Velominati Super Prestige: Tour de France 2014

Marcel's tan lines are crisp
Marcel’s tan lines are crisp

Attention all Velominati. The Tour VSP is going on line and it should be a good one. Sure, between Froomy and Bertie a person could hedge their bets but Moviestar is all in for Valverde, BMC for TeeJay, Astana for the Shark and Garmin is finally committing to a team leader in Talansky. Some other teams (ahem…Trek Factory Racing for one) have resigned themselves to hunting stage wins. The Tour swings through the Yorkshire Dales, everyone but the riders can enjoy some excellent ales. As the Tour continues to Lille, Norther France and Belgium, the quality pints continue. Yes, it’s hot and the VSP generator has beer on its mind.

The route, the sprints, the climbing and even the final time trial should make this a decent Tour. Here is a start list. Everyone will have a vial in their jersey pocket, but don’t worry, it’s legal.

It is still not too late to win the overall 2014 VSP and we have made it worth your while.

  • First place overall wins a Veloforma Strada iR Velominati Edition frame in addition to the customary VSP winner’s VVorkshop Apron
  • Second place overall wins a set of hand built CR Wheelworks Arenberg wheelset in a custom Velominati paint scheme laced to orange Chris King hubs. (CR Wheelworks is Café Roubaix’s new wheel goods brand.)
  • Third place overall wins a full Velominati V-Kit with accompanying custom orange Bont Vaypor+ road shoes.

Refer to the VSP page for details concerning scoring and rest day swaps. If you want to call yourself Pedro Delgado, you will only have yourself to blame. The VSP banner on the homepage has the countdown clock, refresh your browser and don’t be late. Good luck and good picking.

[vsp_results id=”30275″/]

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850 Replies to “Velominati Super Prestige: Tour de France 2014”

  1. @andrew     That’s not how TV advertising works.  Mostly TV ads are sold based on “Hits” where a Hit is based on audience demographics.  The audience demographics are based on research that define various categories that watch programmes of certain types.  So say Reality TV, Science, Sports etc.  The TV systems then auto schedule the Ads to the amount of Hits the advertiser has procured.  The advertiser does not tend to buy a particular slot unless it is a key event e.g. Superbowl.

    So what seems to have been found is that cycling has been classified for soccer type couch potato demographic audiences!

  2. @Teocalli Fair point; I suppose I wasn’t thinking specifically about TV advertising, but rather the sponsors of the event and the teams themselves, but even then, your point stands as more than half the point then is getting the logo on TV.

    I remember having a TV ratings device in the house years ago and thinking how Stone Age the system was.  Perhaps with better demographic measurements and more targeted advertising with modern media, this will give event and team promoters who are savvy enough a better chance to define and reach their audiences.  But if I knew little about what I was talking about before, I’m well into the wilderness with this.

  3. Waiting on the mountains…… getting tired of watching guys crash (and motorcycles almost run them over) in the rain.

  4. @andrew

    @Teocalli Fair point; I suppose I wasn’t thinking specifically about TV advertising, but rather the sponsors of the event and the teams themselves, but even then, your point stands as more than half the point then is getting the logo on TV.

    I remember having a TV ratings device in the house years ago and thinking how Stone Age the system was. Perhaps with better demographic measurements and more targeted advertising with modern media, this will give event and team promoters who are savvy enough a better chance to define and reach their audiences. But if I knew little about what I was talking about before, I’m well into the wilderness with this.

    Actually that’s still pretty much how it works. Like democracy, it’s the worst possible system except for all the others. Although you are correct that targeted advertising is the  next big thing, probably through your TV, which becomes more feasible with IPTV and OTT systems.

    But to the point about advertising and cycling, if you are an advertiser seeking let’s say a female audience, you don’t have many reasons to put your budget into women’s cycling. The people who watch women’s cycling are by and large the same people who watch men’s cycling, just in smaller numbers, so what do you gain. I suspect women are more likely to watch men’s cycling than women’s cycling.

