g-damn baseball podium caps they all wear these days. When did NASCAR infiltrate pro cycling? Those are worse that wearing a proper cycling cap to a bar.
1. Clentador
2. Scarponi
3. Menchoz
4. Nibali
5. Feillu
Fuck yeah. Cyclists should be wearing cycling caps not baseball hats. That should be part of the rules.
1. Contador
2. Joaq Rodriguez
3. Igor Anton
4. Nibali
5. Kreuizger
1. 3 weeks of the Cöntädör
2. Nïbälï
3. Mënchöv
4. Scärpönï
5. Walking Rödrïgüëz
“3 Weeks of the Contador” I love it!!
Does Max Von Sydow play the part of Pat McQuaid?
Any points for picking the first rider to go over the edge?
1. Albert
2. Vinnie
3. Mich
4. Iggy
5. Stef
Its gonna be awesome, Nibali’s great attacking and descending skills will be key, and I am throwing Lofkvist in there as a wild card, longshot admittedly but we’ll see….
1. Nibali
2. Contador
3. Scarponi
4. Menchov
5. Longshot Lofkvist
1. A. Contador
2. V. Nibali
3. M. Scarponi
4. J. Rodriguez
5. D. Menchov
1. Alberto Contador
2. Vincenzo Nibali
3. Igor Anton
4. Joa-Clean Rodriquez
5. Denis Menchov
Remember when Menchov beat DiDoper before? How bad do you suck when you dope and still lose?
1. Menchov
2. Di Luca
3. Nibali
4. Scarponi
5. Popovych
Will regret dumping Menchov and Iggie, but I’m banking on drama. And Löfkvist isn’t going to have to tow Wiggles up mountains long after he’s been dropped this year.
I think we have enough umlauts in the peloton now…
1. Contador
2. Vinnie Nibbles
3. J-Rod
4. Tommy Löfkvist
5. The talented Feillu
I’m starting so far OTB who cares, I’m throwing it all down like it’s the ultimo kilometro!
Contadork (blech ptewey ugh gargle gargle spit) I can’t predict how but karma is going to fuck his dickheaded ass. I’m the first person to play devil’s advocate, give first, second, third chances, say “well, you never know what’s going on in someone else’s life, you can’t judge….” but forget the juicing, he’s practically advertised he’s just a plain old classless jerk.
Though Kreuizger comes from the wrong side of Bohemia (I’m Slovak by blood), us Slavs stick together – which of course includes Russians.
CLASS WILL OUT! OK, so what, he’s 36. And had the flu. Scarponi’s I think 32? And there’s Vino (I know not in Giro but co leading a team in LeTour at, mmm, 38? Sheeeeeyyuuut, is that right? Now I’m starting to feel old… never!). The Giro is the place for bizarreness and unpredictability. 25 grand tours under his belt, some perkiness rubs off of Menchov… it could happen, why the hell not!
1. VinnieN – Osmosizes Basso’s Cool
2. Denis d’ Menace, he’s a nice gu
3. Fellow Slav Kreuizger
5. Igor. I have a thing for basques
You need a girlfriend, girlfriend.
1. VinnieN – Osmosizes Basso's Cool
2. Denis d' Menace, he's a nice gu
3. Fellow Slav Kreuizger
5. Igor. I have a thing for basques
I will be wasting as much time as possible at work paying attention to this race. Maybe I’ll consume all the office’s bandwidth.
1. Contador
2. Nibbles
3. J-Rod
4. Menchov
5. Igor Anton
Going down a slightly different road for 3/4/5…
1. Nibali
2. Contador
3. Scarponi
4. Igor Anton
5. Jose Serpa
1. Albuterol Clenbutador
2. Nibali
3. Menchov
4. Sastre
5. J-Rod
Want Nibali to take COTHO and snap him in half like a twig and make some suspicious steak from his legs
1. Nibali
2. Contador
3. Igor Anton
4. Menchov
5. Kreuizger
Don’t we all, sister, don’t we all.
Looking forward to tomorrow.
1. Nibali
2. Contador
3. Scarponi
4. Igor Anton
5. Lövkvist
Do we know what happens if a point winner is later nullified for doping, or after his ban is upheld (‘cough’ Clentador! ‘cough’)?
Do results for this race stand no matter what? A quick look at the VSP Scoring Guidleines wasn’t relevatory…
According to Frank…..yes they stand. If he drops out or is disqualified during the race you get a replacement pick at no penalty.
Max Von Sydow is in the Hollywood name Hall of Fame.
I’m in the Boy Scouts and trying to get my umlaut Merit Badge.
Liking the Serpa pick.