    It’s called incremental reach. How can I put my ad in front of someone I want to see it but who wouldn’t have otherwise have done so ?

    The trouble with women’s sport – and this is a general problem – is that women don’t consume it.  If the UCI wants to do something about it then this is the fundamental issue they have to address. Pious hand-wringing and arm-twisting sponsors is not a long-term solution.

    Like him or loathe him, the brilliance of Bernie Ecclestone is in the way he has marketed F1 and hugely expanded its demographic. Barry Hearn is trying to do the same with snooker. Cycling needs the same.

  5. @Mike_P

    @Teocalli Slow day?

    Multi-tasking on conf calls.  But forgot about the bread proofing in the airing cupboard, two things I can do but 3……..

  6. @Fausto Crapiz

    Waiting on the mountains…… getting tired of watching guys crash (and motorcycles almost run them over) in the rain.

    Really? Have you actually been paying attention? There has been some fantastic racing so far in this Tour. Even yesterday in the rain. That wind caused some real havoc in the peloton and made for some very interesting stuff. Winning a grand tour isn’t just about the mountains. If you don’t do what’s necessary in the “boring” stages, the mountains won’t matter.

  7. @Fausto Crapiz

    Waiting on the mountains…… getting tired of watching guys crash (and motorcycles almost run them over) in the rain.

    I actually took you literally. Doh!

  8. @ChrisO Interesting points, thanks.  I guess the general point that cycling overall needs an Ecclestone figure means the point about women’s cycling will remain moot.  I know my wife is more interested in women’s cycling than men’s, but she’d also rather be riding or spectating at the event than watching the telly, and her enjoyment of it has less to do with the racing than it does with the effort and the lifestyle.

  9. And we just can’t let Stage 5 go, can we?

    Now Terpstra thinks the pave shouldn’t be in the Tour.

    “…he says that non-classics riders should not be forced to tackle them in a Grand Tour.

    “I think cobblestone races are made for Classics. For a Classic you can chose to ride over the stones, but if you participate in the Tour de France you don’t volunteer to take the cobblestones,” said Terpstra. “It’s just the organisation that puts the cobblestones in and you have to survive it. If you see that Chris Froome is out because of that stage, I don’t think that we can be happy about that.”

    Hey Niki, you know that Froome crashed out before he even reached the cobbles, right?

    I’m really tired of all this nonsense. A GT winner–hell ANY World Tour rider– needs to be a complete rider, and handle anything that comes their way.

    For fuck sake, Merckx, Hinault, LeMan and all the hardmen of old didn’t just win all those races in the GTs. They won races all fucking year. Quit your fucking whining and race your damn bike.

    BTW, it occurs to me that maybe Froome’s first crash on that stage into the road furniture might have been avoided if he wasn’t looking at his stem all the time and, you know, steered his bike around the obstacle.

  10. Can I just throw some more kudos Nibali’s way? Take a look at him: leader of the Tour de France. Wearer of the maillot jaune. That’s it. No yellow helmet, gloves, shoes, bike etc, etc, etc. Just the jersey.

    Total respect.

  11. @wiscot Absolutely.  If only the damned shorts weren’t that fugly colour.  It may not be his fault, but it’ll never be a classic look, will it?

  12. @Mike_P

    Prudhomme was on BBC Radio last Saturday morning, ahead of the Grand Depart, saying that after London in 2007 and with Wiggo causing such huge public interest in the 2012 Tour and Olympics, he and ASO had already made a decision that they needed to come back to the UK within 3 years, either to Edinburgh or Yorkshire. How do we get it back again?!?!

    I can see Edinburgh being the next pick in the next 5 years. If Edinburgh can get off its arse and put together a persuasive argument to start there. Just saying “Its reet nice city ye ken?” isn’t gunna cut the mustard.

     The Scots have some great riding, albeit in some pretty remote regions. I live on the North East coast near Northumberland, and I’d love to see the tour run through some of my playground (or as Matt Hayman calls it “our office”), but it’s pretty remote countryside. Edinburgh is an hour and half away and a joint Lothian/Berwickshire/Northumberland bid would be fantastic, and at least spread the cost. That fucking Scottish Independence vote may be distracting time and funds elsewhere at present mind…

    Plus Glasgow is running the Commonwealth Games this year… Now Glasgow, there is a thought, if they want to keep the momentum running, could be a good shout.

  13. @KW

    And we just can’t let Stage 5 go, can we?

    Now Terpstra thinks the pave shouldn’t be in the Tour.

    “…he says that non-classics riders should not be forced to tackle them in a Grand Tour.

    “I think cobblestone races are made for Classics. For a Classic you can chose to ride over the stones, but if you participate in the Tour de France you don’t volunteer to take the cobblestones,” said Terpstra.

    No you don’t volunteer, Niki; you get picked by your management and paid to do your f’ing job and ride the race. All of these guys have more talent and are fitter than any of us (most of us) could ever wish for, but come on.  It’s not so many decades ago that the mountains were climbed via dirt tracks.  What do they want, virtually reality helmets and a Tour run by computer on turbo trainers to ensure absolute safety and unblemished riding surfaces?  Next will be Pinot saying descents have no place in the Tour.

    Rambling rant over.

  14. @Mike_P




    Stage 2 was a breath of fresh air in itself, as that got the GC guys paying attention, but followed up with Stage V has made for a great week of racing rather than a dull week of waiting.

    A-Merckx to that Geraint. Prudhomme and co have put together a dynamite start to the Tour…

    +1 on that count. The guy has revealed himself to be an evil genius. Contender for The V-Award without having been on a bike.

    Prudhomme was on BBC Radio last Saturday morning, ahead of the Grand Depart, saying that after London in 2007 and with Wiggo causing such huge public interest in the 2012 Tour and Olympics, he and ASO had already made a decision that they needed to come back to the UK within 3 years, either to Edinburgh or Yorkshire. How do we get it back again?!?!

    Not sure about Edinburgh, it’d certainly be a great location but unless they’ve miraculously finished the tram system which as had Princess Street dug up since the last century it’s not a goer; they’d want a sprint finish along there with the castle in the background.

    Anyway it’d be wasted on the Scots, they’re even less familiar with exercise than they are with food that hasn’t been battered and deep fried.

  15. @Fausto Crapiz

    Waiting on the mountains…… getting tired of watching guys crash (and motorcycles almost run them over) in the rain.

    That’s the thing with youngsters these days.  All instant gratification, no patience and unable to see the bigger picture.

  16. @Chris

    Anyway it’d be wasted on the Scots, they’re even less familiar with exercise than they are with food that hasn’t been battered and deep fried.

    Ha ha. I’m picturing Porte riding up to Froome in the last 5km and passing over a deep fried Mars Bar from his back pocket.

  17. @Chris

    Not sure about Edinburgh, it’d certainly be a great location but unless they’ve miraculously finished the tram system which as had Princess Street dug up since the last century it’s not a goer; they’d want a sprint finish along there with the castle in the background.

    Sprring finish up the Tram Track???  Heyzeus (by Merckx) that really would be the last man standing stuff!

  18. @Teocalli


    Not sure about Edinburgh, it’d certainly be a great location but unless they’ve miraculously finished the tram system which as had Princess Street dug up since the last century it’s not a goer; they’d want a sprint finish along there with the castle in the background.

    Sprring finish up the Tram Track??? Heyzeus (by Merckx) that really would be the last man standing stuff!

    Sprring??? wtf  Sprint – hopefully obviously

  19. @Teocalli


    Not sure about Edinburgh, it’d certainly be a great location but unless they’ve miraculously finished the tram system which as had Princess Street dug up since the last century it’s not a goer; they’d want a sprint finish along there with the castle in the background.

    Sprring finish up the Tram Track??? Heyzeus (by Merckx) that really would be the last man standing stuff!

    I reckon it’d be a Depart from Edinburgh and a finish in Glasgow outside their shiny new Velodrome if the Scots did get it.

    And that’s a big if.

  20. @VeloJello


    @Teocalli Bollocks. I really to sleep not stay up all night watching it. I’ve got in on record but I’ve missed the first eight minutes. Does 4 have a +1?

    Have you not heard of ? Get with the bloody program man!

    No. I hadn’t. Is it legal?

  21. @VeloJello


    Prudhomme was on BBC Radio last Saturday morning, ahead of the Grand Depart, saying that after London in 2007 and with Wiggo causing such huge public interest in the 2012 Tour and Olympics, he and ASO had already made a decision that they needed to come back to the UK within 3 years, either to Edinburgh or Yorkshire. How do we get it back again?!?!

    I can see Edinburgh being the next pick in the next 5 years. If Edinburgh can get off its arse and put together a persuasive argument to start there. Just saying “Its reet nice city ye ken?” isn’t gunna cut the mustard.

    The Scots have some great riding, albeit in some pretty remote regions. I live on the North East coast near Northumberland, and I’d love to see the tour run through some of my playground (or as Matt Hayman calls it “our office”), but it’s pretty remote countryside. Edinburgh is an hour and half away and a joint Lothian/Berwickshire/Northumberland bid would be fantastic, and at least spread the cost. That fucking Scottish Independence vote may be distracting time and funds elsewhere at present mind…

    Plus Glasgow is running the Commonwealth Games this year… Now Glasgow, there is a thought, if they want to keep the momentum running, could be a good shout.

    Grand Depart Prologue – Edinburgh

    Stage 1 – Edinburgh to Northumberland

    Ferry Newcastle to Amsterdam

    Stage 2 Amsterdam to Antwerp

    Stage 3 Calais to Dieppe

    That’s that sorted.

  22. @piwakawaka



    The thing that struck me most about what state Froome was in was that having got in the car he was unable to close the door himself. He clearly wanted it closed to shut out the cameras but was unable to grip or pull it himself and had to ask for it to be closed.

    I saw that too. The guy must have been half out it after that crash. It looked like he didn’t know which part of his body to hold. When they got a new bike for him, he almost looked at it like he thought it was going to bite his good hand off.

    The guy had to be sitting in the car just devastated, confused and in dismay. How long did he sit in the back seat in the warm comfort of that Jaguar with his helmet still atop his dome?

    I was completely rooting against Team Sky and Froome, but to see the top contender withdraw is disappointing. A victory seems somewhat diminished when the defending champion isn’t there to compete against…..

    I can’t understand this sentiment, the defending champ was in the race, he has been beaten, simple as that, maybe the course was the winner but to finish first , first you have to finish, anyone who completes the race has beaten Chris Froome.

    Personally, I’d rather beat a guy who’s at his best, than win because they didn’t survive the bad luck of the day.

  23. @Fausto Crapiz

    Waiting on the mountains…… getting tired of watching guys crash (and motorcycles almost run them over) in the rain.

    Let me guess, you’re favorite race would be a time trial up Haleakala.  Everything else is not racing according to you, right?

  24. @Chris



    @Teocalli Bollocks. I really to sleep not stay up all night watching it. I’ve got in on record but I’ve missed the first eight minutes. Does 4 have a +1?

    Have you not heard of ? Get with the bloody program man!

    No. I hadn’t. Is it legal?

    I’ve never asked. Cosmo Catalano uses it quite regularly for his Youtube clips.

  25. @Mike_P

    Grand Depart Prologue – Edinburgh

    Stage 1 – Edinburgh to Newcastle

    Ferry Newcastle to Amsterdam

    Stage 2 Amsterdam to Antwerp

    Stage 3 Calais to Dieppe

    That’s that sorted.

    Now that would be fucking awesome! I live a 10 minute ride from the ferry terminal.

  26. I watched THAT stage a day late on DVR…wow, just fantastic to watch, everything I had hoped for and more. I love that a serious difference was made by a GC guy somewhere other than in a TT or the mountains. To me a the winner of our biggest event should be the best all-round rider and I think if Nibali wins it would be hard to argue that’s the case. Even if Contador or Valverde can pull back two minutes on him and win then I think they qualify as well because they fought through this stage to limit their losses (Valverde moreso).


    About the stage itself, it seems to me that it was almost more about bike handling than actual power. If you look at the top 5 all those guys are notable for their brilliant bike handling – cyclocross world champ, former mountain biker, best GC descender, perhaps best overall bike handler and a guy who descends at 100 kph on a TT bike. I would like to see a replay of how how Sagan/Cancellara got gapped off on that pentultimate section, seems strange to me that the Astana guys could do that – is that where Kwiatkowski crashed? Well done by Boom to recognize the danger and close the gap – remember initially the 3 Astana riders were away alone until Boom came across. Once he did you figured he was good for the win. Also, Lieuwe Westra should be getting WAY more credit than he is. Got into the break, was pulled back to help Nibali when the other Astana riders crashed (where Nibali almost went over his own guy) and drove that lead group for probably 30 key kms. This was right after Talanksy and VdB had gone down on the cobbles and were trying to get back. Westra didn’t look like he was getting a ton of help, but he still put time into Garmin, which had JVS, Langeveld and Bauer pulling full gas to bring back Talansky, not to mention Movistar/Tinkoff/BMC further back. Impressive stuff.

    Finally the average speed – 160 km in 3:18!? In those conditions, considering how much they had to slow down to make some of the corners, especially on the cobbles. That’s absolutely unreal.

  27. @VeloJello


    Anyway it’d be wasted on the Scots, they’re even less familiar with exercise than they are with food that hasn’t been battered and deep fried.

    Ha ha. I’m picturing Porte riding up to Froome in the last 5km and passing over a deep fried Mars Bar from his back pocket.

    The Scottish musette: two cans of Irn Bru, a deep-fried mars bar, some crisps, a Tunnocks Tea Cake, a big block of tablet and a cheeky wee bottle of Buckfast. Rocket fuel right there, pure magic rocket fuel!

  28. @wiscot



    Anyway it’d be wasted on the Scots, they’re even less familiar with exercise than they are with food that hasn’t been battered and deep fried.

    Ha ha. I’m picturing Porte riding up to Froome in the last 5km and passing over a deep fried Mars Bar from his back pocket.

    The Scottish musette: two cans of Irn Bru, a deep-fried mars bar, some crisps, a Tunnocks Tea Cake, a big block of tablet and a cheeky wee bottle of Buckfast. Rocket fuel right there, pure magic rocket fuel!

    Dunnae forget twenny benny hedhogs or a packie o ten regal, pal

  29. I hereby nominate for the Anti-V moment of the year every single rider who says the cobbles have no place on a Grand Tour (and it is with a heavy heart because I realize this includes Spartacus, but we all have our off days).

    And please everyone, stop feeding Feisty Crapsalot by quoting his misguided ramblings. It is my fear that the V-computer may be including them in calculating his ranking (shows up on June 23, shits all over everyone, and is already level 2?)

    Okay, done with being grumpy for today.

  30. @Chris




    Anyway it’d be wasted on the Scots, they’re even less familiar with exercise than they are with food that hasn’t been battered and deep fried.

    Ha ha. I’m picturing Porte riding up to Froome in the last 5km and passing over a deep fried Mars Bar from his back pocket.

    The Scottish musette: two cans of Irn Bru, a deep-fried mars bar, some crisps, a Tunnocks Tea Cake, a big block of tablet and a cheeky wee bottle of Buckfast. Rocket fuel right there, pure magic rocket fuel!

    Dunnae forget twenny benny hedhogs or a packie o ten regal, pal

    Of course! And that would be historically accurate too – a wee puff oot oan the road. But would the ciggies go in the musette or be carefully stowed in helmet vents? Much handier to get at that way. (except, of course, when it’s raining.)

    If the race comes to Edinburgh, the phrase du jour at the feed station will be “you’ll have had your musette then?” Of course, they can’t have a sprint finish on Princes Street as they fucked it up with tram tracks. Maybe an uphill sprint on the cobbles of the Royal Mile or a wee Puy de Dome finish up Arthur’s Seat might be in order, ken? I’d avoid parking the team buses anywhere near Broomhouse too – they have that shit nicked and sold before you can say yellow jersey.

  31. @ChrisO


    Just an observation here. I was watching a certain 4 letter sports network (it was zero dark thirty and I was on the trainer, pre-tour coverage) and noticed the following commercials in heavy rotation: fast food, shit beer, crap small cars and doritos. Then on the tour coverage in heavy rotation (this is in the US mind you): hair gel, insurance, vitamins and Michelob ultra. What sociological observations can one make?

    That people who are watching sports channels in the small hours are probably low income, less health-savvy younger males, and possibly stoned.

    Unless it is a direct sponsorship e.g. Monday Night Football brought to you by… or something high-profile, general advertising is related to the audience not the content.

    This is something I often bring up in arguments about women’s cycling. Unless and until it can deliver a different target group then sponsors and advertisers will get more return on investment from men’s cycling, and that’s what they care about.

    Last week was at the in-laws, then visiting the Olds. I haven’t watched regular t.v. in a long time. (I either watch Eurosport online for cycling or movies.) Seeing all those commercials for all that garbage gave me great insight into why so many Americans are a) fucking crazy b) obese.

    I do have to say though that I have a new favorite infomercial. Gone is Ron Popeil and his “Set It & Forget It,” replaced by…the Brazilian Butt Lift Booty Cutie workout. If in 60 days old men don’t say, “Wow, there goes a Brazilian Butt Booty Cutie” when you walk by, we’ll refund your money. Holy cannoli, that ‘mercial was incredible, pure comedy.

  32. @Chris




    Anyway it’d be wasted on the Scots, they’re even less familiar with exercise than they are with food that hasn’t been battered and deep fried.

    Ha ha. I’m picturing Porte riding up to Froome in the last 5km and passing over a deep fried Mars Bar from his back pocket.

    The Scottish musette: two cans of Irn Bru, a deep-fried mars bar, some crisps, a Tunnocks Tea Cake, a big block of tablet and a cheeky wee bottle of Buckfast. Rocket fuel right there, pure magic rocket fuel!

    Dunnae forget twenny benny hedhogs or a packie o ten regal, pal

    Will they spray cans of Tennants Extra over everyone from the podium?

  33. @Ron

    Seeing all those commercials for all that garbage gave me great insight into why so many Americans are a) fucking crazy b) obese.

    What?! You don’t equate driving a Cadillac Escalade with the elegance and privilege of the French royal court of 18 c. France (commercial on NBCSN tour coverage)? Or that this is desirable and a winning formula for social prosperity and economic progress?

  34. @VeloJello





    Anyway it’d be wasted on the Scots, they’re even less familiar with exercise than they are with food that hasn’t been battered and deep fried.

    Ha ha. I’m picturing Porte riding up to Froome in the last 5km and passing over a deep fried Mars Bar from his back pocket.

    The Scottish musette: two cans of Irn Bru, a deep-fried mars bar, some crisps, a Tunnocks Tea Cake, a big block of tablet and a cheeky wee bottle of Buckfast. Rocket fuel right there, pure magic rocket fuel!

    Dunnae forget twenny benny hedhogs or a packie o ten regal, pal

    Will they spray cans of Tennants Extra over everyone from the podium?

    That’s about the best thing you can do with Tennants Extra. Mind you, it’s basically the same as the podium boys whipping it out and pishing over the crowd. I’d feel very soiled in either situation.

  35. @VeloJello

    @wiscot Ha ha ha. You’ve tasted the awful treacle-esque horrors of Tramp Warmer too…

    Hoo-wee! Can these be ordered on the internet, or do I need to get my brother to bring a few over to the US next month? Will they clear customs? Also, isn’t it redundant to list BOTH super strength lager AND windscreen wiper fluid when invoking the name Tennants? I mean, it’s common knowledge that they’re basically the same thing.

    Why is Luca Paolini appearing in that advert? Isn’t that Chris Froome’s fiancee at the bottom of the ad too?

  36. @wiscot


    @wiscot Ha ha ha. You’ve tasted the awful treacle-esque horrors of Tramp Warmer too…

    Hoo-wee! Can these be ordered on the internet, or do I need to get my brother to bring a few over to the US next month? Will they clear customs? Also, isn’t it redundant to list BOTH super strength lager AND windscreen wiper fluid when invoking the name Tennants? I mean, it’s common knowledge that they’re basically the same thing.

    Why is Luca Paolini appearing in that advert? Isn’t that Chris Froome’s fiancee at the bottom of the ad too?

    Ace.  Near a coffee nose incident.

  37. 43 to go and Jens has flatted, good wheel change, shouldn’t hurt him getting back on in pouring rain!

  38. I’ve now watched stage 5 three times and cannot get over 250k in 3 hrs 18 mins on those roads in those conditions (and what musta been a helluva tail wind) and at the end? Boom looked as though he was he was trying to break his cranks as he hammered home he was that strong. To read of the interviews it would seem as if he was kid waking up on a Christmas morning as he was heading out for that stage. And the day for him just kept getting better. Watching TdF racers attack in mtn’s is cool. But this year’s stage 5 ? What a unique treat.

  39. That was a cracker!

    Provisional Race Results
    1. NIBALI Vincenzo
    2. FUGLSANG Jakob
    3. PORTE Richie
    4. KWIATKOWSKI Michal
    5. VALVERDE Alejandro
    Provisional VSP Standings
    1. Two Ball Billy (23 points)
    2. Dave R (23 points)
    3. oldensteel (23 points)
    4. frank (23 points)
    5. slideorama (20 points)
    6. BaltoSteve (20 points)
    7. JBailey (13 points)
    8. R00tdown (10 points)
    9. strathlubnaig (10 points)
    10. AD (10 points)
    162. Kedan (0 points)
  40. Oh no, Vinokourov doing interviews in a backwards teal colored golf cap. Ouch.

  41. Big Tony Martin doing his traditional insanely long solo attack. Come on Tony!

  42. Awesome Tony Martin and OPQS. Not only to they rock old school caps but the underside peak of Martin’s says ‘Panzerwagen’.

    Shame for him the German newspapers will have a slightly bigger story tomorrow morning but well done.

  43. New standings after a cracking stage. @Deakus takes the lead.

    Provisional Race Results
    1. GALLOPIN Tony
    2. NIBALI Vincenzo
    3. MACHADO Tiago
    4. FUGLSANG Jakob
    5. PORTE Richie
    Provisional VSP Standings
    1. Deakus (15 points)
    2. MPL (15 points)
    3. Mikael Liddy (15 points)
    4. Beercycles (15 points)
    5. roberto (15 points)
    6. scaler911 (15 points)
    7. norm (15 points)
    8. Island Bike (15 points)
    9. JBailey (6 points)
    10. girl (6 points)
    162. Kedan (0 points)
  44. Contador snaps frame and loses over 4 mins on the peleton and chasing to get back.  Wonder how “stock” that frame was?  Time to start weighing bikes in the mountain stages  and preventing swaps other than for genuine mechanicals (to be inspected post race) – or at least also weighing swaps with all frames being registered?  Equivalent of Formula 1 park ferme.

  45. Contador has abandoned. What you just heard was the sound of the entire VSP exploding.

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